There are three sensible targets for conversion.
Output Formats¶
We’ll focus on GPX.
We’ll bypass formal processing of the XSD definitions. The data collected is simple. The GPWPL sentence only has lat, lon, ID The GPRTE sentences only have ID, number/total, and a list of waypoint names.
Template output for the GPX document as a whole:
creator="xsd:string [1]">
<name> xsd:string </name>
<desc> xsd:string </desc>
<wpt> wptType </wpt>
<rte> rteType </rte>
A waypoint (wptType):
lat="latitudeType [1] ?"
lon="longitudeType [1] ?">
<name> xsd:string </name>
A route (rteType):
<name> xsd:string </name>
<number> xsd:nonNegativeInteger </number>
<desc> xsd:string </desc>
<rtept> wptType </rtept>
Here’s another XML data structure we could emit.
There’s no formal schema for the CSV representation of points and routes. In order to work with these, concrete examples from GPSNavX and the new Zeus2 chart plotter are required.
Conversion Processing¶
The conversion process involves two steps.
- Load the JSON version of the saved sentences.
- Create an XML document using GPX tags.
There are two variations.
- Convert a saved route.
- Convert the saved waypoint list.
Each route contains duplicate copies of relevant waypoints. It looks like GPSNavX handles this by appending a suffix to the waypoint to distinguish duplicate copies.
Note that the legacy chartplotter names are highly abbreviated, upper-case only.
After conversion, it’s helpful to manually edit the GPX documents to write more informative waypoint and route names.
MacBookPro-SLott:NMEA-Tools slott$ python3 -m nmeatools.waypoint_to_gpx /Users/slott/Documents/Sailing/Cruise\ History/routes/rt1.json --desc '2017 Waypoints from Red Ranger chartplotter.' --force
INFO:__main__:Read route from /Users/slott/Documents/Sailing/Cruise History/routes/rt1.json
INFO:__main__:GPWPL 37°50.45′N 76°16.406′W REEDVILLE
INFO:__main__:GPWPL 37°50.356′N 76°16.521′W WPT017
INFO:__main__:GPWPL 37°50.21′N 76°16.701′W WPT018
INFO:__main__:GPWPL 37°50.081′N 76°16.764′W WPT016
INFO:__main__:GPWPL 37°49.939′N 76°16.986′W WPT015
INFO:__main__:GPWPL 37°49.875′N 76°16.911′W COCK CR ST
INFO:__main__:GPWPL 37°49.35′N 76°16.858′W COCK CR RU
INFO:__main__:GPWPL 37°49.122′N 76°17.017′W COCK CR 1
INFO:__main__:GPWPL 37°48.492′N 76°17.557′W GWICO 6
INFO:__main__:GPWPL 37°48.326′N 76°16.915′W GWICO 4
INFO:__main__:GPWPL 37°48.007′N 76°15.793′W GWICO 2
INFO:__main__:GPWPL 37°46.894′N 76°12.375′W GWICO 1
INFO:__main__:GPWPL 37°40.722′N 76°11.616′W CHES 59A
INFO:__main__:GPWPL 37°34.341′N 76°11.882′W RAP 2R
INFO:__main__:GPWPL 37°33.28′N 76°15.51′W PIANK2
INFO:__main__:GPWPL 37°31.99′N 76°19.02′W PIANK6
INFO:__main__:GPWPL 37°32.585′N 76°19.172′W JACKSON
INFO:__main__:GPRTE 'DLTVL RDVL' 1 c ['WPT017', 'WPT018']
INFO:__main__:GPRTE 'DLTVL RDVL' 2 c ['WPT015', 'COCK CR ST']
INFO:__main__:GPRTE 'DLTVL RDVL' 3 c ['COCK CR 1', 'GWICO 6']
INFO:__main__:GPRTE 'DLTVL RDVL' 4 c ['GWICO 2', 'GWICO 1']
INFO:__main__:GPRTE 'DLTVL RDVL' 5 c ['RAP 2R', 'PIANK2']
INFO:__main__:23 sentences read
INFO:__main__:Writing /Users/slott/Documents/Sailing/Cruise History/routes/rt1.gpx
Why are there extra waypoints in the waypoint list that are not referenced in the route?
Your guess is as good as mine.
The names like "DLTVL RDVL"
need to be manually changed in the resulting
GPX file to something like "Deltaville to Reedville"