
Introductory Example to Literate Programming

Print the famous 99 bottles of beer song lyrics

This was used as an introductory example to literate programming in the (no longer available) LiteratePrograms.org Wiki.

This version uses Python3.

The lyrics

We take the lyrics from the Wikipedia, which says in the 99 bottles of beer entry:

The verse format is very formulaic, and can be expressed as follows:

From 99 down to 1:

verse_template = """
<number> bottles of beer on the wall
<number> bottles of beer!
Take one down, pass it around
<number - 1> bottles of beer on the wall!"""

There is much variation in the final verse. One common final verse (which could potentially cause an infinite-loop motif) is:

final_verse = """
No bottles of beer on the wall!
No bottles of beer!
Go to the store and buy some more
99 bottles of beer on the wall!"""

The Python program

There are a countless number of ways to implement a program that prints the whole song in Python. The following examples uses a for loop and the replace method of string objects.

Basic version

Count down from 99 to 1 and print the verses:

def print_verses_1(start_number=99):
    for number in range(start_number, 0, -1):
        verse = verse_template.replace("<number>", str(number))
        print(verse.replace("<number - 1>", str(number-1 or "No")))

Consider the singular case

There is one problem left, we should check whether to print ‘bottles’ or ‘bottle’.

An improved version will replace the “bottles” with a construct that takes into account the actual number of bottles:

def print_verses_2(start_number=99):
    for number in range(start_number, 0, -1):
        verse = verse_template.replace("<number>", str(number))
        verse = verse.replace("bottles", "bottle" + plural_suffix(number))
        print(verse.replace("<number - 1>", str(number-1 or "No")))

where an auxiliary function returns the matching suffix (or not):

def plural_suffix(number):
    if number != 1:
        return "s"
        return ""

Still, the last line come out wrong, as here we have <number-1> bottles. To treat this case we either could split the last line and treat it differently, or use a modified template as e.g.

verse_template_2 = """
<number> bottle<s> of beer on the wall
<number> bottle<s> of beer!
Take one down, pass it around
<number - 1> bottle<s> of beer on the wall!"""

together with:

def print_verses_3(start_number=99):
    for number in range(start_number, 0, -1):
        verse = verse_template_2.replace("<number>", str(number))
        verse = verse.replace("<s>", plural_suffix(number), 2)
        verse = verse.replace("<s>", plural_suffix(number-1), 1)
        print(verse.replace("<number - 1>", str(number-1 or "No")))

Command line use

Print the lyrics if this script is called from the command line:

if __name__ == "__main__":