
Configure listings to highlight Python code

Author:Günter Milde
Revision:$Revision: 5534 $
Date:$Date: 2005-06-28$
Copyright:© 2007, 2009 G. Milde, Released without warranties or conditions of any kind under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0

To use the listings package for syntax highlighting with Docutils, pass the --stylesheet=listings-python-options.sty --literal-block-env=lstlisting options to

For full documentation see listings.pdf.



[2009/03/02 v0.1 highlight Python with lstlistings]

Of course, we need to load the listings package itself:


In a document with lots of lists and listings, separating paragraphs by vertical seems appropriate:


Font settings


% \RequirePackage{mathptmx} % Times
\RequirePackage{mathpazo} % Palatino

We need a “rich” monospaced font. txfonts’ typewriter font comes with bold, slanted, and small-caps variants and without the problems of txfonts’ math fonts:


Default language


Highlight literal blocks as Python, add missing keywords:


% pre-load the language
\lstloadlanguages{Python} %  comma separated list of languages


Typeface settings:

  basicstyle=\ttfamily,           % print whole listing in tt
  % basicstyle=\ttfamily\small,   % and, maybe small
  % identifierstyle=\slshape,     % object names
  commentstyle=\rmfamily\itshape, % italic comments
  stringstyle=\slshape,           % strings

Visible whitespace:

\lstset{showstringspaces=false}  % no visible spaces in strings
%        showtabs=true,
%        tab=\rightarrowfill}

Line numbers:

%\lstset{numbers=left, numberstyle=\tiny, stepnumber=2, numbersep=5pt}

Frames around listings:


Extended characters in listings:


Column alignment

(for typesetting with variable width fonts)

columns=[c|l|r] <alignment>

<alignment> in [fixed, flexible, spaceflexible, or fullflexible] The optional c, l, or r controls the horizontal orientation of smallest output units (keywords, identifiers, etc.).

default: [c]fixed

basewidth={fixed, flexible}

sets the width of a single character box for fixed and flexible column mode (both to the same value or individually).

default: {0.6em,0.45em}

\lstset{columns=fullflexible, basewidth={0.5em,0.4em}}