Roll-Counting Player Class

A common Craps strategy is to add bets as a kind of “hedge” against losing the line bet. This means that a player can have numerous working bets: the mandatory line bet, the behind the line odds bet, plus any additional hedge bets. For example, buying the 6 or 8 is a hedge that will pay out separately from the game overall.

We’ll tackle a particularly complex betting strategy. In this case, a player that judges that a game has gone “too long” without a successful resolution. This is a common fallacy in probability theory. A seven is not “due”. The odds of throwing a seven are always \tfrac{1}{6}.

In order to handle this, we’ll need to have a larger number of independent bets, with independent betting strategies. The previous design will have to be expanded to allow for this.

In Roll-Counting Analysis we’ll examine the essential betting strategy. This will have large implications. We’ll look at them in Decomposing the Player and Implementing SevenCounter.

This will lead to a round of redesigning a number of classes. In BettingStrategy Design we’ll disentangle the game-based betting from the various betting strategies that dictate amounts.

We can then implement each betting strategy in a way that’s separate from each player. We’ll look at the details in:

Once we’ve separated betting strategies from game playing strategies, we can then create a number of more advanced players. These include

We’ll enumerate the deliverables in Roll-Counting Deliverables.

Roll-Counting Analysis

There is a distinction between one-roll odds and cumulative odds. The one roll odds of rolling a 7 are \tfrac{1}{6}. This means that a Pass Line bet will win one time in six on the come out roll. The cumulative odds of rolling a 7 on a number of rolls depends on not rolling a seven (a \tfrac{5}{6} chance) for some number of rolls, followed by rolling a 7. The odds are given in the following table.



Odds of 7





\tfrac{5}{6} \times \tfrac{1}{6}



\left(\tfrac{5}{6}\right)^2 \times \tfrac{1}{6}



\left(\tfrac{5}{6}\right)^3 \times \tfrac{1}{6}



\left(\tfrac{5}{6}\right)^4 \times \tfrac{1}{6}



\left(\tfrac{5}{6}\right)^5 \times \tfrac{1}{6}


This cumulative chance of rolling a 7 suggests the odds of the game ending with a loss will grow because the cumulative odds of throwing a 7 grow as the game progresses also grows.

The idea here is the longer a game runs, the more likely it is to lose the initial Pass Line bet. Consequently, some players count the throws in the game, and effectively cancel their bet by betting against themselves with the Seven proposition.

Each game duration has a probability. The sum of all durations weighted by their probabilities is the expected value of the game duration. With a little coding, it’s apparent the expected duration is six throws. While games longer than that are possible, they are unexpected.


Bad Odds

Note that the Seven proposition is a \tfrac{1}{6} probability that pays “5 for 1”, (effectively 4:1).

While the basic probability analysis of this bet is not encouraging, it does have an interesting design problem: the player now has multiple concurrently changing states:

  • They have Pass Line bet,

  • they can use a Martingale strategy for their Pass Line Odds bet,

  • they are counting throws, and using a Martingale strategy for a Seven proposition starting with the seventh throw of the game.

Either the class will become quite complex. Or we’ll have to decompose this class into a collection of simpler objects, each modeling the individual state changes.

Decomposing the Player

This leads us to consider the Player class as a composite object with a number of states and strategies. It also leads us to design a separate class to handle Martingale betting.

When we were looking at the design for the various players in Design Cleanup and Refactoring, we glanced at the possibility of separating the individual betting strategies from the players, and opted not to. However, we did force each strategy to depend on a narrowly-defined interface of the oddsBet(), win() and lose() methods. We can exploit this narrow interface in teasing apart the various strategies and rebuilding each variation of the Player class with a distinct betting strategy object.

The separation of the Player class from the BettingStrategy class involves taking the betting-specific information out of each Player subclass, and replacing the various methods and fields with one or more BettingStrategy objects.

In the case of Roulette players, this is relatively simple. We generally use just one bet with a variety of strategies.

In the case of Craps players, we often have two bets, one with a trivial-case betting strategy where the bet never changes. We’ll need a special NoChange class to define the strategy for the Pass Line. We’ll need a Martingale (or 1-3-2-6, Cancellation, or Fibonacci) for the Behind the Line Odds bet. We can then redefine all Craps player’s bets using instances of these BettingStrategy objects.

The responsibilities of a BettingStrategy object include the following things:

  • Maintain a preferred Outcome instance, used to build Bet instances.

  • Maintain a bet amount, changing the amount in response to wins and losses.

The existing win() and lose() methods are a significant portion of these responsibilities. The oddsBet() method of the various CrapsSimplePlayer classes embodies other parts of this, however, the name is inappropriate and it has a poorly thought-out dependency on the Player superclass.

The responsibilities of a Player instance are to

  • keep one or more betting strategies, so as to place bets in a game.

All of the Roulette players will construct a single BettingStrategy object with their preferred Outcome instance. This is consistent with this new design.

The various CrapsSimplePlayer classes will have two BettingStrategy instances: one for the line bet and one for the odds bet. This also fits with the player as a collection of strategies.

The only difference among the simple strategies is the actual BettingStrategy object, simplifying the Player class hierarchy to a single Roulette player and two kinds of Craps players: the stub player who makes only one bet and the other players who make more than one bet and use a betting strategy for their odds bet.

Implementing SevenCounter

Once we have this design in place, our SevenCounter class can then be composed of three, separate betting strategies objects:

  • a Pass Line bet that uses the NoChange strategy;

  • a Pass Line Odds bet that uses are more advanced betting strategy;

  • a Seven proposition bet that will only be used after seven rolls have passed in a single game.

The Pass Line Odds and Seven proposition bets can use any of the strategies we have built: Martingale, 1-3-2-6, Cancellation, or Fibonacci.

Currently, there is no method to formally notify the CrapsPlayer of unresolved bets. The player is only told of winners and losers.

The opportunity to place bets indicates that the dice are being rolled. Additionally, the ability to place a line bet indicates that a game is beginning. We can use these two methods to count the throws in during a game, and reset the counter at the start of a game, effectively counting unresolved bets.

BettingStrategy Design



This is the Outcome that will be watched for wins and losses, as well as used to create new Bet instances.


BettingStrategy.__init__(self, outcome: Outcome) → None

outcome (Outcome) – The outcome on which this strategy will create bets

Initializes this betting strategy with the given Outcome.


BettingStrategy.createBet(self) → Bet

Returns a new Bet using the outcome Outcome and any other internal state of this object., bet: Bet) → None

bet (Bet) – The bet which was a winner

Notification from the Player that the Bet was a winner. The Player has responsibility for handling money, this class has responsibility for tracking bet changes.

BettingStrategy.lose(self, bet: Bet) → None

bet (Bet) – The bet which was a loser

Notification from the Player that the Bet was a loser.

BettingStrategy.__str__(self) → str

Returns a string with the name of the class and appropriate current state information. For the superclass, it simply returns the name of the class. Subclasses will override this to provide subclass-specific information.

NoChangeBetting Class

class NoChangeBetting

The NoChangeBetting is a subclass of BettingStrategy that uses a single, fixed amount for the bet. This is useful for unit testing, for modeling simple-minded players, and for line bets in Craps.



This is the amount that will be bet each time. A useful default value is 1.


NoChangeBetting.__init__(self, outcome: Outcome) → None

outcome (Outcome) – The outcome on which this strategy will create bets

Uses the superclass initializer with the given Outcome.


NoChangeBetting.createBet(self) → Bet

Returns a new Bet using the outcome Outcome and betAmount., bet: Bet) → None

bet (Bet) – The bet which was a winner

Since the bet doesn’t change, this does nothing.

NoChangeBetting.lose(self, bet: Bet) → None

bet (Bet) – The bet which was a loser

Since the bet doesn’t change, this does nothing.

NoChangeBetting.__str__(self) → str

Returns a string with the name of the class, outcome, and betAmount.

MartingaleBetting Class

class MartingaleBetting

The MartingaleBetting class is a subclass of BettingStrategy that doubles the bet on each loss, hoping to recover the entire loss on a single win.



The number of losses. This is the number of times to double the pass line odds bet.


The the bet multiplier, based on the number of losses. This starts at 1, and is reset to 1 on each win. It is doubled in each loss. This is always betMultiple = 2^{lossCount}.


MartingaleBetting.__init__(self, outcome: Outcome) → None

outcome (Outcome) – The outcome on which this strategy will create bets

Uses the superclass initializer with the given Outcome. Sets the initial lossCount and betMultiplier.


MartingaleBetting.createBet(self) → Bet

Returns a new Bet using the outcome Outcome and the betMultiple., bet: Bet) → None

bet (Bet) – The bet which was a winner

Resets lossCount to zero, and resets betMultiple to 1.

MartingaleBetting.lose(self, bet: Bet) → None

bet (Bet) – The bet which was a loser

Increments lossCount by 1 and doubles betMultiple.

NoChangeBetting.__str__(self) → str

Returns a string with the name of the class, outcome, the current betAmount and betMultiple.

Bet1326Betting Class

Bet1326Betting is a subclass of BettingStrategy that advances the bet amount through a sequence of multipliers on each win, and resets the sequence on each loss. The hope is to magnify the gain on a sequence of wins.



This is the current state of the 1-3-2-6 betting system. It will be an instance of one of the four subclasses of Player1326State: No Wins, One Win, Two Wins or Three Wins.


Bet1326Betting.__init__(self, outcome: Outcome) → None

outcome (Outcome) – The outcome on which this strategy will create bets

Initializes this betting strategy with the given Outcome. Creates an initial instance of Player1326NoWins using outcome.


Bet1326Betting.createBet(self) → Bet

Returns a new Bet using the currentBet() method from the state object., bet: Bet) → None

bet (Bet) – The bet which was a winner

Determines the next state when the bet is a winner. Uses state’s nextWon() method and saves the new state in state.

Bet1326Betting.lose(self, bet: Bet) → None

bet (Bet) – The bet which was a loser

Determines the next state when the bet is a loser. Uses state’s nextLost(), method saving the result in myState.

Bet1326Betting.__str__(self) → str

Returns a string with the name of the class, outcome and state.

CrapsOneBetPlayer class

class CrapsOneBetPlayer

The CrapsOneBetPlayer class is a subclass of CrapsPlayer and places one bet in Craps. The single bet is one of the bets available on the come out roll (either Pass Line or Don’t Pass Line). This class implements the basic procedure for placing the line bet, using an instance of BettingStrategy to adjust that bet based on wins and losses.



An instance of BettingStrategy that applies to the line bet.

Generally, this is an instance of NoChangeBetting because we want to make the minimum line bet and the maximum odds bet behind the line.


CrapsOneBetPlayer.__init__(self, table: Table, lineStrategy: BettingStrategy) → None

Constructs the CrapsOneBetPlayer with a specific Table for placing best. This will save the given BettingStrategy in lineStrategy.

Creation of A Player

passLine = table.dice.get("Pass Line")
betting = MartingaleBetting(passLine)
passLineMartin = CrapsOneBetPlayer(betting)
  1. Get the Pass Line Outcome instance from the Dice object.

  2. Creates a Martingale betting strategy focused on the basic Pass Line outcome.

  3. Creates a one-bet player, who will employ the Martingale betting strategy focused on the basic Pass Line outcome.


CrapsOneBetPlayer.placeBets(self) → None

Updates the Table with the various Bet instances. There is one basic betting rule.

If there is no line bet, create the line Bet instance from the lineStrategy.

Be sure to check the price of the Bet before placing it. Particularly, Don’t Pass Odds bets may have a price that exceeds the player’s stake. This means that the Bet object must be constructed, then the price must be tested against the stake to see if the player can even afford it. If the stake is greater than or equal to the price, subtract the price and place the bet. Otherwise, simply ignore it., bet: Bet) → None

bet (Bet) – The bet which was a winner

Notification from the Game that the Bet was a winner. The amount of money won is available via theBet winAmount(). If the bet’s Outcome matches the lineStrategy ‘s Outcome, notify the strategy, by calling the lineStrategy ‘s win() method.

CrapsOneBetPlayer.lose(self, bet: Bet) → None

bet (Bet) – The bet which was a loser

Notification from the Game that the Bet was a loser. If the bet’s Outcome matches the lineStrategy ‘s Outcome, notify the strategy, by calling the lineStrategy ‘s lose() method.

CrapsTwoBetPlayer class

class CrapsTwoBetPlayer

The CrapsTwoBetPlayer ckass is a subclass of CrapsOneBetPlayer and places one or two bets in Craps. The base bet is one of the bets available on the come out roll (either Pass Line or Don’t Pass Line). In addition to that, an odds bet (either Pass Line Odds or Don’t Pass Odds) can also be placed. This class implements the basic procedure for placing the line and odds bets, using two instances of BettingStrategy to adjust the bets based on wins and losses.

Typically, the line bet uses an instance of NoChangeBetting.

The odds bets, however, are where we want to put more money in play.



An instance of BettingStrategy that applies to the line bet.


CrapsTwoBetPlayer.__init__(self, table: Table, lineStrategy: BettingStrategy, oddStragtegy: BettingStrategy) → None

Constructs the CrapsTwoBetPlayer with a specific Table for placing bets. This will save the two given BettingStrategy instances in lineStrategy and oddsStrategy.

The superclass handles the lineStrategy. This subclass extends that definition with the oddsStrategy.


CrapsTwoBetPlayer.placeBets(self) → None

Updates the Table with the various Bet objects. There are two basic betting rules.

  1. If there is no line bet, create the line Bet instance from the lineStrategy.

  2. If there is no odds bet, create the odds Bet instance from the oddsStrategy., bet: Bet) → None

bet (Bet) – The bet which was a winner

Notification from the Game that the Bet was a winner. The superclass handles the money won and the line bet notification. This subclass adds a comparison between the bet’s Outcome and the oddsStrategy object’s Outcome; if they match, it will notify the strategy, by calling the oddsStrategy object’s win() method.

CrapsTwoBetPlayer.lose(self, bet: Bet) → None

bet (Bet) – The bet which was a loser

Notification from the Game that the Bet was a loser. The superclass handles the line bet notification. If the bet’s Outcome matches the oddsStrategy object’s Outcome, notify the strategy, by calling the oddsStrategy object’s lose() method.

CrapsSevenCountPlayer class

class CrapsSevenCountPlayer

The CrapsSevenCountPlayer class is a subclass of CrapsTwoBetPlayer and places up to three bets in Craps. The base bet is a Pass Line bet. In addition to that, a Pass Line Odds bet can also be placed. If the game runs to more than seven throws, then the “7” proposition bet (at 4:1) is placed, using the Martingale strategy.

The Pass Line bet uses an instance of NoChangeBetting. The Pass Line Odds bet uses an instance of Bet1326Betting.



The BettingStrategy for the seven bet. Some argue that this should be a no-change strategy. The bet is rare, and – if effect – the player bets against them self with this. One could also argue that it should be a Martingale because each throw after the seventh are less and less likely to win.


The number of throws in this game. This is set to zero when we place a line bet, and incremented each time we are allowed to place bets.


CrapsSevenCountPlayer.__init__(self, table: Table) → None

This will create a NoChangeBetting strategy based on the Pass Line Outcome. It will also create a MartingaleBetting strategy based on the Pass Line Odds Outcome. These will be given to the superclass constructor to save the game, the line bet and the odds bet. Then this constructor creates a Bet1326Betting strategy for the Seven Proposition Outcome.


CrapsSevenCountPlayer.placeBets(self) → None

Updates the Table with the various Bet instances. There are three basic betting rules.

  1. If there is no line bet, create the line Bet from the lineStrategy. Set the throwCount to zero.

  2. If there is no odds bet, create the odds Bet from the oddsStrategy.

  3. If the game is over seven throws and there is no seven proposition bet, create the proposition Bet from the sevenStrategy.

Each opportunity to place bets will also increment the throwCount by one., bet: Bet) → None

bet (Bet) – The bet which was a winner

Notification from the Game that the Bet was a winner. The superclass handles the money won and the line and odds bet notification.

CrapsSevenCountPlayer.lose(self, bet: Bet) → None

bet (Bet) – The bet which was a loser

Notification from the Game that the Bet was a loser. The superclass handles the line and odds bet notification.

Roll-Counting Deliverables

There are two groups of deliverables for this exercise. The first batch of deliverables are the new Betting Strategy class hierarchy and unit tests. The second batch of deliverables are the two revised Craps Player classes, the final Roll Counter Player, and the respective unit tests.

Also, note that these new classes make the previous CrapsSimplePlayer, CrapsMartingale, Craps1326 and CrapsCancellation classes obsolete. There are two choices for how to deal with this change: remove and re-implement. The old classes can be removed, and the Simulator reworked to use the new versions. The alternative is to re-implement the original classes as Facade over the new classes.

Betting Strategy class hierarchy. There are four classes, with associated unit tests in this group of deliverables.

  • The BettingStrategy superclass. This class is abstract; there is no unit test.

  • The NoChangeBetting class.

  • A unit test for the NoChangeBetting class. This will simply confirm that the win() and lose() methods do not change the bet amount.

  • The MartingaleBetting class.

  • A unit test for the MartingaleBetting class. This will confirm that the win() method resets the bet amount and lose() method doubles the bet amount.

  • The Bet1326Betting class.

  • A unit test for the Bet1326Betting class. This will confirm that the win() method steps through the various states, and the lose() method resets the state.

CrapsPlayer class hierarchy. There are three classes, each with an associated unit test in this group of deliverables.

  • The CrapsOneBetPlayer class.

  • A unit test for the CrapsOneBetPlayer class. One test can provide a No Change strategy for a Pass Line bet to verify that the player correctly places Line bets. Another test can provide a Martingale strategy for a Pass Line bet to verify that the player correctly changes bets on wins and losses.

  • The CrapsTwoBetPlayer class.

  • A unit test for the CrapsTwoBetPlayer class. One test can provide a No Change strategy for a Pass Line bet and a Martingale strategy for a Pass Line Odds bet to verify that the player correctly places Line bets and correctly changes bets on wins and losses.

  • The CrapsSevenCountPlayer class.

  • A unit test for the CrapsSevenCountPlayer class. This will require a lengthy test procedure to assure that the player correctly places a Seven proposition bet when the game is over seven throws long.

Looking Forward

We’ve build a detailed, and reasonably complete simulation of craps. We’ve also refactored the players and the betting strategies to allow us to compose a player with a variety of complex betting behaviors. This allows us to evaluate the various strategies to see which one loses money the slowest.

In the long run, they all lose.

In the next chapter, we’ll summarize the various components built so far.