
This section starts with a Problem Statement. This attempts to define the context in which the problem arises, the problem to be solved and any forces that influence the choice of solution. Given this, it can propose a solution and some consequences of the chosen solution.

Based on the problem statement, this section describes a use case for this software. This will be Our Simulation Application. In this section, we’ll look at the overall strategy and establish some areas of responsibility for various software components.

We’ll look at some issues in Methodology, Technique and Process that are not technical in nature. They’re more procedural and provide some direction on development, testing and writing documentation.

In Additional Topics: Non-Functional Requirements we’ll look at issues like Quality, Rework, Reuse, and Design Patterns.

Finally, we’ll look at rework in Rework and the Learning Process. Doing rework to correct initial assumptions is an important part of the way this book is organized.


Fools Rush In

It’s important not to rush in to programming.

Be sure you understand the problem being solved and how software solves that problem.

Let’s look closely at the problem we’re going to solve.

Problem Statement

Context. We’re going to study the “classic” casino table games played against the house, including Roulette, Craps and Blackjack. We want to explore the consequences of various betting strategies for these casino games.

Questions include “How well does the Cancellation strategy work?” “How well does the Martingale strategy works for the Come Line odds bet in Craps?” “How well does this Blackjack strategy I found on the Internet compare with the strategy card I bought in the gift shop?”

A close parallel to this is exploring variations in rules and how these different rules have an influence on outcomes. Questions include “What should we do with the 2× and 10× odds offers in Craps?” “How should we modify our play for a single-deck Blackjack game with 6:5 blackjack odds?”

Our context does not include exploring or designing new casino games. Our context also excludes multi-player games like poker.

Problem. Our problem is to answer the following question: For a given game, what player strategies produce the best results?

Forces. There are a number of forces that influence our choice of solution. Here’s an overview:

  • We want an application that is has bounded complexity. Instead of producing a rich, sophisticated interactive user interface, we will produce raw data and statistical summaries. A command-line interface (CLI) lets the user specify a betting strategy; the application will respond with a presentation of the results. Using a comma-separated values (CSV) format, the can be pasted into a spreadsheet for further analysis.

  • We want an application that is easy to extend to different betting strategies as well as new games. The customization is done by modifying the supplied code. The user can build a new betting strategy, test it, and run simulations.

  • We need to reflect actual game play. A long-running simulation of thousands of individual cycles of play will approach the theoretical results. However, people typically don’t spend more than a few hours at a table game. If, for example, a Roulette wheel is spun once each minute, a player is unlikely to see more that 120 spins in two hours at a casino.

  • Additionally, many players have a fixed budget, and the betting is confined by table limits. This means that the betting strategy needs to address the subject of “money management:” a player may elect to stop playing when they are ahead or cut their losses when they are behind.

High-Level Use Case. The high-level use case is the overall cycle of investigation. The actor’s goal is to find an optimal strategy for a given game.

Here’s the scenario we’re imagining.

  1. Actor: Uses an IDE to build new classes for a simulator and runs the updated simulation. The classes may provide variant game rules, variant play strategies, or variant betting strategies.

  2. IDE: Responds with output from running unit tests.

  3. Actor: Runs the simulator with selection of game and strategy.

  4. Simulator: Responds with statistical results.

  5. Actor. Evaluates the results. Uses a spreadsheet or other tool for analysis and visualization. Perhaps another Python application digests the simulation output to produce summaries.

Consequences. We’re going build the simulator application around the use case.

We won’t address how to analyze the results. That’s a separate, and interesting topic.

One of the most important consequences of our solution is building an application into which new player betting strategies can be inserted. Clever gamblers invent new strategies all the time.

We will not know all of the available strategies in advance, so we will not be able to fully specify all of the various design details in advance. Instead, we will find ourselves reworking some parts of the solution, to support a new player betting strategy.

Given this overview of the simulation and modeling intent, we can look at the application program and how we’ll use it. In the next section we’ll provide the overall concept behind using this application.

Our Simulation Application

What will our application look like?

From reading the problem and use case information, we can identify at least the following four elements to our application.

  • The game being simulated. This includes the various elements of the game: the wheel, the dice, the cards, the table, and the bets.

  • The player being simulated. This includes two separate details:

    • Decisions the player makes based on the state of the game. Blackjack has complex player decisions.

    • Betting choices based on the state of the game. Craps has very complex betting decisions.

  • The statistics being collected.

  • An overall control component which processes the game, collects the statistics, and writes the details or the final summary.

While potentially interesting, we will not pursue the design of a general-purpose simulation framework. Nor will we use any of the available general frameworks. While these are handy and powerful tools, we want to focus on developing application software “from scratch” (or de novo) as a learning exercise.

For more information on a general simulation tool, see

A typical execution of the simulator application will look like the following example:

Sample Execution

python3 -m casino.craps"Player1326" >details.log
  1. We select the main simulator control using the package casino and the module craps.

  2. We define the player to use,"Player1326". The main method will use this parameter to create objects and execute the simulation.

  3. We collect the raw data in a file named details.log.

There are a number of more technical considerations that we will expand in Development Environment. These include the use of an overall application framework and an approach for unit testing.

In addition to the software itself, we also need to look closely at how we’ll build this software. In the next section, we’ll look at our overall approach, often called the “methodology”. We’ll look at some specific techniques and talk about the process of building software.

Methodology, Technique and Process

The intent of this book is to focus on programming language and design skills; we won’t narrowly follow the details any particular software development methodology. We prefer to lift up a few techniques which seem to have the most benefit.

  • Incremental Development. Each chapter is a “sprint” that produces some collection of deliverables. Each part of the book is a complete release.

  • Unit Testing. We don’t dwell on test-driven development, but each chapter explicitly requires unit tests for the classes built. Ideally, one writes the test cases first.

  • Static Analysis. We’ll provide suggested type hints. The student should use mypy to provide some confidence the code is likely to work as expected.

  • Embedded Documentation. We’ll describe the documentation expectations.

The exercises are presented as if we are doing a kind of iterative design with small deliverables. We present the exercises like this for a number of reasons.

  1. We find design is helped by immediate feedback. While we present the design in considerable detail, we do not present the final code. Programmers new to OO design will benefit from repeated exposure to the transformation of problem statement through design to code.

  2. This presentation parallels the way software is developed. A project may emphasize larger collections of deliverables. However, the actual creation of working eventually decomposes into classes, fields and methods.

For developers enamored of a strict waterfall methodology – with all design work completed before any programming work – the book can be read in a slightly different order. From each exercise chapter, read only the overview and design sections. From that information, integrate the complete design. Then proceed through the deliverables sections of each chapter, removing duplicates and building only the final form of the deliverables based on the complete design.

This preliminary work to create a waterfall project is quite difficult.

Making Technical Decisions

Many of the chapters will include some lengthy design discussions. Some of these will appear to be little more than hand-wringing over nuances. Others appear to be “thinking out loud.”

Pragmatically, it helps to do a certain amount of hand-wringing over OO design. We call it “Looking For The Big Simple”. It can take a great deal of time and effort to find a simple implementation for a complex problem. A technique that helps is to enumerate the alternatives with pros and cons.

Our intent can be summarized as follows:

Good design comes from a good process for technical decision-making.

Admit what is unknown, and take steps to reduce our degrees of ignorance. Do research. Write proofs-of-concept.

Budget time for exploring the bad designs before arriving at a good design.

A little more time spent on design can result in considerable simplification, which will reduce overall development and maintenance costs.

It’s also important to note that people are not omniscient. Some of the exercises include intentional dead-ends. As a practical matter, we can rarely foresee all of the consequences of a design decision and we need to be prepared to undertake rework.

We’ve looked at the problem, and an overview of our solution; these are the functional requirements for the solution. In this section, we looked out some of the techniques and processes. In the next section, we’ll look at some additional considerations for the product we’ll create; these are non-functional requirements.

Additional Topics: Non-Functional Requirements

We can decompose software requirements into two broad categories:

  • Functional Requirements. These are the things the software must do. The use cases should address this completely. The point of use cases is to describe what the user will do with the software.

  • Non-Functional Requirements. These are the supporting ideals and principles that make good software. This includes compatibility with multiple operating systems, auditability of the results, retention of history, and other topics.

The number of non-functional features of software is large. We’ll talk about a few of them, specifically:

General aspects of software quality

Our approach to overall quality will focus on unit tests, static analysis, and documentation. There are many more things which can be thought of when considering software quality.

Here’s a broad list of quality topics:

  • Need Satisfaction.

  • Performance and Resource Use.

  • Maintenance.

  • Adaptation and Change.

  • Organizational Considerations.

Need Satisfaction. This is the essence of the functional requirements: does the software meet the need? If we start with a problem statement, and define the use cases, we’ll often write software which is focused on the user’s needs.

Performance. We don’t address performance specifically in this book. However, the presence of extensive unit tests allows us to alter the implementation of classes to change the overall performance of our application. As long as the resulting class still passes the unit tests, we can develop numerous alternative implementations to optimize speed, memory use, input/output, or any other resource.

Maintenance. Software is something that is subject to a great deal of change. It changes when we uncover and fix bugs. More commonly, it changes when our understanding of the problem, the actor, or the use case changes.

In many cases, our initial solution merely clarifies the actor’s thinking. After using an application, we’ll need to alter the software to reflect the user’s deeper understanding of the problem.

Software maintenance is just another cycle of the iterative approach we’ve chosen in this book. We pick a feature, create or modify classes, and then create or modify the unit tests. In the case of bug fixing, we often add unit tests to demonstrate the bug, and then fix our classes to pass the revised unit tests.

Adaptation. Adaptation refers to our need to adapt our software to changes in the context where its used. The context can include interfaces, operating systems, or platforms. When we address issues of interoperability with other software, portability to new operating systems, scalability for more users, we are addressing adaptation issues.

Organizational. There are some organizational quality factors: cost of ownership and productivity of the developers creating it. We don’t address these directly. Our approach, however, of developing software incrementally often leads to good developer productivity.

The non-functional requirements are secondary to the functional requirements. If the software doesn’t work in the first place, it doesn’t matter how adaptable it is.

In addition to looking at quality overall, we also need to consider reuse of the software. This can be daunting, and it’s important to have concrete goals for the reusability of software we write.

Reusability of code

While there is a great deal of commonality among the three games, the exercises do not start with an emphasis on constructing a general, reusable framework. We find that too much generalization and too much emphasis on reuse is not appropriate for beginning OO designers.

Additionally, we find that projects that begin with too-lofty reuse goals often fail to deliver valuable solutions in a timely fashion. We prefer not to start out with a goal that amounts to boiling the ocean to make a pot of tea.

While a promise of OO design is reuse, this needs to be tempered with some pragmatic considerations. There are two important areas of reuse:

  • Reusing a class specification to create objects with common structure and behavior, and

  • Using inheritance to reuse structure and behavior among multiple classes of objects.

Beyond these two areas, undue emphasis on reuse can create more cost than value.

The first step in reuse comes from isolating responsibilities to create classes of objects. Generally, a number of objects that have common structure and behavior is a kind of reuse. When these objects cooperate to achieve the desired results, this is sometimes called emergent behavior: no single class contains the overall functionality, it grew from the interactions among the various objects.

The second step in OO reuse is inheritance. The subclass-superclass relationship yields a form of reuse: a class hierarchy with six subclasses will share the superclass code seven times over. This, by itself, has tremendous benefits.

We caution against any larger scope of reuse. Sharing classes between projects may or may not work out well. The complexity of achieving inter-project reuse can be paralyzing to first-time designers. Often, different projects reflect different points of view, and the amount of sharing is limited by these points of view.

As an example, consider a product in a business context. An external customer’s view of the product (shaped by sales and marketing) may be very different from the internal views of the same product. Internal views of the product (for example, finance, legal, manufacturing, shipping, support) may be very different from each other. Reconciling these views may be far more challenging than a single software development project. For that reason, we don’t encourage this broader view of reuse.

For our purposes in this book, there’s no broader reuse goal. We’ll avoid considerations appropriate to larger frameworks, or complex enterprise applications.

An important quality consideration is writing software that fits commonly-understood design patterns. We’ll look at the question of design patterns next.

Design patterns and principles

These exercises will refer to several common design patterns. A Design Patterns book is not a prerequisite; a reader may want to find books on design patterns to gain additional insight into the design patterns used here. We feel that use of common design patterns significantly expands the programmer’s repertoire of techniques.

Many design pattern books are focused on languages like C++ and Java, where language rules can create sticky situations requiring some moderately clever and insightful programming techniques. Python has a different set of language features, changing several classic design patterns in profound ways. For this reason, we don’t strongly recommend spending a lot of time studying design patterns outside the Python language context.

While well-known design patterns can be helpful, they often require some experience to see how they work and what the possible value is. We suggest paying close attention other software, reading widely, and looking for common features that form recognizable patterns.

The process of writing software often involves dead-ends, mistakes, and rework. In the next section, we’ll address the concept of rework and how this book helps you to tackle the inevitable rework problems that arise.

In the next section we’ll look at an important part of the overall process for building software. We need to understand lessons learned along the way, and deal gracefully with the need to rework software.

Rework and the Learning Process

In Problem Statement, we described the problem. In Our Simulation Application, we provided an overview of the solution. The following parts will guide you through an incremental design process; a process that involves learning and exploring. This means that we will coach you to build classes and then modify those classes based on lessons learned during later steps in the design process. See our Soapbox on Rework for an opinion on the absolute necessity for design rework.

We don’t present a complete design for the entire application. We feel that it is very important follow a realistic problem-solving trajectory. Beginning designers should be exposed to the decisions involved in creating a complete design. In our experience, all problems involve a considerable amount of “learn as you go”.

We want to reflect this in our series of exercises. In many respects, a successful OO design is one that respects the degrees of ignorance that people have when starting to build software. We will try to present the exercises in a way that teaches the reader how to manage ignorance and still develop valuable software.

For some, the word rework has a negative connotation. If you find the word distasteful, please replace every occurrence with any of the synonyms: adaptation, evolution, enhancement, mutation. We prefer the slightly negative connotation of the word rework because it helps managers realize the importance of incremental learning and how it changes the requirements, the design and the resulting software.

Since learning will involve mistakes, good management plans for the costs and risks of those mistakes. Generally, our approach is to manage our ignorance; we try to create a design such that correcting a mistake only fixes a few classes.

We often observe denial of the amount of ignorance involved in creating IT solutions. It is sometimes very difficult to make it clear that if the problem was well-understood, or the solution was well-defined there would be immediately applicable off-the-shelf or open-source solutions. The absence of a ready-to-hand solution generally means the problem is hard. It also means that there are several degrees of ignorance: ignorance of the problem, solution and technology; not to mention ignorance of the amount of ignorance involved in each of these areas.

We see a number of consequences of denying the degrees of ignorance.

  • Programmers. For programmers experienced in non-OO (e.g. procedural) languages, learning OO design can be difficult and frustrating. When this is new, it helps to make mistakes to learn effectively. Programmers need time and space to explore and make mistakes. Feel free to rework your solutions to make them better. Above all, do not attempt to design a solution that is complete and perfect the very first time. We can’t emphasize enough the need to do design many times before understanding what is important and what is not important in coping with ignorance.

  • Managers. For managers, the design rework appears to be contrary to the fanciful expectation of reduced development effort from OO techniques. The usual form for the complaint is the following: “I thought that OO design was supposed to be easier than non-OO design.” We’re not sure where the expectation originates, but good design takes time, and learning to do good design seems to require making mistakes. Every project needs a budget for making the necessary mistakes, reworking bad ideas to make them good, and searching for simplifications.

We find that early “high-level” designs will miss details of the problem domain. This will lead to rework. Forbidding rework amounts to mandating a full understanding of the problem prior to any code.

In most cases, our users do not fully understand their problem any more than our developers understand our users. Generally, it is very hard to understand the problem, the technology, and the solution. We find that hands-on use of preliminary versions of software can help more than endless conversations about what could be built.

Looking Forward

We’ve looked at the problem, the general form of the solution. We’ve talked a bit about the process or methodology to be used, and some of the non-functional requirements. We’ve even acknowledged that mistakes will be made, and rework will be part of the process.

In the next chapter, we’ll talk specifically about the what tools to install, and what deliverables will be created.