Introduction to Python Programming

Steven F. Lott

Part 4 -- Tooling and Good Practices


  1. Base Python Runtime and Virtual Environment Manager
  2. Jupyter Lab
  3. IDE
  4. Testing
  5. Multi-Environment Testing
  6. Documentation
  7. Deployment

1. Base Python Runtime and Virtual Environment Manager

See Part 1.

Use conda.

  1. Download Miniconda (or the full Anaconda if you're a scientist)
  2. Install Conda (or Anaconda)
  3. Use conda create to create a Python environment
  4. Use conda activate to activate a environment

Why Conda?

Python comes with venv, plus there are many others.

Conda is particularly good a building large scientific packages.

The conda script is consistent on POSIX (Linux and macOS) as well as Windows.

Why Use Another?

Python comes with venv.


You don't need conda. venv will do nicely.

Why Use Virtual Environments?

One environment is never enough.

Open source software in general is in a constant state of flux.

You'll always need to test against newer versions of packages, libraries, frameworks.

Python changes on a regular cadence. See

Docker Images

Don't know how many folks intend to use docker images. I can recommend this path.

You can often find docker images with Python installed.

Example ubuntu:latest, debian:latest, python:3.9

docker pull python
docker run -it --rm -v "$PWD" python:3 python


Use a virtual environment manager.

Ideally. Use conda to build Python for you.

Otherwise. Download the Python binary and use whatever virtual environment makes you happiest.

2. Jupyter Lab

Use Jupyter Lab

  1. Install it in your current virtual enviroment.

    conda install jupyterlab
  2. Star the lab server.

    jupyter lab
  3. Create a notebook.

Why Use JupyterLab?

It's really cool and friendly.

Why Not Use Interactive Python?

It's very low overhead.

(python4hr) ODSC-Live-4hr % python
Python 3.9.6 (default, Aug 18 2021, 12:38:10)
[Clang 10.0.0 ] :: Anaconda, Inc. on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> 355/113

It's a bare Read-Execute-Print Loop (REPL).

"Production" Use -- i.e. Automation

Consider your use cases.


Python is designed to be used interactively.

Use Python interactively to explore algorithms and data.

Can't emphasize this enough

Been writing Python code for 20 years.

A REPL prompt open in a terminal window (or the IDE) at all ties.

Use it as a desk calculator.

Did a weekly in-house webcast for years from a jupyter notebook.

But. What if it's complex?

Outside talks like these, it's always complex.

You'll often be creating your own modules and libraries.

You can provide users with a notebook that has imports all set up and ready to roll.

You can give them super-handy libraries of ready-to-use functions.


The Jupyter Lab is very handy.

3. IDE

When you're going to be writing Python apps, libraries, modules, frameworks, scripts, etc.

Any text editor will do. Any.

Except notepad on Windows. Never use notepad.

IDE Examples

There are -- maybe -- 20 more choices. All good. All.

Why So Many IDE's?

Python is simple.

No compile/build/archive tool overhead.

Minimal debugging and packaging complexity.

No Tool Overhead

A lot of complexity in Java, C, C++, etc., comes from the compiler.

And the archiver to make JAR's (or .ar or whatever).

And the linker to make an executable app from .o files and .ar. (or .java and .jar)

None of this in Python.

But Wait! You Say

I used python -m pip install whatever

It downloaded a "wheel" whatever.whl.

Isn't that tooling overhead? Just like a JAR file?

It's Handy. But No.

Much Python software is available as a "wheel" or "egg".

This is not required.

You never need to make these.

This tooling is outside the language and only required if you package things for PyPI.


The pdb Python debugger is part of the distribution.

Feel free to use it.

(I add print() functions. I don't often use the debugger.)


When you've got a great library/package/framework/tool/whatever...

You'll want to put it on PyPI for others to share.

Then you'll get involved in "distutils" and "twine".

Don't start there, though. First, get stuff to work.




    ... created by sphinx


Follow Along

Make some directories

Create a file in src.

We'll put some code in it later.


Flat is better than nested.

Don't create one-file-per-class. This is a silly approach designed to help the compiler.

Don't create lots and lots of nested directories. They don't help much.

You don't need much. A single is acceptable. Really.


Any text editor will be good.

There's not much that's required.

You want syntax coloring, ready access to Python prompt and command line.

Don't sweat PyPI packaging and distribution.

4. Testing

Unit testing and integration testing are really important.

Really important.

Software features that can't be demonstrated by automated tests simply don't exist.

Extreme Programming Explained, Kent Beck

What do we do?

Testing Approach

TDD -- Test-Driven Development is your friend.

To the extent possible, write test cases first.

Fill in working code later to make the tests pass.

Testing Tools

Using Doctest

The doctest tool scans a file, looking for >>> examples.

It runs the >>> line(s) of code.

Compares them with the lines that follow.

My File: src/

def hotpo(n: int) -> int:
    >>> hotpo(10)
    >>> hotpo(5)
    if n % 2 == 0:
        return n // 2
        return 3 * n + 1

Running Doctest

% python -m doctest src/

No output? No failures.

Want details? Add -v.

% python -m doctest -v src/

Using Pytest

First. Install it conda install pytest.

The pytest tool looks for a tests directory.

Inside that directory, it looks for files with names starting with test*.py.

Within those files, it looks for test cases.

My File: tests/

import pytest
from collatz import hotpo

def test_hotpo():
    assert 5 == hotpo(10)
    assert 16 == hotpo(5)

Running Pytest

% PYTHONPATH=src python -m pytest

===================== test session starts =====================
platform darwin -- Python 3.9.6, pytest-6.2.4, py-1.10.0, pluggy-0.13.1
rootdir: /Users/slott/Documents/Writing/Python/ODSC-Live-4hr
plugins: anyio-2.2.0
collected 1 item

tests/ .                                 [100%]

====================== 1 passed in 0.02s ======================

Wait. What's that command again?

Code is in a src directory.

To make code in src visible:

Using Unittest

import unittest
from collatz import hotpo

class TestHotpo(unittest.TestCase):
    def test(self):
        self.assertEqual(5, hotpo(10))
        self.assertEqual(16, hotpo(5))


We create mock collaborators to test a class in isolation.

It's a stand-in that has just enough behavior to not crash the test.

Usually filled with known, fake answers.

>>> transform = Mock(return_value=42)
>>> transform(1)

More of src/

def iterate_from(n: int) -> Iterator[int]:
    yield n
    while n != 1:
        n = hotpo(n)
        yield n

Depends on hotpo(). Isolation requires a Mock.

Creating a Mock

import pytest
from unittest.mock import Mock, call

def mock_hotpo(monkeypatch):
    m = Mock(name='mock hotpo', side_effect=[4, 2, 1])
    monkeypatch.setattr(collatz, 'hotpo', m)
    return m

Using A Mock

def test_iterate_from(mock_hotpo):
    results = list(collatz.iterate_from(42))
    assert results == [42, 4, 2, 1]
    assert mock_hotpo.mock_calls == [

Design for Testability

Helps to follow the SOLID design principles.

The dependency between iterate_from() and hotpo() is a design problem.

Requires monkeypatching the module for a test.


The topic of test case coverage is huge.

A Simple Approach

Strive for 100% code coverage.

conda isntall pytest-cov
PYTHONPATH=src python -m pytest --cov=src \

Example Coverage Report

---------- coverage: platform darwin, python 3.9.6-final-0 -----------
Name             Stmts   Miss  Cover   Missing
src/      10      0   100%
TOTAL               10      0   100%

Testing Basics

  1. doctest Start here. Use >>> examples everywhere.
  2. pytest Use this as your primary test engine.
  3. unittest.mock Buids mock objects. Good design reduces need for monkeypatching.
  4. coverage Install pytest-cov and it's integrated with pytest.
Yes, there's more.

5. Multi-Environment Testing

We'll always have multiple versions of packages on which we depend.

We'll need to test various versions of those packages with our code.

How do we do this? tox

What tox does

The tox tool build virtual environments.

And runs commands in each environment.

That's all.
But wow! is that handy


This isn't available through conda

python -m pip install tox


There are two paths for configuration for tox

We'll focus on a simple tox.ini.

tox.ini part 1

Some generic overhead.

minversion = 3.20.0
skipsdist = True
envlist = json-3-2-0,json-4-0-0

tox.ini part 2 -- General Environment

deps =
setenv   =
    PYTHONPATH = {toxinidir}/src
commands =
    python -m doctest --option ELLIPSIS src/
    python -m pytest --cov=src --cov-report=term-missing
    mypy --strict --show-error-codes src

tox.ini part 3 -- Specific Overrides

deps =

deps =

Running Tox

% tox

Output from each command...

________________________ summary ________________________
  json-3-2-0: commands succeeded
  json-4-0-0: commands succeeded
  congratulations :)

The first run after a change populates a cache. After that, it's fast.


You're going to have multiple test commands: doctest, pytest, mypy, pylint, etc.

Don't write a shell script.

Use tox to run the suite of commands.

Later, when you have multiple environments, tox can manage those, too.

6. Documentation


Use Sphinx.


  1. Install sphinx: conda install sphinx.
  2. Create a docs directory. cd docs.
  3. Run sphinx-quickstart in docs to build the for you.
  4. Run make html to build HTML docs.


You can write in Markdown or ReStructured Text (RST).

You can organize the files any way that makes sense.

You can use the ..  automodule:: directive to generate API reference documentation from your source code.


Use Sphinx.

It's how Python's internal documentation is produced.

Documentation comes from the source.

7. Deployment

Are we there yet?

How do we deploy the app after we've written, tested, and documented it?

Deployment Choices

Enterprise server apps

Desktop apps

PyPI Packages for the world to use

  1. Build a distribution kit.
  2. Test locally with tox.
  3. Put it on the PyPI test server.
  4. Make sure python -m pip install can install it.

Creating A Distribution Kit

This can be hellishly complex, depending on what your package contains.

In the most trivial cases (pure python)

  1. Write a
  2. Run python sdist

Beyond that, there are a lot of details to get right.


Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment

You really want to automate this as much as possible.

You don't want to type commands manually to test, build, and deploy your code.


For "simple" Enterprise cases, git clone is your friend.

For world-wide distribution via PyPI:


  1. Base Python Runtime and Virtual Environment Manager
  2. Jupyter Lab
  3. IDE
  4. Testing
  5. Multi-Environment Testing
  6. Documentation
  7. Deployment
