Design Note: Persistent Data Model

Architecture and Design

Sepecifically, see Database Design Alternatives.


There are several representations for X12 messages (like Claims), all of which need to be either reconciled into a single model or mappings created among the representations.

  • As a Claim object structure. Very hard to read and write – requires complex marshalling and unmarshalling methods. Very easy to manipulate.

  • As an X12Message structure. Easy to read and write, since it’s standardized flat text. Hard to navigate and manipulate.

  • As RDBMS tables and columns. Easy to summarize multiple messages using SQL techniques. Easy to persist. Very hard to read and write, moderately hard to manipulate.

Note that the 837 claims form a natural-looking class hierarchy with common features and subclass-unique features. A proper class hierarchy simplifies the application programming by making use of class inheritance techniques.


Generic X12 structures must be used as the source and destination for application-specific structures like Claims or Eligibility. It’s standardized, and readily available.

RDBMS structures must be used for persistence. It’s standardized and readily available. Further, simple ORM layers can bridge between a useeful object model and a RDBMS persistence model.

There are three use cases for this structure:

  • Defining the structure in the first place. X12 messages have 57 different types of segments. Some segment types are heavily reused – sometimes in separate loops, sometimes within a single loop – leading to 100’s of variations.

  • Persistence of the entire X12 message, for example, a Claim.

  • Navigation and basic get/set of elements within a segment within an instance of a loop.

  • Adding and removing X12 segments and loops to fundamentally alter the claim structure. Adding or removing a Loop generally means that a number of closely-related segments are added or removed.

  • Synthesizing a message from scratch.

We have two external, persistent representations of claims: X12 Text and RDBMS. We must map between both external representations using a common internal model – either at the X12Message level or at the application level (e.g. Claim).

  • X12Message. In this case, each individual “attribute” is an X12 element, accessible via an XPath-like query that navigates through the X12 structure to the requested attribute.

    • Definition. This comes from the .SEF files and the implementation guide. the tools.convertPyX12, tools.convertSEF applications can generate the entire DB schema from metadata.

      Any application-specific definitions must be folded in manually.

    • Persistence. This is problem-domain independent, and highly reusable.

    • Navigation.

      • Since this representation can map via Django’s ORM, the admin pages are (in effect) generated automatically by this implementation.

      • This pushes the X12/XPath navigation into the application.

    • Structure Changes. Simply adding a Segment in the Django admin pages can lead to creating an incomplete Loop. Either some validation is required to prevent this, or some application logic is required to define the complete Loop and step the user through each segment required.

  • Application-Specific, e.g. Claim. In this case, each individual attribute is an actual object attribute.

    • Definition. This would be application-specific. The X12 mappings, however, for marshalling and unmarshalling X12 messages must be folded in manually.

    • Persistence. Application-specific persistence adds a layer of processing between the X12 unmarshalling and the application-specific structure.

      • The application operates at a level closer to the user’s understanding.

      • We have a more complex (and less transparent) two-step marshalling and unmarshalling of X12 text to X12 structures to usable objects (e.g., Claims or Eligibility).

    • Navigation. It allows the application to be defined in functional user terms, leading to clear terms.

    • Structure Changes. If we persist at the application level, then the default Django admin pages would present the user’s view of the object, e.g. Claim or Eligibility.

  • Both. In this case, we use X12Message structures for persistence, but present application (i.e. Claim) structures to users. This implies two tiers of GUI (X12-level and Claim-level). This also implies a manual mappping between the user-oriented view of a Claim or Eligbility and the X12 message view.

    • Definition. This comes from the .SEF files and the implementation guide. the tools.convertPyX12, tools.convertSEF applications.

      • We can build a Claim object from the X12Message object. This forces us to assure that we either use the Claim exclusively or create a two-way mapping between Claim data and X12 data.

      • Define an application object as a Facade that uses the X12-XPath mappings. In this case, we don’t duplicate the X12 data to make a Claim, instead we package the various “Claim to X12” mappings as get/set methods of a Claim that provide access to the underlying X12 objects. In this case, an application object (e.g. Claim) is just a “view” of the X12 data.

    • Persistence. This is done via the X12 solution, see above.

    • Navigation. There are two levels: X12 and Application. This leads to building two tiers of GUI. The lower level is a transparent view of the X12 message. The higher level is a friendly, business-focused view of a application object like a Claim.

    • Structure Changes. At the X12 level, this is requires knowing the Loop structure so that appropriate segments can be added. At the Claim level, some validation rules need to be in place to assure that attribute values are provided in a way that forces creation of appropriate X12 segments to create a valid loop structure.


Application class hierarchies is often essential for having user-friendly, functional presentation in the application.

Defining a application object (e.g., Claim) that is a Facade over an X12 message provides the application structure without duplicating data. This avoids duplicating data, which avoids defining two-way mappings between X12 and the application objects. (Note that ORM is already a two-way mapping between RDBMS and X12 structures.)

If a Claim is a view, defined over the X12 message structure, we can define the higher-level, Claim-oriented GUI separately from the low-level X12 GUI that is built automatically by Django. The higher-level GUI could be more easily customized to include Customer-specific Implmentation Guide nuances.




Claim Structure
  • Claim

  • Claim Details

  • Patient

  • Provider

  • Submitter

  • Subscriber

  • Sevice Line

Claim GUI

Facade over X12

X12 Structure
  • Loops

  • Segment Types

  • Elements

Django Admin UI

ORM over SQL Tables

SQL Structure
  • Table per Segment Type


DB Access in ORM

This leads to building two tiers of claim UI: the lower-level X12 Structure UI is the default Django admin pages. The higher-level Claim UI would have to be built “by hand” to present the user with a meaningful Claim structure.

An application object model, being a Facade over the X12 structure would tend to build properly persistent X12 objects in the normal course of events.


We need simple-looking application class hierarchies that handle the relevant data items, and provides the proper level of reuse. A simple class hierarchy can provide proper polymorphism.

Each “attribute” of a claim can become a Python property. The Python property definition binds a getter/setter pair; these both use Python navigation to locate the element within the segment within the proper loop structure.

Note that we need to track instances correctly so that we can navigate to the correct loop instance when a loop occurs multiple times.