Design Note: Key Generation for X12Messages

Architecture and Design


Django assigns DB PK’s at save() time. An X12Message, however, is parsed in pieces, working from top down. This means that each parent has to be saved before any children can be parsed and attached to the parent.

See Design Note: Recursive Structures in SQL for more information.


While Django’s default PK generation slightly simplifies the programs, it means a great deal of saving during message parsing, making it slow. While message parsing is relatively rare, the slowness leads to using two forms of a message: a Django form and a separate “internal” form.

Pythonic speeds can be achieved if the message is parsed in its entirety without doing any saves. (Django requires the saves to have the DB generate the PK’s.) While the message can easily be assigned a unique id by the load process, we still have to create keys for each Loop and Segment within the overall message.

Use Cases

We have three use cases to consider.

  • Parsing a message. Here, we create the X12Message object first. Each X12Loop must have an FK to an enclosing X12Loop. Each X12Segment must have an FK to the enclosing X12Loop. For convenience, it works out well if each X12Loop and X12Segment also has an FK to the overall X12Message.

  • Messages are “cloned” to implement a “Save As…” technique. This means that all associated Loops and Segments must be cloned to have the proper parent message key. The remaining FK’s for X12Loop parentage and X12Segment parentage must also be properly revised.

  • Messages can be expanded (or contracted) to add or remove Loops and Segments. It helps slightly if the unique ID’s aren’t expected to be sequential. However, we have to work out a sequential numbering scheme that either permits inserts without renumbering, or develop a Visitor which can renumber Segments and Loops after an insert.


We have several choices for Loop and Segment key generation. Note that all of these techniques must completely replace all DB-generated keys.

  • Emulate a DB key generator with a global Singleton object that creates unique sequence of integers (or more complex GUID’s). This has to coordinate with the database to assure that the in-memory key generator doesn’t duplicate a DB key.

  • Use a multi-column key that doesn’t require global uniqueness. In this case, we have a number of choices for the multi-part key.

    • Loops have names, but these names can repeat, so an occurrence number is required to make the name unique. This technique is limited because it is challenging to reconstruct the original message in order unless each segment is assigned a proper sequential number, irrespective of the loop structure.

      We would have to use 3-part key: Message/LoopName/LoopOccurance. This is significantly more complex than simple Django ID’s, and undesirable.

    • Loops nest, so it’s challenging to assign simple sequential numbers to the loops. A loop should have a bracketing pair of numbers to show all of the segments it contains.

      However, we can assign simple sequential numbers to each Loop of a Message, giving us a 2-part key: Message/LoopSeq. This is only slightly more complex than Django’s simple ID’s.

      However, when we try to insert a new Loop, the simple sequential numbering falls apart.

    • Segments have an absolute position within the message as a whole, plus they have a relative position within a loop. We have a parent FK to show the Loop to which a Segment belongs. We also have a simple sequence for each Segment of a Message to assure that we keep them in the original order.

      Again, when we try to insert a new Message, the simple sequential numbering falls apart.

Django makes it trivial to fetch an entire message in what behaves as a single, simple query. To insert segments, we must traverse the message structure reassigning the sequence numbers for Loops and Segments to assure that they are processed in the correct order.


The best approach is to have a two part key for Loops and Segments. This key is a Message ID + Component ID.

The X12Message contain two methods which are sequence generators for segments and loops. The generator assigns simple ascending sequential numbers to each X12Segment and X12Loop that is part of the message. These are meaningless surrogate keys. These use persistent attributes of the message so that loops and segments can be added without inadvertent duplication.


In addition to the simple identity key of Message Name and Component Number, a Segment requires a sequential position. When a new Segment is inserted, other segment positions must be updated to make space for the new segment.

A Loop, similarly, requires information on it’s position within the overall message and parent loops. We can use either bracketing positions of the Segments within that Loop, or direct parentage.

  • bracketing segment number ranges permits easy SQL queries.

  • direct parentage FK’s requires Python methods for navigation.

Currently, there’s no real barrier to using Python methods for navigation. A SQL-only query is not part of the design. Bracketing segment numbers will not be used initially, but can be added later.