Message Schema as ClassΒΆ

A message definition has the following structure:

from .base import *
from .common import *

class ISA_LOOP_ISA(Segment):
    """Interchange Control Header"""
    _segment_name = 'ISA'

    isa01: Annotated[I01, Title('Authorization Information Qualifier'), Usage('R'), Position(1), Enumerated(*['00', '03'])]

    isa02: Annotated[I02, Title('Authorization Information'), Usage('R'), Position(2)]

    isa03: Annotated[I03, Title('Security Information Qualifier'), Usage('R'), Position(3), Enumerated(*['00', '01'])]

    isa04: Annotated[I04, Title('Security Information'), Usage('R'), Position(4)]

    isa05: Annotated[I05, Title('Interchange ID Qualifier'), Usage('R'), Position(5), Enumerated(*['01', '14', '20', '27', '28', '29', '30', '33', 'ZZ'])]

    isa06: Annotated[I06, Title('Interchange Sender ID'), Usage('R'), Position(6)]

    isa07: Annotated[I05, Title('Interchange ID Qualifier'), Usage('R'), Position(7), Enumerated(*['01', '14', '20', '27', '28', '29', '30', '33', 'ZZ'])]

    isa08: Annotated[I07, Title('Interchange Receiver ID'), Usage('R'), Position(8)]

    isa09: Annotated[I08, Title('Interchange Date'), Usage('R'), Position(9)]

    isa10: Annotated[I09, Title('Interchange Time'), Usage('R'), Position(10)]

    isa11: Annotated[I10, Title('Interchange Control Standards Identifier'), Usage('R'), Position(11), Enumerated(*['U'])]

    isa12: Annotated[I11, Title('Interchange Control Version Number'), Usage('R'), Position(12), Enumerated(*['00401'])]

    isa13: Annotated[I12, Title('Interchange Control Number'), Usage('R'), Position(13)]

    isa14: Annotated[I13, Title('Acknowledgment Requested'), Usage('R'), Position(14), Enumerated(*['0', '1'])]

    isa15: Annotated[I14, Title('Usage Indicator'), Usage('R'), Position(15), Enumerated(*['P', 'T'])]

    isa16: Annotated[I15, Title('Component Element Separator'), Usage('R'), Position(16)]

# Additional loops, segments, and composites omitted.

class ISA_LOOP(Loop):
    isa: Annotated[ISA_LOOP_ISA, Title('Interchange Control Header'), Usage('R'), Position(10), Required(True)]

    ItemGs_Loop: TypeAlias = Annotated[GS_LOOP, Title('Functional Group Header'), Usage('R'), Position(20), Required(True)]
    gs_loop: Annotated[list[ItemGs_Loop], MinItems(1)]

    ta1: Annotated[ISA_LOOP_TA1, Title('Interchange Acknowledgement'), Usage('S'), Position(20), Required(True)]

    iea: Annotated[ISA_LOOP_IEA, Title('Interchange Control Trailer'), Usage('R'), Position(30), Required(True)]

class MSG270(Message):
    """HIPAA Health Care Eligibility Inquiry X092A1-270"""
    ItemIsa_Loop: TypeAlias = Annotated[ISA_LOOP, Title('Interchange Control Header'), Usage('R'), Position(1), Required(True)]
    isa_loop: Annotated[list[ItemIsa_Loop], MinItems(1)]

The content of each level of the Message/Loop/Segment/Composite/Element structure is defined through type annotations.

The x12.base module provides class definitions on which the other defintions depend.

The x12.common module has type aliases taken from the X12 definitions. It includes the following:

ID: TypeAlias = str
# The other foundational definitions like AN, DT, TM, R, N, etc.

I01: TypeAlias = Annotated[ID, MinLen(2), MaxLen(2)]
# Many, many others, built on the foundational definitions

The built-in inspect module provides a handy get_annotations() function that examines the attributes of the class to locate the annotations for the component loops, composites, segments, and elements.

The typing module include get_type_hints() which is more useful becuase it works on a class as a whole.

Note that a Segment description can be reused in multiple Loop definitions. For more on this, see Loops as Namespace.

For the atomic Element definition, a full class seems to be a bit much. Each element is a primitive Python object. The types are Annotated[Foundation_, ...] definitions to extend the foundation with additional constraints.