
The goal is to build a Data Generator App for a specific problem domain. This app can used based on the synth data tools. The app’s responsibilities are:

  • to configure the synth data tools,

  • and persist the synthesized data in some useful serialization format.

Let’s pretend the problem domain is some HR-related database. The overall work is all HR related.

The structure will look like this:

[HR Data App]

[HR Schema]


package "Synthetic Data Tool" {
    package "synths" {
        [field synth]
    [SynthesizeModel] *- [field synth]

package "Pydantic" {
    [BaseModel] *- [Field]

[HR Data App] --> [HR Schema] : defines
[HR Data App] --> [Serialization] : uses
[HR Data App] --> [SynthesizeModel] : uses
[HR Schema] *-- [BaseModel] : contains
[BaseModel] -- [SynthesizeModel] :< "creates objects"

The HR Data App will produce synthetic data for the data model defined in the HR Schema. It can be helpful to define the HR Schema as a separate, reusable Python module. The Pydantic BaseModel class definitions can be used by an application. The additional details used by the Synthetic Data Tools have no impact on other Pydantic features.

The HR Schema conatins one or more Pydantic BaseModel definitions.

The HR Data App uses the Synthetic Data Tools to build objects for classes in the HR Schema. Each HR Schema class will have a parallel SynthesizeModel object that is an iterator over the desired objects. These objects can then be serialized.

The Serialization component covers the endless variety of file formats:

  • CSV


  • YAML

  • Spark

  • Kafka

  • SQL

  • etc.

Because the generated objects are Pydantic BaseModel subclasses, all of the facilities of Pydantic are available for conversion and serialization.

The details of the Synthetic Data Tool are covered in the Synthetic Data Tool Components section. To provide context, we’ll look at the Data Generator App first.

Data Generator App

The Data Generator App will be a Python application (or script) that creates and persists synthetic data.

For isolated data sets (without a complex multi-collection schema) the processing looks like this:

:define model;
:configure model synthesizer;
:get object iterator;
  :get next object;
  :serialize object;
repeat while (more data?) is (yes)

For SQL data, there are often multiple tables that require foreign key copies of primary key values. In these cases, the processing will be somewhat more complicated:

:define all models in the schema;
:configure all model synthesizers;
:configure schema synthesizer;
    :get object iterator;
      :get next object;
      :serialize object;
    repeat while (more data?) is (yes)
    ->no more objects;
repeat while (more models?) is (yes)
->no more models

There is no requirement to process the tables in any particular order. Once the schema synthesizer has been populated, the various model generators can all be run independently.

The data generation depends on a Pydantic BaseModel.

Model Definition

The BaseModel definition is based on Pydantic, with some very important extensions.

The model definitions are focused on JSON Schema definitions. This means the Pydantic json_schema_extra attribute of a Field definition are used heavily to provide needed details.

The baseline Pydantic annotations define data types and provide very broad domain definitions within those types. A data domain has a number of aspects:

  • The data type is often chosen from a small set of base types, including integer, float, string, date-time, and boolean. More complicated types are often built from these.

  • The domain is often a subset of the available values:

    • Numbers have an upper and lower boundary.

    • Strings can have a pattern or a defined format. They can also have minimum and maximum lengths.

    • Date-time values often have an upper and lower boundary.

These domain definitions need to be extended to cover a number of cases:

  • String sizes and patterns. Pydantic and JSON Schema provide for numerous defined formats. For cases that extend beyond these, regular expression patterns are also supported. The patterns don’t provide any information on the distribution of sizes for strings, or the distribution of choices within a regular expression.

  • Numbers and their distributions. While a minimum and a maximum are essential for data validation, a distribution or histogram is required to produce realistic data.

  • Dates and DateTimes have the same problem numbers have: they require a more complete domain definition including a distribution or histogram.

  • Enumerated values are supported directly by JSON Schema. However, a distribution histogram is also required.

  • Benford’s Law is an interesting facet of some measurements. See This biases the distribution of leading digits.

  • Foreign keys in a relational data model must match primary keys defined elsewhere in the schema. This means the foreign key synthesizer is limited to values chosen from a pool of values defined by a different synthesizer in a different model of the schema.

  • Optional values are a more subtle aspect of a domain definition. Optionality takes two forms: domain-indepedent null values, and domain-specific null values. A domain-indepedent null is the SQL NULL or Python None value. A domain-specific null is a coded value, like social security number 999-99-9999 that indicates some sort of missing or not-applicable value.

All of these aspects require JSON Schema extensions. Not all are currently implemented, but the architecture provides a useful framework for adding features.

Schema Definition

A Schema is a collection of models. For an application where there’s only one model, or the models are independent of each other, the schema can be safely ignored.

For SQL database design, however, requires a schema. Some tables have foreign keys that are primary keys on other tables. The schema is a collection of model definitions, allowing the cross-references to work.

It looks like this:

class SchemaSynth

class ModelSynth

class pydantic.BaseModel

class pydantic.Field

SchemaSynth o-- "{1, m}" ModelSynth : "Contains"

ModelSynth -- pydantic.BaseModel : "Based on"

pydantic.BaseModel *- pydantic.Field

What’s essential is the way a ModelSynth depends on an underlying Pydantic BaseModel. The Synthetic Data Tools rely on the rich set of type annotations in Pydantic. These are used to validate the output from Synthesizers, assuring the data is valid. This also makes Pydantic’s rich set of serialization options available, permitting easy creation of newline-delimited JSON and CSV. Further – with some care – the Pydantic model can be mapped against a separate SQL-based model to permit direct interaction with SQL databases in the case that’s helpful.

Here’s an example data model.

hide methods
hide circle

class Employee {
    id: int
    {field} name: string(40)
    hire_date: timestamp
    velocity: float
    manager_id: int

class Manager {
    manager_id: int
    employee_id: int
    {field} department_id: string(8)

Employee "{0,10}" --* Manager :< Manages

Employee -- Manager : IsA

A Manager manages a number of Employees. A Manager IS an Employee, also. This leads to complex SQL requiring two separate joins between manager and employee to get direct reports.

Here’s the definition in Python.

Sample Pydantic Class Definitions

import datetime
from typing import Annotated
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field

class Employee(BaseModel):
    id: Annotated[
        Field(json_schema_extra={"sql": {"key": "primary"}}),
    name: Annotated[
            max_length=40, json_schema_extra={"domain": "name"}
    hire_date: Annotated[
        Field(ge=datetime.datetime(2021, 1, 18)),
    velocity: Annotated[
            json_schema_extra={"distribution": "normal"},
    manager: Annotated[
                "sql": {
                    "key": "foreign",
                    "reference": "",

class Manager(BaseModel):
    id: Annotated[
        Field(json_schema_extra={"sql": {"key": "primary"}}),
    employee_id: Annotated[
                "sql": {
                    "key": "foreign",
                    "reference": "",
    department_id: Annotated[str, Field(max_length=8)]

Here are the annotations for each field in the Employee table:

  • id. The fundamental type is int. The json_schema_extra settings provide additional SQL-focused features, specifically, it’s role as a unique primary key.

  • name. The fundamental type is str with length limit of 40. The json_schema_extra settings define a narrow domain of “name”.

  • hire_date. This is a datetime with a lower limit of 2021-Jan-18.

  • velocity. This is a float value with a range of 2 to 21. The json_schema_extra defines it to have a normal distribution. Without additional details, the mean will be the midpoint of the domain and the standard deviation will be \(\tfrac{1}{6}\) of the range. The defined limit values are unlikely to appear.

  • manager. This is an int field. The json_schema_extra settings provide additional SQL-focused features, specifically, it’s a foreign key to the id attribute of the Manager table.

The primary keys create pools of candidate values. The foreign key references select values from the pools. The SQL “cardinality” of the relationship is defined by the number of rows in each Model. If the median cardinality is 5 employees per manager, then, the employee table must have 5 times as many rows as the manager table.

The Manager table avoids introducing anything new.

Class Collaboration

A SchemaSynth is a collection of ModelSynth instances. As shown above, in Schema Definition, the ModelSynth is associated with the Pydantic BaseModel.

For each field in the BaseModel, the ModelSynth contains a Synthesizer instance for each field.

A Synthesizer has one of two behaviors: Independent or Pooled.

When the client wants data objects (that may have noise) or model objects (that cannot have noise) it will create a DataIter or ModelIter object to emit synthetic data.

The following diagram provides some details of the relationships:

abstract class Behavior

class Independent {

class Pooled {

class Synthesizer {
    model: Model
    field: Field
    behavior: Behavior
    noise: float
    __init__(Model, Field, Behavior)

class ModelSynth {
    model: Model

class SchemaSynth {

class ModelIter {
    next() : Model
class DataIter {
    next() : dict[str, Any]

SchemaSynth o-- "1:m" ModelSynth : Contains

ModelSynth *-- "1:m" Synthesizer : Contains

Synthesizer -- Behavior : Strategy

Behavior <|-- Independent
Behavior <|--Pooled

ModelSynth --> DataIter : creates
ModelSynth --> ModelIter : creates
DataIter <-- ModelIter : uses
DataIter --> ModelSynth : uses

ModelIter --> Model : Creates Synthetic Instances
DataIter --> dict : Creates Synthetic Candidates

class "dict[str, Any]" as dict {

The first step in the processing seeks to locate appropriate Synthesizer for each field. This is a class-level search using a class-level match() method of each Synthesizer class. The first match (working from the bottom to the top of the hierarchy) is then used for the field.

participant client

client -> SchemaSynth: add(Model)
SchemaSynth -> ModelSynth : ~__init__(model)
loop all fields
    loop all synth subclasses
        ModelSynth -> Synthesizer : //match()//
        Synthesizer --> ModelSynth : synth class, behavior class
    ModelSynth -> Synthesizer : ~__init__(field, behavior class)

The second step is an initialization of the Behavior by the Synthesizer. There are two cases, defined by the Behavior class hierarchy:

  • Independent. These Synthesizers are lazy and generate values as needed. The behavior’s next() method is used to create individual field values from a Synthesizer.

    participant client
participant ModelSynth
participant DataIter
participant Synthesizer
participant Independent

group ~__init__()
    ModelSynth -> Synthesizer : ~__init__(self)
    Synthesizer -> Independent : ~__init__(self)

client -> ModelSynth : data_iter(noise)
ModelSynth -> DataIter : ~__init__(self, noise)
loop all fields
    ModelSynth -> Synthesizer : prepare()
    Synthesizer -> Independent : prepare()
ModelSynth --> client : DataIter instance

loop rows
    client -> DataIter : next()
    loop all fields
        DataIter -> Synthesizer : next()
        Synthesizer -> Independent : next()
        Independent -> Synthesizer : value_gen()
        Synthesizer --> Independent : Any
        Independent --> Synthesizer : Any
        Synthesizer --> DataIter : Any
        alt noisee?
            DataIter -> Synthesizer : noise_gen()
            Synthesizer --> DataIter : noise
    DataIter --> client : dict[str, Any | noise]

  • Pooled. These Synthesizers must initialize a pool of unique values. The vaues are consumed to create primary and foreign keys. For PK’s the next() method steps through the collection of unique key values. The FK’s work via a choose() method, permitting reuse of primary key values.

    participant client
participant ModelSynth
participant DataIter
participant Synthesizer
participant Pooled

group ~__init__()
    ModelSynth -> Synthesizer : ~__init__(self)
    Synthesizer -> Pooled : ~__init__(self)

client -> ModelSynth : data_iter(noise)
ModelSynth -> DataIter : ~__init__(self, noise)
loop all fields
    ModelSynth -> Synthesizer : prepare()
    Synthesizer -> Pooled : prepare()
    loop all rows in pool
        Pooled -> Synthesizer : value_gen()
        Synthesizer --> Pooled : Any
        Pooled -> pool : append()
ModelSynth --> client : DataIter instance

loop rows
    client -> DataIter : next()
    loop all fields
        DataIter -> Synthesizer : next()
        Synthesizer -> Pooled : next()
        alt PK case
            Pooled -> pool : ~__next__()
            pool --> Pooled : Any
            Pooled --> Synthesizer : Any
            Synthesizer --> DataIter : Any
        else FK case
            Pooled -> pool : random.choice()
            pool --> Pooled : Any
            Pooled --> Synthesizer : Any
            Synthesizer --> DataIter : Any
            alt noisee?
                DataIter -> Synthesizer : noise_gen()
                Synthesizer --> DataIter : noise
    DataIter --> client : dict[str, Any | noise]

The the Data Generator App section for the sequence of operations the client uses. Here’s the summary:

  1. Create a SchemaSynth full of ModelSynth instances. This will prepare each ModelSynth. For Pooled synthesizers, this will initialize the pool.

  2. Use the data_iter() (or model_iter()) to initialize an iterator over dict[str, Any] or Model instances. Since the ModelIter depends on the DataIter, the DataIter collaboration is foundational.

    The noise parameter – if present – is saved to replace valid values with noise.

  3. Use the next() method to get a a next dict[str, Any] (which can be used to creaete a Model instance.)

    • For Independent, the value is generated as needed.

    • For Pooled, the sequence of PK’s comes from the pool. The FK references are chosen randomly from the pool.

    Noise is injected by the DataIter if the noise threshold is non-zero.