Additional Background

Given a workbook – or any other “flat” file – how is it organized? What does it mean?

How can we work with the meaningful data, while ignoring details that are merely physical? When is a change a logical layout variant with no semantic impact? How do we isolate ourselves from logical and physical variations?

In this section, we’ll dive – deeply – into the backgound of Stingray.

Here are two user stories we’ll use provide a useful context:

  • Extract Transform and Load (ETL). We’ve got a file of data in the form of a workbook file or perhaps a flat (delimiter-free) COBOL file. We want to extract this data into some more useful form, e.g., native Python objects.

  • Analysis. We’ve got a file of data and we want to examine it for frequencies, ranges and relationships. There are two sub-cases: exploratory data profiling, as well as data validation. For the profiling case, there’s no prior expectation. For the validation case, there’s a set of criteria which must be met for the data to be valid.

These two stories describe similar processing. In one case, the processing prepares data for subsequent consumption. The other case consumes data as a final analytical step.

We’ll begin with some foundational ideas.


We don’t want application software to depend on the physical file format. We want to work equally well with CSV or XLSX versions of a file.

We’d like something like this to transparently handle workbook files in a variety of formats.

def process_sheet(sheet: Sheet) -> Counter:
    counts = Counter()
    for rows in sheet.rows():
        counts['input'] += 1
        process row
    return counts

The idea here is to properly isolate processing centered on a single sheet of a workbook. It’s often the case that a single sheet can be created in First Normal Form (1NF). This means each field is atomic, and there are no repeating arrays within the row.

Actual data can, of course, be much more complex. The conceptual model, however, seems to be useful for structuing data-intensive applications.

This sheet-level function is used by a main application function.

def main(argv: list[str] = sys.argv[1:]) -> None:
    args = get_options(argv)
    for input in args.file:
        with stingray.open_workbook(input) as source:
            for sheet in source.sheets():
                counts = process_sheet(sheet)

This describes a process for handling all sheets of all of the files provided on the command line. Some applications may be focused on a single sheet of a single file, reducing the nested file and sheet processing.

The HeadingRowSchemaLoader class extracts the first row of each sheet as the defacto schema for that sheet. Given only column names, the data types must be assumed or conversion functions provided as part of the application to assure that the column contents are – indeed – objects of useful Python clsses.

This schema loader parallels the way csv.DictReader extracts the first row as the keys for each row’s dictionary. It’s explicit, however, permitting change for exceptional cases. For example, a spreadsheet with complex, multi-row titles. These require a more sophisticated parser that consumes multiple rows of heading.

In the most complex cases, multiple independent “sections” of data are present in a single spreadsheet. This kind of data requires a “heading parser” that can decompose the sheet into sections by locating headings and bodies.

While heading rows are common, it’s also possible to have a separate sheet or a separate workbook with column definitions. External schema for a spreadsheet or file may be another simple spreadsheet.

For some kinds of documents, the schema may be written as a JSON Schema document. For COBOL files, the schema is often DDE (Data Definition Entry) in a “Copybook”. Stingray can parse COBOL and create the needed JSONS chema document.

These issues are the source of numerous complications in otherwise simple applications. The application processing doesn’t vary, but dealing with various file and workbook layouts adds a distracting (and irrelevant) layer of processing to an application.

Design Patterns

We want to build applications that are flexible with respect to the the logical layout of columns. We’d like to be adaptable to changes to the names, number, order and type of columns without any revision to the application software.

The core design pattern is the Builder Function. These functions isolate the logical layout from the rest of the application and do nothing more.

Here’s an example.

def build_record_dict(aRow: Row) -> dict[str, Any]:
    return dict(
        name=aRow['some column'].value(),
        address=aRow['another column'].value(),

The column names and data conversions are isolated to this function only. As the source schemata evolve, we can update an application to add variations on this function.

The digits_5() function is necessary to cope with US ZIP codes. These are digit strings. Spreadsheet software often transforms them into integers. The ZIP codes in the northeast which begin with zero become four-digit numbers. For example, 01020 would become 1020 in the spreadsheet. The digits_5 function recovers the original ZIP code.

A NamedTuple or a dataclass is often more useful than the dict[str, Any] structure. We can transform a generic dict[str, Any] into something more useful like this:

class SomeObject(NamedTuple):
    name: str
    address: str
    zip: str
    phone: atr

    def from_dict(cls: type[SomeObject], record_dict: dict[str, Any]) -> SomeObject:
        return SomeObject(**record_dict)

We’ve explicitly divorced the application object from the source file format using a Python intermediary. The row dictionary is a necessary overhead to assure that changes in the source or the application processing are isolated from each other.

A useful class is the composite of the generic builder and the specific class conversion. We can combine the two steps like this:

class SomeObjectSource:
    def build_record_dict(aRow: Row) -> dict[str, Any]:

    def object_iter(source: Iterable[Row]) -> Iterator[SomeObject]:
        for row in source:
            rd = SomeObjectSource.build_record_dict(row)
            yield SomeObject.from_dict(rd)

This design breaks processing into two parts. The logical layout mapping from workbook rows to Python objects is never trivial. The implmentaton of build_record_dict() is subject to change with minimal notice. Transforming this to the useful SomeObject class is often trivial. It helps to keep the two aspects separate.

This can be restated as a sequence of generator expressions. This form is sometimes helpful for visualizing the stages in the processing.

It looks like this:

class SomeObjectSource_2:
    def build_record_dict(aRow: Row) -> dict[str, Any]: ...

    def object_iter(source: Iterable[Row]) -> Iterator[SomeObject]:
        dict_gen = (
            for row in source
        object_gen = (
            for rd in dict_gen
        return object_gen

Experience indicates that it’s best to factor the input processing into at least two discrete steps so that transformations are easier to manage and extend.

Additional steps often accrue as the application evolves. Alternative steps accrue to support new or modified data sources.

We can then use this iterator to process rows of a sheet.

def process_sheet(self, source: SomeObjectSource, sheet: Sheet) -> Counter:
    counts = Counter()
    for some_object in source.object_iter(sheet.rows()):
        counts['input'] += 1
        process the SomeObject instance
    return counts

We’ll show more concrete implementation examples in the Demo Applications section.

Deeper Issues

Processing a workbook (or other flat file) means solving three closely-related schema problems.

  • Unpacking the Physical Format. We need to build Python objects from bytes (e.g., decode a string to lines of text to atomic fields). We need a Facade over the various workbook libraries to make Physical Format transparent to our applications.

  • Mapping to the Logical Layout. We need to locate the values within structures that may not have perfectly consistent ordering. A CSV file with column headers, for example, can be treated as a dictionary, making the column order irrelevant. If a schema is always used, then the Logical Layout becomes transparent to our application.

  • Understanging the Conceptual Content. That is, the semantic mapping from Python items (e.g., strings) to meaningful data elements in our problem domain (e.g., customer zip codes.)

The physical format issue is addressed by a Facade that parses the well-known (or even standardized) file formats: CSV, XLSX, XML, JSON, YAML, TOML, etc. Numbers files can be parsed, but this format requires some extra work because it’s not standardized. Traditional .XLS files, also, are highly proprietary. We need to include COBOL files. In many cases, they will parallel workbooks. COBOL files introduce some unique complexities.

The logical layout issue is not as easy to address as the physical format issue. Here are some root causes for Logical Layout problems:

  • Bullfeathers. Also known as Semantic Heterogeneity. You call them “customers” because they have a contract and pay money for services. Marketing, however, calls their prospects “customers” even though there is no contract in place. Same word. Different semantics.

    Yes, this a “problem domain” issue. No, there’s no technical solution short of a complete ontology for each data item.

    We’ll need a design with enough flexibility to handle semantic matching.

  • Buffoonery. Is “CSTID” the “customer id number”? Or is it the “Commercial Status ID”? Or is it the “Credit Score Time Interval Delta”? Or is it something entirely unrelated that merely happens to be shoved into that field?

    This often happens because old technology constraints must be perpetuated for fear of breaking something. No, there’s no technical solution short of firing all the managers who make the decision to preserve antiquated conventions.

    We’ll need a design that has the flexibility to cope with variant abbreviations for column names.

  • Bad Stewardship. At some point in the past, the “Employees Here” and “Total Employees” were misused by an application. The problem was found–and fixed–but there is some “legacy” data that has incorrect values. What now?

    This is a data stewardship problem. This leads to rather complex designs where the mapping from source to target is dependent on some external context to understand the source data.

  • Bugs. The field named “Effective Date” is really the Reported Date. The field name “Supplied Date” is really the Effective Date which can be prior to the reported date. The field labeled “Reported Date” isn’t populated consistently and doesn’t seem to have any meaning. Really.

    Is this “technical debt”? Or is it “code rot”? Does it matter?

    We need flexibility to handle bugs that lead to data problems.

The point here is that there is an underlying Conceptual Schema. It often has numerous variant implementations, each with a unique collection of errors and anomalies.


We have an additional consideration when it comes to data conversions. We have to avoid the attractive nuisance of a Domain Specific Language (DSL) for mappings and conversions.

There’s no value in creating a new mapping language. The following example is bad:

target-doc:: source-doc WITH headers=embedded FORMATS: format-1, format-2
name: FROM 'some column' IN format-1 AS string, FROM 'some column' IN format-2 AS string
address: FROM 'another column' IN format-1 AS string, FROM 'some column' IN format-2 AS string
zip: FROM 'zip' IN format-1 AS string WITH digits_5, FROM 'zip-5' IN format-2 AS string
phone: FROM 'phone' IN format-1 AS string, FROM 'phone' IN format-2 AS string

We don’t need a cumbersome language outside Python.

This kind of DSL fails when we have data structures more complex than simple spreadsheet rows. When we work with COBOL or Fixed Format files, we find these files are not in First Normal Form. COBOL files have repeating groups which require numeric indexes in addition to column names.

For semi-structured data (JSON, YAML, TOML, XML, etc.) there are fewer constraints on the data, leading to an even more complex data normalization step and possible row validation rules. We’d like to retain a relatively simple schema in spite of the potential complexity of these files. A DSL would devolve to Python-like functionality to work with these formats.

The csv approach of eagerly building a row from the raw bytes doesn’t work for COBOL files because of the REDEFINES clause. We can’t reliably build the various “cells” available in a COBOL schema, since some of those values may turn out to be invalid. COBOL requires lazily building a row based on which REDEFINES alias is relevant.

Historical Solutions

We’ll look at four solutions in their approximate historical order.

The COBOL Schema Solution is still relevant to modern Python programmers.

The DBMS Schema Solution is available, but isn’t compeletly universal. It doesn’t apply well to files outside the database.

The CSV Schema Solution often introduces more problems than it solves.

There is an XML Non-Solution. While XML is relevant, it is not a universal solution that some folks seem to hope for. At best, it offers us XSD, which may be too sophisticated for the problem we’re trying to solve.

The JSON Schema Approach. The JSON Schema standard is, perhaps, more useful than XSD as a schema definition. Mostly because JSON Schema surfaces in OpenAPI specifications and document data stores.

For semi-structured data (JSON, YAML and outlines), we need more than a simple schema definition. We need processing rules to reformat and validate the inputs as well.

COBOL Schema Solution

A significant feature of the COBOL language is the Data Definition Entry (DDE) used in the data and environment divisions of the COBOL source. This is a hierarchical structure that defined the various items in a single record of a file.

Hierarchical. Like XML.

COBOL best practice was essentially DRY: developers would keep the definitions as separate modules under source code control. Every application that worked with a given file would import the DDE for that file. This was done via the COPY keyword. The modules were called “copybooks”.

Clearly, the binding between schema and file is a two-step operation. There’s a compile-time binding between schema and application. There’s a run-time binding between application and file.

Just as clearly, this is subject to all kinds of mysterious problems when schema definition modules are cloned and then modified, leaving it unclear which version is correct. Also, when a schema definition was modified and not all programs were properly recompiled, some programs will worked with some files, other programs won’t.

Since a schema isn’t formally bound to a given file, it becomes particularly easy to have files without any known schema. Ideally, the file name included some schema hint.

What’s relevant for Python programmers is the central idea.

A schema is external to any specific application.

To this, we would like to assure that the schema was bound to the relevant files. This is much more difficult to achieve in practice, but there are some approaches that can work through manually managing file names.

DBMS Schema Solution

A Database Management System (DBMS) – whether relational or hierarchical or columnar or networked or whatever – addresses the problems with flat files and the separation between application program, physical format, logical layout, and operating system file. A DBMS provides a complete logical/physical schema separation with mappings among the layers.

The physical files are managed by the DBMS. Our applications are now independent of all physical file structure. They’re often independent of OS considerations, too.

The logical “table structure” (or “document” or whatever is offered) is distinct from the underlying files. The logical schema it tightly bound to the data itself. When using SQL, for example, the column names and data types are available as part of the execution of each SQL query.

A schema is bound to a file.

Sadly, it doesn’t apply to individual files floating around on file systems. It only works for the database as an opaque manager of “storage.” The idea of schema-bound-to-file is an aspiration that’s difficult to implement.

If file transfers are replaced with SQL queries (or web services requests) then schema becomes discoverable from the database (or web service). Using web services has a lot of advantages over file transfers. However, we live in a file-transfer world, and we need to manually bind a schema to a file.

CSV Schema Solution

A workbook (or “spreadsheet”) may or may not have schema information inside it. There may be a header row, a separate sheet, or a separate document. The csv module makes good use of the header row as a source of a schema.

When this is done consistently, it’s a way to bind the schema to the data.

While widely used, it suffers from some problems:

  • Column titles may be omitted. Sometimes the titles may span multiple rows. Sometimes the sheet itself has a heading/body format where there’s irrelevant rows which must be filtered out.

  • This is subject to all kinds of buffoonery. Column titles can be tweaked manually.

  • The column title provides no usable type information.

    Exacerbating this is the way that anything number-like becomes a floating-point number. Zip codes, punctuation-free phone numbers, social security numbers, etc., all become floating-point numbers. This means they lose their leading zeroes, making zip-code matching particularly painful. Currency devolves to floating point, making it inaccurate.

A less common solution is to include a separate sheet in the workbook (or worse, a separate file) with schema information. These are not a first-class part of the csv modue. A separate sheet in a workbook is at least bound with the data. A separate schema description file (even if bound in a ZIP archive) can get unbound from the data.

While there are numerous problems, workbooks are a very common way to exchange data. It’s not sensible to pretend they don’t exist.


“Some people, when confronted with a problem, think ‘I know, I’ll use [a spreadsheet].’ Now they have two problems.”

Jamie Zawinski

We do need to process this data irrespective of the issues.

XML Non-Solution

XML fans sometimes claim XML is “self-defining”. It’s not clear what this is supposed to mean. XML is a physical format with delimiters. An XML document without a referenced (or embedded) XSD lacks any semantic information.

The XSD associated with an XML document provides the needed schema definition. It can be bound to the XML file, which is desirable. Since the XSD is also in XML, a meta-schema lets us extract the XSD before unpacking the data.

We can – to an extent – leverage elements of PyXSD ( to create Python classes from an XSD schema. This package could help by providing a standard class structure for a schema defined in Python. In particular, the pyxsd.schema module contains some of what we’re going to use.

XSD seems a bit too complex for this problem domain. It seems awkward to extract XSD from the XML context and apply it to workbooks and COBOL files.

JSON Schema Approach

The JSON Schema standard provides a schema definition. See

This is leveraged by OpenAPI specifications. See

Our objective is to leverage JSON Schema schema definitions to cover Spreadsheet Workkbooks as well as COBOL files. This requires a few extensions to cover the details of non-delimited physical formats.

We can convert XSD to JSON Schema.

We can convert SQL DDL statements to JSON Schema.

Stingray converts COBOL to JSON Schema.

This lets us use JSON Schema as a common schema definition. We can import the schema into our applications, and we can – with some discipline – make sure the schema definitions are bound to our data files.


Physical format independence is available with some file formats. Sadly, others – which are still in active use – require a great deal of schema information merely to decode the physical format.

Logical layout is generally a feature of the application program as well as the data. In a SQL-based data access, the column names in a SELECT statement amount to a binding between application and schema.

While we can make some kinds of simple applications which are completely driven by metadata, we can’t easily escape the need to customize and deal with variations. Therefore, we need to have application programs which can tolerate changes without requiring a rewrite.

We would like an application program that can work with “minor” variations on a logical layout. That is, the order of columns, or minor spelling changes to a column name can be handled gracefully.

We’d like our batch processing applications to have a command-line interface something like this.

python -m some_app -l layout_2

The -l layout_2 provides logical layout information. This defines the “application-level” schema information.

The could be some_file.xls or some_file.ods, allowing transparent changes to physical format.