CrapsGame Class

In Throw Class, we roughed out a stub version of CrapsGame that could be used to test Throw. We extended that stub in Craps Table Class. In this chapter, we will revise the game to provide the complete process for Craps. This involves a number of features, and we will have a state hierarchy as well as the Game class itself.

In the process of completing the design for the CrapsGame class, we will uncover another subtlety of craps: winning bets and losing bets. Unlike Roulette, where a Bin contained winning Outcome instances and all other Outcome instances where losers, Craps includes winning Outcome instances, losing Outcome instances, and unresolved Outcome instances. This will lead to some rework of previously created Craps classes.

In Craps Game Analysis we’ll examine the game of craps in detail. We’ll look at four topics:

  • Game State will address how the game transitions between point on and point off states.

  • The Game State Class Hierarchy will look at the State design pattern and how it applies here.

  • In Resolving Bets we’ll look at how game, table, and player collaborate to resolved bets.

  • In Movable Bets we’ll look at how the game collaborates with bets like the Pass Line bet which have an outcome that moves.

In Design Decision – Win, Lose, Wait we’ll look at bet payoff issues.

In Additional Craps Design we’ll revisit our algorithm for building Outcome instances and Throw instances and creating the Dice.

This chapter involves a large amount of programming. We’ll detail this in Craps Game Implementation Steps.

We’ll look at preliminary rework in a number of sections:

Once we’ve cleaned up the Throw and Bet classes, we can focus on new development for the Craps game.

In CrapsPlayer Class Stub we’ll rough out a design for a player.

We’ll define the game states in the following sections:

In CrapsGame Design we’ll define the overall game class. We’ll enumerate the deliverables for this chapter in Craps Game Deliverables.

We’ll look at some additional game design issues in Optional Working Bets.

Craps Game Analysis

Craps is considerably more complex than Roulette. As noted in Craps Details, there is a multi-step procedure that involves state changes, multiples rounds of betting, and bets that move from generic (“Come” or “Pass Line”) to specific numbers based on the current Throw instance.

We can see several necessary features to the CrapsGame:

Also, we will discover some additional design features to add to other classes.

Game State

A CrapsGame object cycles through the various steps of the Craps game; this sequence is shown in Game State. Since we will follow the State design pattern, we have three basic design decisions. First, we have to design the state class hierarchy to own responsibilities for the unique processing present in each of the individual states. Second, we have to design an interface for the game state objects to interact with the overall CrapsGame. Third, we will need to keep an object in the CrapsGame which contains the current state. Each throw of the dice will update the state, and possibly resolve game bets. To restart the game, we can create a fresh object for the initial point-off state.

The following procedure provides the detailed algorithm for the game of Craps.

A Single Game of Craps

Point Off State. The first throw of the dice is made with no point. This game may be resolved in a single throw of the dice, no point will be established. If a point is established the game transitions to the Point On State.

  1. Place Bets. The point is off; this is the come out roll. Notify the Player instance to create Bet instances. The real work of placing bets is delegated to the Player class. Only Pass and Don’t Pass bets will be allowed by the current game state.

  2. Odds Bet Off? Optional, for some casinos only. For any odds bets behind a come point, interrogate the player to see if the bet is on or off. These bets were unresolved because the previous game ended in a winning point.

  3. Come-Out Roll. Get the next throw of the Dice object, giving the winning Throw instance, t. The Throw object contains the individual Outcome instances that can be resolved on this throw.

  4. Resolve Proposition Bets. For each Bet object, b, placed on a one-roll proposition:

    • Proposition Winner? If Bet b’s Outcome instance is in the winning Throw, t, then notify the Player object that Bet b was a winner. Update the Player object’s stake. Note that the odds paid for winning field bets and horn bets depend on the Throw object.

    • Proposition Loser? If Bet b’s Outcome is not in the winning Throw, t, then notify the Player that Bet b was a loser. This allows the Player to update their betting amount for the next round.

  5. Natural? If the throw is a 7 or 11, this game is an immediate winner. The game state must provide the Pass Line Outcome instance as a winner.

    For each Bet, b:

    • Come-Out Roll Natural Winner? If Bet b’s Outcome instance is in the winning game state, then notify the Player object that Bet b was a winner and update the Player object’s stake. The Throw instance will contain outcomes to make sure a Pass Line bet is a winner, and a Don’t Pass bet is a loser.

    • Come-Out Roll Natural Loser? If Bet b’s Outcome instance is not in the winning game state, then notify the Player object that Bet b was a loser. This allows the Player object to update the betting amount for the next round. A Pass Line bet is a loser, and a Don’t Pass bet is a winner.

  6. Craps? If the throw is a 2, 3, or 12, this game is an immediate loser. The game state must provide the Don’t Pass Line Outcome instances as a winner; note that 12 is a push in this case, requiring special processing by the Bet or the Outcome: the bet amount is simply returned.

    For each Bet, b:

    1. Come-Out Roll Craps Winner? If Bet b’s Outcome instance is in the winning game state and the bet is working, then notify the Player object that Bet b was a winner and update the Player object’s stake. If the bet is not working, it is ignored.

    2. Come-Out Roll Craps Loser? If Bet b ‘s Outcome instance is not in the winning game state and the bet is working, then notify the Player object that Bet b was a loser. If the bet is not working, it is ignored.

  7. Point Established. If the throw is a 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10, a point is established. The game state changes, to reflect the point being on. The Pass Line and Don’t Pass Line bets have a new Outcome instance assigned to them, based on the point.

Point On State. While the game remains unresolved, the following steps are performed. The game will be resolved when the point is made or a natural is thrown.

  1. Place Bets. Notify the player to place any additional bets. In this game state all bets are allowed.

  2. Point Roll. Get the next Throw instance from the Dice object.

  3. Resolve Proposition Bets. Resolve any one-roll proposition bets. This is the procedure described above for iterating through all one-roll propositions. See Resolve Proposition Bets.

  4. Natural? If the throw was 7, the game is a loser. Resolve all bets; the game state will show that all bets are active. The game state will include Don’t Pass and Don’t Come bets as winners, as will any of the six point bets created from Don’t Pass and Don’t Come Line bets. All other bets will lose, including all hardways bets.

    This throw resolves the game, changing the game state: the point is off.

  5. Point Made? If the throw was the main game point, the game is a winner. Resolve Pass Line and Don’t Pass Line bets, as well as the point and any odds behind the point.

    Come Point and Don’t Come Point bets (and their odds) remain for the next game. A Come Line or Don’t Come Line bet will be moved to the appropriate Come Point.

    This throw ends the game, changing the game state. The point is off; odds placed behind Come Line bets are not working for the come out roll.

  6. Other Point Number? If the throw was any of the come point numbers, come bets on that point are winners. Resolve the point come bet and any odds behind the point. Also, any buy or lay bets will be resolved as if they were odds bets behind the point; recall that the buy and lay bets involved a commission, which was paid when the bet was created.

  7. Hardways? For 4, 6, 8 and 10, resolve hardways bets. If the throw was made the hard way (both dice equal), a hardways bet on the thrown number is a winner. If the throw was made the easy way, a hardways bet on the thrown number is a loser. If the throw was a 7, all hardways bets are losers. Otherwise, the hardways bets remain unresolved.

The Game State Class Hierarchy

We have identified some processing that is unique to each game state. Both states will have a list of allowed bets, a list of non-working bets, a list of throws that cause state change and resolve game bets, and a list of throws that resolve hardways bets.

In the Craps Table (Craps Table Analysis), we allocated some responsibilities to the CrapsGame class so that a CrapsTable instance could validate bets and determine which bets were working.

Our further design details have shown that the work varies by game state. Therefore, the methods in the CrapsGame class will delegate the real work to each state’s methods. The current stub implementation checks the value of the point variable to determine the state. We’ll replace this with a call to an appropriate method of the current state object.

State Responsibilities. Each CrapsGameState subclass, therefore, will have an isValid() method that implements the state-specific bet validation rules. In this case, a point-off state object only allows the two Pass Line bets: Pass Line, Don’t Pass Line. The point-on state allows all bets. Additionally, we’ve assigned to the CrapsTable class the responsibility to determine if the total amount of all a player’s bets meets or exceeds the table limits.

Each subclass of the CrapsGameState class will override an isWorking() method with one that validates the state-specific rules for the working bets. In this case, a point-off state object will identify the the six odds bets placed behind the come point numbers (4, 5, 6, 8, 9 and 10) as non-working bets, and all other bets will be working bets. A point-on state object will simply identify all bets as working.

The subclasses of the CrapsGameState class will need methods with which to collaborate with a Throw object to update the state of the current CrapsGame instance.

Changing Game State. We have identified two game states: point-off (also know as the come out roll) and point-on. We have also set aside four methods that the various Throw objects will use to change the game state. The interaction between the CrapsGame class, the four kinds of Throw subclasses and the two subclasses of CrapsGameState instances works as follows:

  1. There are 36 instances of Throw, one of which was selected at random to be the current throw of the dice.

    The CrapsGame object calls the Throw object’s updateGame() method. Each of the subclasses of Throw have different implementations for this method.

  2. The Throw object calls back to one of the CrapsGame object’s methods to change the state. There are four methods available: craps(), natural(), eleven(), and point(). Different subclasses of the Throw class will call an appropriate method for the kind of throw.

  3. The CrapsGame object has a current state, embodied in a CrapsGameState object. The game will delegate each of the four state change methods (craps(), natural(), eleven(), and point()) to the current CrapsGameState object.

  4. In parallel with CrapsGame class, each CrapsGameState subclass has four state change methods (craps(), natural(), eleven(), and point()). Each state provides different implementations for these methods. In effect, the two states and four methods create a kind of table that enumerates all possible state change rules.

Complex? At first glance the indirection and delegation seems like a lot of overhead for a simple state change. When we consider the kinds of decision-making this embodies, however, we can see that this is an effective solution.

When one of the 36 available Throw instances has been chosen, the CrapsGame instance calls a single method to update the game state. Because the various subclasses of the Throw class are polymorphic, they all respond with unique, correct behavior based on state.

Similarly, each of the subclasses of the Throw class use one of four methods to update the CrapsGame object, without having to discern the current state of the game. We can consider the CrapsGame class as a kind of façade over the methods of the polymorphic CrapsGameState subclasses. Our objective is to do the decision-making once when the object is created; this makes all subsequent processing free of complex if-based decision-making.

What’s important about this design is that there are no if-statements required to make it work. Instead, objects simply invoke methods.

Resolving Bets

The CrapsGame class also has the responsibility for matching the Outcome instances in the current Throw object with the Outcome instances of the Bet instances held by the CrapsTable object.

In addition to matching Outcome instances in the Throw object, we also have to match the Outcome instances of the current game state.

Finally, the CrapsGame class must also resolve hardways bets, which are casually tied to the current game state. We’ll look at each of these three resolution procedures in some detail before making any final design decisions.

  • Resolving Bets on Proposition Outcomes. We’ll need a bet resolution method that handles one-roll propositions. This is similar to the bet resolution in the Roulette game class. The current Throw instance contains a collection of Outcome instances which are resolved as winners. All other Outcome instances will be losers. While appropriate for the one-roll propositions, we’ll see that this doesn’t generalize for other kinds of bets.

  • Resolving Bets on Game Outcomes. The second, and most complex, bet resolution method handles game outcomes. Bets on the game as a whole have three groups of Outcome instances: winners, losers and unresolved.

    This “unresolved” outcome is fundamentally different from Roulette bet resolution and proposition bet resolution.

    Consider a Pass Line bet: in the point-off state, a roll of 7 or 11 makes this bet a winner, a roll of 2, 3 or 12 makes this bet a loser, all other numbers leave this bet unresolved. After a point is established, this Pass Line bet has the following resolutions: a roll of 7 makes this bet a loser, rolling the point makes this bet is a winner, all other numbers leave this bet unresolved.

    In addition to this three-way decision, we have the additional subtlety of Don’t Pass Line bets that can lead to a fourth resolution: a push when the throw is 12 on a come out roll. We don’t want to ignore this detail because it changes the odds by almost 3%.

  • Resolving Hardways Bets. We have several choices for implementation of this multi-way decision. This is an overview, we’ll dive into details below.

    • We can keep separate collections of winning and losing Outcome instances in each Throw object. This will obligate the game to check a set of winners and a set of losers for bet resolution. Other Outcome instances can remain unresolved.

    • We can add a method to the Bet class that will return a code for the effect of a win, lose, or wait for each Outcome instance. A win would add money to the Player object’s stake; a lose would subtract money from the Player object. This means that the game will have to decode this win-lose response as part of bet resolution.

    • We can make each kind of resolution into a Command class. Each subclass of BetResolution would perform the “pay a winner”, “collect a loser” or “leave unresolved” procedure based on the Throw instance or class:CrapsGameState object.

Movable Bets

In the casino, the Come (and Don’t Come) Line bets start on the given line. If a come point is established, the come line bet is moved to a box with the point. When you add behind the line odds bets, you place the chips directly on the numbered box for the Come Point number.

This procedure is different from the Pass (and Don’t Pass) Line bet. The bet is is placed on the line. If a point is established, a large white “On” token shows the numbered box where, in effect, the behind the line odds chips belong.

Note that the net effect of both bets is identical. The pass line and behind-the-line odds bets have a payout that depends on the “On” token. The come line bets are moved and odds a place in a box on which the payout depends.

One of the things the CrapsGame class does is change the Outcome instance of the Come and Don’t Come Line bets. If a Come or Don’t Come Line bet is placed and the throw is a point number (4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10), the bet is not resolved on the first throw; it is moved to one of the six point number Outcome instances.

When designing the Bet class, in the Craps Bet section (Bet Analysis,) we recognized the need to change the Outcome instance from a generic “Pass Line Odds” to a specific point with specific odds of 2:1, 3:2, or 6:5.

We’ll develop a moveToThrow() method that accepts a Bet object and the current Throw instance so it can move the bet to the new Outcome instance.

In addition to moving bets, we also need to create bets based on the currently established point. We also need to deactivate bets based on the established point.

As an example, the Pass Line Odds and Don’t Pass Odds are created after the point is established. Since the point is already known, creating these bets is best done by adding a CrapsGame.pointOutcome() method that returns an Outcome instance based on the current point. This allows the CrapsPlayer object to get the necessary Outcome object, create a Bet instance and give that Bet instance to the CrapsTable object.

Design Decision – Win, Lose, Wait

Bet resolution in Craps is more complex than simply paying winners and collecting all other bets as losers. In Craps, bets can be winners, losers or unresolved. Further, some bets have a “push” resolution in which only the original price of the bet is returned. This is a kind of 1:1 odds special case.

Problem. What’s the best way to retain a collection of Outcome instances that are resolved as a mixture of winning, losing, unresolved, and pushes.

Note that if we elect to introduce a more complex multi-way bet resolution, we have to decide if we should re-implement the bet resolution in Roulette. Using very different bet resolution algorithms for Craps and Roulette doesn’t seem appealing. While a uniform approach is beneficial, it would involve some rework of the Roulette game to work correctly in spite of a more sophisticated design.

Alternatives. We’ll look at three alternative responsibility assignments in some depth.

  • Winning and Losing Collections.

  • Winning and Losing Status Codes.

  • Wining and Losing Command Objects.

Each of these is a profoundly different way to assign responsibilities.

Winning and Losing Collections. We could expand the Throw class to keep separate collections of winners and losers. We could expand the CrapsGameState class to detail the winning and losing Outcome instances for each state. All other Outcome instances would be left unresolved.

This is a minor revision to the Dice and Throw classes to properly create the two groups of Outcome instances. Consequently ThrowBuilder class will have to be expanded to identify losing Outcome instances in addition to the existing winning Outcome instances.

This will also require the CrapsGame class to make two passes through the bets. It must match all active Bet instances on the table against the winning Outcome instances in the current state; the matches are paid a winning amount and removed. It must also match match all active Bet instances on the table against the losing Outcome instances in the current state; these are removed as losers.

Winning and Losing Codes, Evaluated by CrapsGame. We could enumerate three code values that represent actions to take: these actions are “win”, “lose”, and “unresolved”. The class CrapsGame and each subclass of GameState would have a resolution method that examines a Bet and returns the appropriate code value.

This is a minor revision to Dice and Throw to properly associate a special code with each Outcome. Consequently ThrowBuilder will have to be expanded to identify losing Outcome instances in addition to the existing winning Outcome instances.

Each GameState would also need to respond with appropriate codes.

This will require the CrapsGame to make one pass through the Bet instances, passing each each bet to the GameState resolution method. Based on the code returned, the CrapsGame would then have an if-statement to decide to provide bets to the or Player.lose() method.

Wining and Losing Commands. We could define a hierarchy of three subclasses. Each subclass implements winning, losing or leaving a bet unresolved.

This is a minor revision to Dice and Throw to properly associate a special object with each Outcome. We would create single objects of each resolution subclass. The ThrowBuilder will have to be expanded to associate the loser Command or winner command with each Outcome. Further, the unresolved Command would have to be associated with all Outcome instances that are not resolved by the Throw or GameState.

This will require the CrapsGame to make one pass through the Bet instances, using the associated resolution object. The resolution object would then handle winning, losing and leaving the bet unresolved.

Before making a determination, we’ll examine the remaining bet resolution issue to see if a single approach can cover single-roll, game and hardways outcomes.

Resolving Bets on Hardways Outcomes. In addition to methods to resolve one roll and game bets, we have to resolve the hardways bets. Hardways bets are similar to game bets. For Throw instances of 4, 6, 8 or 10 there will be one of three outcomes:

  • when the number is made the hard way, the matching hardways bet is a winner;

  • when the number is made the easy way, the matching hardways bet is a loser; otherwise the hardways bet is unresolved;

  • on a roll of seven, all hardways bets are losers.

Since this parallels the game rules, but applies to an individual Throw object, it leads us to consider the design of the Throw class to be parallel to the design of the CrapsGame class. We can use either a collection of losing Outcome instances in addition to the collection of winning Outcome instances, or create a multi-way discrimination method, or have the Throw class call appropriate methods of CrapsTable object to resolve the bet.

Solution. A reasonably flexible design for bet resolution that works for all three kinds of bet resolutions is to have the Throw and CrapsGameState classes call specific bet resolution methods in the CrapsPlayer class.

This unifies one-roll, game and hardways bets into a single mechanism. It requires us to provide methods for win, lose and push in the CrapsPlayer class. We can slightly simplify this to treat a push as a kind of win that returns the bet amount.

Consequences. The CrapsGame class will iterate through the active Bet instances. Each Bet object and the Player object will be provided to the current Throw instance for resolving one-roll and hardways bets. Each Bet object and the Player object will also be provided to the CrapsGameState instance to resolve the winning and losing game bets.

We can further simplify this if each Bet object carries a reference to the owning Player. In this way, the Bet object has all the information necessary to notify the Player instance of the outcome.

In the long run, this reflects the reality of Craps table where the table operators assure that each bet has an owning player.

Additional Craps Design

We will have to rework our design for the Throw class to have both a one-roll resolution method and a hardways resolution method. Each of these methods will accept a single active Bet instance. Each resolution method could use a set of winner Outcome instances and a set of loser Outcome instances to attempt to resolve the bet.

We will also need to rework our design for the Dice class to correctly set both winners and losers for both one-roll and hardways bets when constructing the 36 individual Throw instances.

We can use the following expanded algorithm for building the Dice collection of Throw instances. This is a revision to Throw Builder Analysis to include lists of losing bets as well as winning bets.

Building Dice With Winning and Losing Outcomes

For All Faces Of Die 1. For all d_1, such that 1 \leq d_1 < 7:

For All Faces Of A Die 2. For d_2, such that 1 \leq d_2 < 7:

Sum the Dice. Compute the sum, s \gets d_1 + d_2.

Craps? If s is in 2, 3, and 12, we create a CrapsThrow instance. The winning bets include one of the 2, 3 or 12 number Outcome objects, plus all craps, horn and field Outcome instances. The losing bets include the other number Outcome instances. This throw does not resolve hardways bets.

Point? For s in 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, and 10 we will create a PointThrow instance.

Hard way? When d_1 = d_2, this is a hard 4, 6, 8 or 10. The appropriate hard number Outcome object is a winner.

Easy way? Otherwise, d_1 \ne d_2, this is an easy 4, 6, 8 or 10. The appropriate hard number Outcome object is a loser.

Field? For s in 4, 9 and 10 we include the field Outcome object as a winner. Otherwise the field Outcome object is a loser. Note that 2, 3, and 12 Field outcomes where handled above under Craps.

Losing Propositions. Other one-roll Outcome instances, including 2, 3, 7, 11, 12, Horn and Any Craps Outcome instances are all losers.

Natural? If s is 7, we create a NaturalThrow instance. This will also include a 7 Outcome object as a winner. It will have numbers 2, 3, 11, 12, Horn, Field and Any Craps Outcome instances as losers. Also, all four hardways are losers for this throw.

Eleven? If s is 11, we create an ElevenThrow instance. This will include 11, Horn and Field Outcome instances as winners. It will have numbers 2, 3, 7, 12 and Any Craps Outcome instances as losers. There is no hardways resolution.

Craps Player Class Hierarchy. We have not designed the actual CrapsPlayer class yet. This is really a complete tree of classes, each of which provides a different betting strategy. We will defer this design work until later. For the purposes of making the CrapsGame class, we can develop our unit tests with a kind of stub for the CrapsPlayer class which simply creates a single Pass Line Bet instance. In several future exercises, we’ll revisit this design to make more sophisticated players.

See Some Betting Strategies for a further discussion on an additional player decision offered by some variant games. Our design can be expanded to cover this. We’ll leave this as an exercise for the more advanced student. This involves a level of collaboration between the CrapsPlayer and CrapsGame classes that is over the top for this part. We’ll address this kind of very rich interaction in Blackjack.

Craps Game Implementation Steps

We have identified the following things that must be done to implement the craps game.

  1. Change the Throw class to include both winning and losing Outcome instances

  2. Once we have fixed the Throw class, we can update the ThrowBuilder class to do a correct initialization using both winners and losers. Note that we have encapsulated this information so that there is no change to the Dice class.

  3. We will also update the Bet class to carry a reference to the Player class to make it easier to post winning and losing information directly to the player object.

  4. We will need to create a stub CrapsPlayer class for testing purposes.

  5. We will also need to create our CrapsGameState class hierarchy to represent the two states of the game.

  6. Once the preliminary work is complete, we can then transform the CrapsGame class we started in CrapsGame Stub into a final version. This will collaborate with a CrapsPlayer instance and maintain a correct CrapsGameState object. It will be able to get a random Throw object and resolve Bet instances on the CrapsTable.

We’ll address each of these separately.

Throw Rework

The Throw cass is the superclass for the various throws of the dice. A Throw instance identifies two sets of Outcome instances: immediate winners and immediate losers. Each subclass is a different grouping of the numbers, based on the state-change rules for Craps.



A set of of one-roll Outcomes that win with this throw.


A set of one-roll Outcomes that lose with this throw.


A set of hardways Outcomes that win with this throw. Not all throws resolve hardways bets, so this and the loseHardway Set may both be empty.


A set of hardways Outcomes that lose with this throw. Not all throws resolve hardways bets, so this and the winHardway Set may both be empty.


One of the two die values, from 1 to 6.


The other of the two die values, from 1 to 6.


Throw.__init__(self, d1: int, d2: int, winners: Optional[Set[Outcome]]=None, losers: Optional[Set[Outcome]]=None) → None
  • d1 (int) – One die value.

  • d2 (int) – The other die value.

  • winners (Optional[Set[Outcome]]) – All the outcomes which will be paid as winners for this Throw.

  • losers – All the outcomes which will be collected as winners for this Throw.

Creates this throw, and associates the two given sets of Outcome instances that are winning one-roll propositions and losing one-roll propositions.


Throw.add1Roll(self, winners: Set[Outcome], losers: Set[Outcome]) → None
  • winners (Set[Outcome]) – All the outcomes which will be paid as winners for this Throw.

  • losers – All the outcomes which will be collected as winners for this Throw.

Adds outcomes to the one-roll winners and one-roll losers Sets.

Throw.addHardways(self, winners: Set[Outcome], losers: Set[Outcome]) → None
  • winners (Set[Outcome]) – All the outcomes which will be paid as winners for this Throw.

  • losers – All the outcomes which will be collected as winners for this Throw.

Adds outcomes to the hardways winners and hardways losers Sets.

Throw.hard(self) → bool

Returns True if d1 is equal to d2.

This helps determine if hardways bets have been won or lost.

Throw.updateGame(self, game: CrapsGame) → None

game (CrapsGame) – CrapsGame instance to be updated with the results of this throw

Calls one of the state change methods: CrapsGame.craps(), CrapsGame.natural(), CrapsGame.eleven(), CrapsGame.point(). This may change the game state and resolve bets.

Throw.resolveOneRoll(self, bet: Bet) → None

bet (Bet) – The bet to to be resolved

If this Bet object’s Outcome instance is in the set of one-roll winners, pay the Player object that created the Bet. Return True so this Bet can be removed.

If this Bet object’s Outcome instance is in the set of one-roll losers, return True so that this Bet object is removed.

Otherwise, return False to leave this Bet object on the table.

Throw.resolveHardways(self, bet: Bet) → None

bet (Bet) – The bet to to be resolved

If this Bet object’s Outcome instance is in the set of hardways winners, pay the Player object that created the bet. Return True so that this Bet is removed.

If this Bet object’s Outcome instance is in the set of hardways losers, return True so that this Bet instance is removed.

Otherwise, return False to leave this Bet instance on the table.

Throw.__str__(self) → str

This should return a string representation of the dice modeled by this Throw instance. A form that looks like "1,2" works nicely.

ThrowBuilder Rework

The ThrowBuilder class initializes the 36 Throw instances, each initialized with the appropriate Outcome instances. Subclasses can override this to reflect different casino-specific rules for the variations of odds on Field bets.


ThrowBuilder.buildThrows(self, dice: Dice) → None
Para dice

The Dice to initialize

Creates the 8 one-roll Outcome instances (2, 3, 7, 11, 12, Field, Horn, Any Craps), as well as the 8 hardways Outcome instances (easy 4, hard 4, easy 6, hard 6, easy 8, hard 8, easy 10, hard 10).

It then creates each of the 36 Throw instances, each of which has the appropriate combination of Outcome instances for one-roll and hardways. The various Throw instances are assigned to dice.

Bet Rework

The Bet class associates an amount, an Outcome instance and a Player instance. The CrapsGame class may move a Bet instance to a different Outcome instance to reflect a change in the odds used to resolve the final bet.

This will change the underlying definition of the Bet class from immutable to mutable. The initial definition of this class relied on either typing.NamedTuple to @dataclass(frozen=True). This revision is mutable, and @dataclass(frozen=False) is an appropriate decoration for the Bet class.

This can lead to rework in the Roulette definitions to add the Player object reference to each Bet instance that’s created. We can avoid the rework if we make the Player reference optional, this isn’t a good idea in the long run because it can become confusing.


Bet.__init__(self, amount: int, outcome: Outcome, player: CrapsPlayer) → None

This replaces the existing constructor and adds an optional parameter.

  • amount (int) – The amount being wagered.

  • outcome (Outcome) – The specific outcome on which the wager is placed.

  • player (CrapsPlayer) – The player who will pay a losing bet or be paid by a winning bet.

Initialize the instance variables of this bet. This works by saving the additional player information.

CrapsPlayer Class Stub

The CrapsPlayer class constructs a Bet instance based on the Outcome instance named "Pass Line". This is a very persistent player.



This is the Outcome on which this player focuses their betting. It will be an instance of the "Pass Line" Outcome, with 1:1 odds.


This is the current Pass Line Bet.

Initially this is None. Each time the bet is resolved, this is reset to None.

This assures that only one bet is working at a time.


That Table which collects all bets.


CrapsPlayer.__init__(self, table: Table) → None

table (Table) – The Table for placing bets

Constructs the CrapsPlayer instance with a specific table for placing bets. The player creates a single "Pass Line" Outcome object, which is saved in the passLine variable for use in creating Bet instances.


CrapsGameState Class

class CrapsGameState

The CrapsGameState class defines the state-specific behavior of a Craps game. Individual subclasses provide methods used by the CrapsTable class to validate bets and determine the active bets. Subclasses provide state-specific methods used by a Throw object to possibly change the state and resolve bets.


The overall CrapsGame object for which this is a specific state. From this object, the various next state-change methods can get the CrapsTable instance and an Iterator over the active Bet instances.


CrapsGameState.__init__(self, game: Game) → None

game (Game) – The game to which this state applies

Saves the overall CrapsGame object to which this state applies.


CrapsGameState.isValid(self, outcome: Outcome) → bool

outcome (Outcome) – The outcome to be tested for validity

Returns true if this is a valid outcome for creating bets in the current game state.

Each subclass provides a unique definition of valid bets for their game state.

CrapsGameState.isWorking(self, outcome: Outcome) → bool

outcome (Outcome) – The outcome to be tested for if it’s working

Returns true if this is a working outcome for existing bets in the current game state.

Each subclass provides a unique definition of active bets for their game state.

CrapsGameState.craps(self, throw: Throw) → CrapsGameState

throw (Throw) – The throw that is associated with craps.

Return an appropriate state when a 2, 3 or 12 is rolled. It then resolves any game bets.

Each subclass provides a unique definition of what new state and what bet resolution happens.

CrapsGameState.natural(self, throw: Throw) → CrapsGameState

throw (Throw) – The throw that is associated with a natural seven.

Returns an appropriate state when a 7 is rolled. It then resolves any game bets.

Each subclass provides a unique definition of what new state and what bet resolution happens.

CrapsGameState.eleven(self, throw: Throw) → CrapsGameState

throw (Throw) – The throw that is associated an eleven.

Returns an appropriate state when an 11 is rolled. It then resolves any game bets.

Each subclass provides a unique definition of what new state and what bet resolution happens.

CrapsGameState.point(self, throw: Throw) → CrapsGameState

throw (Throw) – The throw that is associated with a point number.

Returns an appropriate state when the given point number is rolled. It then resolves any game bets.

Each subclass provides a unique definition of what new state and what bet resolution happens.

CrapsGameState.pointOutcome(self) → Outcome

Returns the Outcome object based on the current point. This is used to create Pass Line Odds or Don’t Pass Odds bets. This delegates the real work to the current CrapsGameState object.

CrapsGameState.moveToThrow(self, bet: Bet, throw: Throw) → None
  • bet (Bet) – The Bet to update based on the current Throw

  • throw (Throw) – The Throw to which the outcome is changed

Moves a Come Line or Don’t Come Line bet to a new Outcome instance based on the current Throw instance. If the value of the theThrow instance is 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10, this delegates the move to the current CrapsGameState object. For values of 4 and 10, the odds are 2:1. For values of 5 and 9, the odds are 3:2. For values of 6 and 8, the odds are 6:5. For other values of the theThrow object, this method does nothing.

CrapsGameState.__str__(self) → str

In the superclass, this doesn’t do anything. Each subclass, however, should display something useful.

CrapsGamePointOff Class

class CrapsGamePointOff

The CrapsGamePointOff class defines the unique behavior of the Craps game when the point is off. It defines the allowed bets and the active bets. It provides methods used by a Throw instance to change the state and resolve bets.

All four of the game update methods (craps, natural, eleven and point) use the same basic algorithm. The method will get the CrapsTable object from theGame. From the CrapsTable object, the method gets an Iterator over the Bet instances. It can then match each Bet object’s Outcome against the various Outcome instances of the current Throw object which win and lose, and resolve the bets.


CrapsGamePointOff.__init__(self, game: CrapsGame) → None

game (CrapsGame) – The game to which this state applies.

Uses the superclass constructor to save the overall CrapsGame object.


CrapsGamePointOff.isValid(self, outcome: Outcome) → bool

outcome (Outcome) – The outcome to be tested for validity

There are two valid Outcome instances: Pass Line, Don’t Pass Line. All other Outcome instances are invalid.

CrapsGamePointOff.isWorking(self, outcome: Outcome) → bool

outcome (Outcome) – The outcome to be tested to see if it’s working

There are six non-working Outcome instances: “Come Odds 4”, “Come Odds 5”, “Come Odds 6”, “Come Odds 8”, “Come Odds 9” and “Come Odds 10”. All other Outcome instances are working.

CrapsGamePointOff.craps(self, throw: Throw) → None

throw (Throw) – The throw that is associated with craps.

When the point is off, a roll of 2, 3 or 12 means the game is an immediate loser. The Pass Line Outcome is a loser. If the Throw value is 12, a Don’t Pass Line Outcome is a push, otherwise the Don’t Pass Line Outcome is a winner. The next state is the same as this state, and the method should return this.

CrapsGamePointOff.natural(self, throw: Throw) → None

throw (Throw) – The throw that is associated with a natural seven.

When the point is off, 7 means the game is an immediate winner. The Pass Line Outcome is a winner, the Don’t Pass Line Outcome is a loser. The next state is the same as this state, and the method should return this.

CrapsGamePointOff.eleven(self, throw: Throw) → None

throw (Throw) – The throw that is associated an eleven.

When the point is off, 11 means the game is an immediate winner. The Pass Line Outcome is a winner, the Don’t Pass Line Outcome is a loser. The next state is the same as this state, and the method should return this.

CrapsGamePointOff.point(self, throw: Throw) → None

throw (Throw) – The throw that is associated with a point number.

When the point is off, a new point is established. This method should return a new instance of CrapsGamePointOn created with the given Throw’s value. Note that any Come Point bets or Don’t Come Point bets that may be on this point are pushed to player: they can’t be legal bets in the next game state.

CrapsGamePointOff.pointOutcome(self) → Outcome

Returns the Outcome based on the current point. This is used to create Pass Line Odds or Don’t Pass Odds bets. This delegates the real work to the current CrapsGameState object. Since no point has been established, this returns null.

CrapsGamePointOff.__str__(self) → str

The point-off state should simply report that the point is off, or that this is the come out roll.

CrapsGamePointOn Class

class CrapsGamePointOn

The CrapsGamePointOn class defines the behavior of the Craps game when the point is on. It defines the allowed bets and the active bets. It provides methods used by a Throw object to change the state and resolve bets.



The point value.


CrapsGamePointOff.__init__(self, point: Outcome, game: CrapsGame) → None

Saves the given point value. Uses the superclass constructor to save the overall CrapsGame object.

  • point – the outcome which defines the point set but the current Throw instance.

  • game (CrapsGame) – the current CrapsGame instance


CrapsGamePointOff.isValid(self, outcome: Outcome) → bool

outcome (Outcome) – The outcome to be tested for validity

It is invalid to Buy or Lay the Outcome instances that match the point. If the point is 6, for example, it is invalid to buy the “Come Point 6” Outcome. All other Outcome instances are valid.

CrapsGamePointOff.isWorking(self, outcome: Outcome) → bool

outcome (Outcome) – The outcome to be tested to see if it’s working

All Outcome instances are working.

CrapsGamePointOff.craps(self, throw: Outcome) → None

throw (Throw) – The throw that is associated with craps.

When the point is on, 2, 3 and 12 do not change the game state. The Come Line Outcome is a loser, the Don’t Come Line Outcome is a winner. The next state is the same as this state, and the method should return this.

CrapsGamePointOff.natural(self, outcome: Outcome) → None

throw (Throw) – The throw that is associated with a natural seven.

When the point is on, 7 means the game is a loss. Pass Line Outcome instances lose, as do the pass-line odds Outcome s based on the point. Don’t Pass Line Outcome instances win, as do all Don’t Pass odds Outcome based on the point. The Come Line Outcome is a winner, the Don’t Come Line Outcome is a loser. However, all Come Point number Outcome instances and Come Point Number odds Outcome are all losers. All Don’t Come Point number Outcome instances and Don’t Come Point odds Outcome instances are all winners. The next state is a new instance of the CrapsGamePointOff state.

Also note that the Throw of 7 also resolved all hardways bets. A consequence of this is that all Bets on the CrapsTable are resolved.

CrapsGamePointOff.eleven(self, throw: Throw) → None

throw (Throw) – The throw that is associated an eleven.

When the point is on, 11 does not change the game state. The Come Line Outcome is a winner, and the Don’t Come Line Outcome is a loser. The next state is the same as this state, and the method should return this.

CrapsGamePointOff.point(self, throw: Throw) → None

throw (Throw) – The throw that is associated with a point number.

When the point is on and the value of throw doesn’t match point, then the various Come Line bets can be resolved. Come Point Outcome s for this number (and their odds) are winners. Don’t Come Line Outcome s for this number (and their odds) are losers. Other Come Point number and Don’t Come Point numbers remain, unresolved. Any Come Line bets are moved to the Come Point number Outcome instances. For example, a throw of 6 moves the Outcome of the Come Line Bet to Come Point 6. Don’t Come Line bets are moved to be Don’t Come number Outcome instances. The method should return this.

When the point is on and the value of throw matches point, the game is a winner. Pass Line Outcome instances are all winners, as are the behind the line odds Outcome instances. Don’t Pass line Outcome instances are all losers, as are the Don’t Pass Odds Outcome instances. Come Line bets are moved to thee Come Point number Outcome instances. Don’t Come Line bets are moved to be Don’t Come number Outcome instances. The next state is a new instance of the CrapsGamePointOff state.

CrapsGamePointOff.pointOutcome(self) → Outcome

Returns the Outcome based on the current point. This is used to create Pass Line Odds or Don’t Pass Odds bets. This delegates the real work to the current CrapsGameState object. For points of 4 and 10, the Outcome odds are 2:1. For points of 5 and 9, the odds are 3:2. For points of 6 and 8, the odds are 6:5.

CrapsGamePointOff.__str__(self) → str

The point-off state should simply report that the point is off, or that this is the come out roll.

CrapsGame Design

class CrapsGame

The CrapsGame class manages the sequence of actions that defines the game of Craps. This includes notifying the Player to place bets, throwing the Dice instance and resolving the Bet objects actually present in the Table object’s collection of bets.

Note that a single cycle of play is one throw of the dice, not a complete craps game. The state of the game may or may not change with each throw of the dice.



Contains the dice that returns a randomly selected Throw with winning and losing Outcome instances. This is an instance of the Dice class.


The CrapsTable instance contains the bets placed by the player.


The CrapsPlayer instance to place bets on the CrapsTable instance.


We based this constructor on an design that allows any of these objects to be replaced. This is the Strategy design pattern. Each of these objects is a replaceable strategy, and can be changed by the client that uses this game.

Additionally, we specifically do not include the Player instance in the constructor. The CrapsGame object exists independently of any particular Player instance, and we defer binding the Player instance and CrapsGame object until we are gathering statistical samples.

CrapsGame.__init__(self, dice: Dice, table: CrapsTable) → None
  • dice (Dice) – The dice to use

  • table – The table to use for collecting bets

  • tableCrapsTable

Constructs a new CrapsGame instance, using a given Dice instance and CrapsTable instance.

The player is not defined at this time, since we may want to run several simulations with different players.


CrapsGame.__init__(self, player: CrapsPlayer) → None

player (CrapsPlayer) – The player who will place bets on this game

This will execute a single cycle of play with a given CrapsPlayer.

  1. It will call CrapsPlayer.placeBets() to get bets. It will validate the bets, both individually, based on the game state, and collectively to see that the table limits are met.

  2. It will call Dice.roll() to get the next winning Throw instance.

  3. It will use the Throw object’s updateGame() to advance the game state.

  4. It will then call CrapsTable.bets() to get an Iterator over individual Bet objects.

    • It will use the Throw object’s resolveOneRoll() method to check one-roll propositions. If the method returns true, the Bet instance is resolved and should be deleted.

    • It will use the Throw object’s resolveHardways() method to check the hardways bets. If the method returns true, the Bet instance is resolved and should be deleted.

    Note we can’t delete from a simple iterator over a list. If we make a copy of the list, we can iterate over the copy and delete from the original list.

CrapsGame.pointOutcome(self) → Outcome

Returns the Outcome based on the current point. This is used to create Pass Line Odds or Don’t Pass Odds bets. This delegates the real work to the current CrapsGameState object.

CrapsGame.moveToThrow(self, bet: Bet, throw: Throw) → None
  • bet (Bet) – The Bet to move based on the current throw

  • throw (Throw) – The Throw to which to move the Bet’s Outcome

Moves a Come Line or Don’t Come Line bet to a new Outcome instance based on the current throw. This delegates the move to the current CrapsGameState object.

This method should – just as a precaution – assert that the value of theThrow is 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10. These point values indicate that a Line bet can be moved. For other values of theThrow, this method should raise an exception, since there’s no reason for attempting to move a line bet on anything but a point throw.

CrapsGame.reset(self) → None

This will reset the game by setting the state to a new instance of GamePointOff. It will also tell the table to clear all bets. This can be used during the overall simulation or unit testing to reset the object.

This method is optional. In many cases, it’s easier to simply delete the object and create a fresh, new copy.

Craps Game Deliverables

There are over a dozen deliverables for this exercise. This includes significant rework for the Throw and Dice classes. It also includes development of a stub CrapsPlayer class, the CrapsGameState class hierarchy and the first version of the CrapsGame class. We will break the deliverables down into two groups.

Rework. The first group of deliverables includes the rework for the Throw and Dice classes, and all of the associated unit testing.

  • The revised and expanded Throw class. This will ripple through the constructors for all four subclasses, NaturalThrow, CrapsThrow, ElevenThrow, PointThrow.

  • Five updated unit tests for the classes in the Throw class hierarchy. This will confirm the new functionality for holding winning as well as losing Outcome instances.

  • The revised and expanded ThrowBuilder class. This will construct Throw instances with winning as well as losing Outcome instances.

  • A unit test for the Dice class that confirms the new initializer that creates winning as well as losing Outcome instances.

New Development. The second group of deliverables includes development of a stub CrapsPlayer class, the CrapsGameState class hierarchy and the first version of the CrapsGame class. This also includes significant unit testing.

  • The CrapsPlayer class stub. We will rework this design later. This class places a bet on the Pass Line when there is no Pass Line Bet on the table. One consequence of this is that the player will be given some opportunities to place bets, but will decline. Since this is simply used to test CrapsGame class, it doesn’t deserve a very sophisticated unit test of its own. It will be replaced in a future exercise.

  • A revised Bet class, which carries a reference to the Player object who created the Bet instance. This will ripple through all subclasses of the Player class, forcing them to all add the self parameter when constructing a new Bet instance.

  • This will lead to rework in the Roulette definitions to add the Player object reference to each Bet instance that’s created.

  • The CrapsGame class.

  • A class which performs a demonstration of the CrapsGame class. This demo program creates the Dice object, the stub CrapsPlayer object, and the CrapsTable object. It creates the CrapsGame object and cycles a few times. Note that we will need to configure the Dice object to return non-random results.

We could, with some care, refactor our design to create some common superclasses between Roulette and Craps to extract features of Throw class so they can be shared by the Throw and Bin classes. Similarly, there may be more common features between the RouletteGame and CrapsGame classes. We’ll leave that as an exercise for more advanced students.

Optional Working Bets

Some casinos may give the player an option to declare the odds bet behind a come point as “on” or “off”. This is should not be particularly complex to implement. There are a number of simple changes required if we want to add this interaction between the CrapsPlayer and CrapsGame classes.

  1. We must add a method to the CrapsPlayer class to respond to a query from the CrapsGame instance that determines if the player wants their come point odds bet on or off.

  2. We need to update Bet instance to store the Player instance who created the Bet object.

  3. The CrapsGame instance must get the relevant Bet instances from the Table object, and interrogates the Player object for the disposition of the bet.

Looking Forward

This was a lot of work. The craps game, and the stateful behavior is an important OO design exercise. Coping with state change is central to all programming, and OO design uses class encapsulation to isolate the responsibilities, leading to more reliable and robust application software.

The craps player has two kinds of decisions. They can place bets, and they can use various strategies to adjust the amounts of the bets. This double-layer of decision-making will lead to rather complex player class definitions. In the next section, we’ll address the craps player in some depth.