Throw Class

In Craps, a throw of the dice may change the state of the game. This close relationship between the Throw class and CrapsGame class leads us to design the Throw class in detail, along with a rough stub for the CrapsGame class.

We’ll try to keep the Throw class as a parallel with the Bin class in Roulette. It will hold a bunch of individual Outcome instances.

We’ll look at the nature of a Throw in Throw Analysis.

This will lead us to look – again – at The Wrap vs. Extend Question. This is an important question related to how we’ll use a collection class.

In Throw Design we’ll look at the top-level superclass. There are a number of subclasses:

Once we have the throw defined, we can examine the outline of the game in Craps Game Design. This will show how game and throw collaborate. In Throw Deliverables we’ll enumerate the deliverables for this chapter.

Throw Analysis

The pair of dice can throw a total of 36 unique combinations. These are summarized into fifteen distinct outcomes: the eleven numbers from 2 to 12, plus the four hardways variations for 4, 6, 8 and 10.

In Roulette, the randomized positions on the wheel were called Bin instances and each one had a collection of winning Outcome instances. The Outcome objects were matched against the Bet objects created by the player.

In Craps, however, the throws of the dice serve three distinct purposes:

  • They resolve any of the one-roll proposition bets.

  • They may also resolve any hardways bets.

  • They may also change the game state. This may also resolve the game bets.

We’ll look at each of these responsibilities individually.

One-Throw Propositions. Each Throw object can include a collection of proposition Outcome instances. These are immediate winners. This collection will be some combination of 2, 3, 7, 11, 12, Field, Any Craps, or Horn. For completeness, we note that each throw could also contain one of the 21 hop-bet Outcome instances; however, we’ll ignore the hop bets.

Multi-Throw Propositions. A Throw object may resolve hardways bets (as well as place bets and buy bets). There are three possible conditions for a given throw:

  • Some hardways bets may be winners because the number was two equal dice.

  • Some bets may be losers because the number was two non-equal dice or a seven.

  • Some bets may remain unresolved because the dice were neither the target number, nor a seven.

This tells us that a Throw object may be more than a simple collection of winning Outcome instances.

It seems sensible for a Throw object must also contain a list of losing Outcome instances. For example, any of the two easy 8 rolls (6-2 or 5-3) would contain winning Outcome instances for the place-8 bet and buy-8 bet, as well as a losing Outcome instances for a hardways-8 bet. The hard 8 roll (4-4), however, would contain winning Outcome instances for the place-8 bet, buy-8 bet, and hardways-8 bet

Game State Change. Most importantly, a Throw object can lead to a state change of the game. If the game ends, this will resolve game-level bets. From the Craps Game Overview, we see that the state changes depend on both the CrapsGame object’s state. The rules identify the following species of Throw instance:

  • Craps. These are throws of 2, 3 or 12. In the come-out roll state, this is an immediate loss. In any other state, this is ignored. There are 4 of these throws.

  • Natural. This is a throw of 7. In the come-out roll state, this is an immediate win. In any other state, this is an immediate loss and a change of state back to the start of a game. There are 6 of these throws.

  • Eleven. This is a throw of 11. In the come-out roll state, this is an immediate win. In any other state, this is ignored. There are 2 of these throws.

  • Point. This is a throw of 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10. In the come-out roll state, this establishes the point, and changes the game state. In any other state, this is is compared against the established point: if it matches, this is a win and a change of game state. Otherwise, no game state change occurs. There are a total of 24 of these throws.

The state change can be implemented by defining methods in CrapsGame class that match the varieties of Throw. We can imagine that the design for the CrapsGame class will have four methods: craps(), natural(), eleven(), and point(). Each kind of Throw subclass will call the matching method of the CrapsGame class, leading to possible state changes, and possible game bet resolution.

The game state changes lead us to design a hierarchy of Throw subclasses. We can then initialize a Dice object with 36 Throw objects, each of the appropriate subclass. When all of the subclasses have an identical interface, this embodies the principle of polymorphism. For additional information, see On Polymorphism.

In looking around, we have a potential naming problem: both a wheel’s Bin and the dice’s Throw are somehow instances of a common abstraction. Looking forward, we may wind up wrestling with a deck of cards trying to invent a common nomenclature for all of these randomizers. All three create random events, and this leads us to a possible superclass for the Bin class and Throw class: a RandomEvent class.

Currently, we can’t identify any features that we can refactor up into the superclass. Rather than over-engineer this, we’ll hold off on complicating the design until we find something else that is common between our sources of random events.

The Wrap vs. Extend Question

Note that an instance of the Throw class is effectively a container for a set of Outcome instances. We have the standard Wrap vs. Extend question that we need to answer here.

  • Wrap. Each Throw class can have an internal frozenset of Outcome objects.

  • Extend. We base the Throw class on the frozenset class directly and add methods to add features.

We have a fairly large number of methods that are introduced in this design.

When we look back at Roulette, a Bin object had no impact on the state of the game. In Craps, though, there’s a need for each Throw object to update the current state of the game.

Both options seem sensible. Lacking further information, we’ll focus on using a Wraps approach, and define the Throw class so it has a frozenset object as an attribute.

Throw Design

class Throw

The Throw class is the superclass for the various throws of the dice. Each subclass is a different grouping of the numbers, based on the rules for Craps.



A Set of one-roll Outcomes that win with this throw.

We’ll include the two numbers showing on the dice because it makes it easy to produce helpful debugging output. In the long run, the numbers don’t really matter as much as the state changes.


One of the two die values, from 1 to 6.


The other of the two die values, from 1 to 6.


Throw.__init__(self, d1: int, d2: int, *outcomes: Outcome) → None

Creates this throw, and associates the given Set of Outcome instances that are winning propositions.

  • d1 – The value of one die

  • d2 – The value of the other die

  • outcomes – The various Outcome objects for this throw. These are bets immediately resolved as winners.


Throw.hard(self) → bool

Returns True if d1 is equal to d2. This helps determine if hardways bets have been won or lost.

Throw.updateGame(self, game: CrapsGame) → None

game (CrapsGame) – the CrapsGame object to be updated based on this throw.

This method calls one of the CrapsGame state change methods: craps(), natural(), eleven(), point(). This may change the game state and resolve bets.

Throw.__str__(self) → str

An easy-to-read string output method is also very handy. A form that looks like 1,2 works nicely.

Natural Throw Design

class NaturalThrow
Natural Throw is a subclass of Throw for the

“natural” number, 7.


NaturalThrow.__init__(self, d1: int, d2: int) → None
  • d1 – The value of one die

  • d2 – The value of the other die

Creates this Throw instance. The constraint is that d1 + d2 = 7. If the constraint is not satisfied, raise an exception.

This uses the superclass constructor to add appropriate Outcome instances for a throw of 7.


NaturalThrow.hard(self) → bool

A natural 7 is odd, and can never be made “the hard way”. This method always returns False.

NaturalThrow.updateGame(self, game: CrapsGame) → None

game (CrapsGame) – the CrapsGame to be updated based on this throw.

Calls the natural() method of a game CrapsGame. This may change the game state and resolve bets.

Craps Throw Design

class CrapsThrow
Craps Throw is a subclass of Throw for the

“craps” numbers, 2, 3 and 12.


CrapsThrow.__init__(self, d1: int, d2: int) → None
  • d1 – The value of one die

  • d2 – The value of the other die

Creates this Throw instance. The constraint is that d1 + d2 \in \{2, 3, 12\}. If the constraint is not satisfied, raise an exception.

This uses the superclass constructor to add appropriate Outcome instances for a throw of craps.


CrapsThrow.hard(self) → bool

The craps numbers are never part of “hardways” bets. This method always returns False.

CrapsThrow.updateGame(self, game: CrapsGame) → None

game (CrapsGame) – the CrapsGame instance to be updated based on this throw.

Calls the craps() method of a game CrapsGame instance. This may change the game state and resolve bets.

Eleven Throw Design

class ElevenThrow

ElevenThrow is a subclass of Throw for the number, 11. This is special because 11 has one effect on a come-out roll and a different effect on point rolls.


ElevenThrow.__init__(self, d1: int, d2: int) → None
  • d1 – The value of one die

  • d2 – The value of the other die

Creates this Throw instance. The constraint is that d1 + d2 = 11. If the constraint is not satisfied, raise an exception.

This uses the superclass constructor to add appropriate Outcome instances for a throw of 11.


ElevenThrow.hard(self) → bool

Eleven is odd and never part of “hardways” bets. This method always returns False.

ElevenThrow.updateGame(self, game: CrapsGame) → None

game (CrapsGame) – the CrapsGame instance to be updated based on this throw.

Calls the eleven() method of a CrapsGame instance. This may change the game state and resolve bets.

Point Throw Design

class PointThrow

PointThrow is a subclass of Throw for the point numbers 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 or 10.


PointThrow.__init__(self, d1: int, d2: int) → None
  • d1 – The value of one die

  • d2 – The value of the other die

Creates this Throw instance. The constraint is that d1 + d2 \in \{ 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 \}. If the constraint is not satisfied, raise an exception.

This uses the superclass constructor to add appropriate Outcome instances for a throw of craps.


PointThrow.hard(self) → bool

Returns True if d1 is equal to d2. This helps determine if hardways bets have been won or lost.

PointThrow.updateGame(self, game: CrapsGame) → None

game (CrapsGame) – the CrapsGame instance to be updated based on this throw.

Calls the point() method of a game CrapsGame. This may change the game state and resolve bets.

Craps Game Design

This is a stub class definition for CrapsGame. This initial design contains the interface used by the Throw class hierarchy to implement game state changes. In a later section, we’ll provide a more complete definition.



The current point. This will be replaced by a proper State design pattern.


CrapsGame.__init__(self) → None

Creates this game. A later version will use a constructor to include the Dice instance and the CrapsTable instance.


CrapsGame.craps(self) → None

Resolves all current 1-roll bets.

If the point is zero, this was a come out roll: Pass Line bets are an immediate loss, Don’t Pass Line bets are an immediate win.

If the point is non-zero, Come Line bets are an immediate loss; Don’t Come Line bets are an immediate win.

The state doesn’t change.

A future version will delegate responsibility to the craps() method of a current state object.

CrapsGame.natural(self) → None

Resolves all current 1-roll bets.

If the point is None, this was a come out roll: Pass Line bets are an immediate win; Don’t Pass Line bets are an immediate loss.

If the point is non-None, Come Line bets are an immediate win; Don’t Come bets are an immediate loss; the point is also reset to zero because the game is over.

Also, hardways bets are all losses.

A future version will delegate responsibility to the natural() method of a current state object.

CrapsGame.eleven(self) → None

Resolves all current 1-roll bets.

If the point is None, this is a come out roll: Pass Line bets are an immediate win; Don’t Pass Line bets are an immediate loss.

If the point is non-None, Come Line bets are an immediate win; Don’t Come bets are an immediate loss.

The game state doesn’t change.

A future version will delegate responsibility to the eleven() method of a current state object.

CrapsGame.point(self, point: int) → None

point (integer) – The point value to set.

Resolves all current 1-roll bets.

If the point was None, this is a come out roll, and the value of the dice establishes the point.

If the point was non-None and this throw matches the point the game is over: Pass Line bets and associated odds bets are winners; Don’t Pass bets and associated odds bets are losers; the point is reset to zero.

Finally, if the point is non-None and this throw does not match the point, the state doesn’t change. Come point and Don’t come point bets may be resolved. Additionally, hardways bets may be resolved.

A future version will delegate responsibility to the current state’s point() method to advance the game state.

Throw.__str__(self) → str

An easy-to-read string output method is also very handy. The stub version of this class has no internal state object. This class can simply return a string representation of the point; and the string "Point Off" when point is None.

Throw Deliverables

There are eleven deliverables for this exercise.

  • A stub class for CrapsGame with the various methods invoked by the throws. The design information includes details on bet resolution that doesn’t need to be fully implemented at the present time. For this stub class, the change to the point variable is required for unit testing. The other information should be captured as comments and output statements that help confirm the correct behavior of the game.

  • The Throw superclass, and the four subclasses: CrapsThrow, NaturalThrow, ElvenThrow, PointThrow.

  • Five classes which perform unit tests on the various classes of the Throw class hierarchy.

Looking Forward

Now that we’ve defined the 36 possible dice throws, we can combine these into a Dice class that selects a throw at random. The Dice class parallels the Wheel class in the Roulette simulation. In the next chapter, we’ll look at the design for the dice and how it emits random values.