Bin Builder Class

We’ll look at the question of filling in the Outcome objects in each Bin container of the Wheel collection. The Bin Builder Analysis section will address the various outcomes in details.

In Bin Builder Algorithms we’ll look at eight algorithms for allocating appropriate outcomes to appropriate bins of the wheel.

The BinBuilder Design section will present the detailed design for this class. In Bin Builder Deliverables we’ll define the specific deliverables.

In Internationalization and Localization we’ll identify some considerations for providing local language names for the outcomes.

Bin Builder Analysis

Enumerating each Outcome in the 38 Bin instances by hand is a tedious undertaking. Most Bin instances contain about fourteen individual Outcome instances. An algorithm seems like a better, less error-prone way to do this job.

It is often helpful to create a class that is used to build an instance of another class. This is a design pattern sometimes called a Builder. We’ll design an object that builds the various Bin instances and assigns them to a Wheel object. This will fill the need left open in the Wheel Class.

Additionally, we note that the complex algorithms to construct the Bin instances are only tangential to the operation of the Wheel object. Because these are not essential to the design of the Wheel class, we find it helpful to segregate the builder methods into a separate class.

The BinBuilder class will have a method that enumerates the contents of each of the 36 number Bin instances, building the individual Outcome objects. We can then assign these Outcome objects to the Bin instances of a Wheel instance. We will use a number of steps to create the various types of Outcome instances, and depend on the Wheel to assign each Outcome object to the correct Bin.

The Roulette Outcomes

Looking at the Available Bets in Roulette gives us a number of Outcome instances that are combinations of individual numbers on the Roulette table. These combinations apply to the numbers from one to thirty-six. A different – and much simpler – set of rules applies to 0 and 00.

First, we’ll survey the table geometry and the profusion of bets based on locations of the numbers. Then we’ll develop specific algorithms for each kind of bet.

  • Split Bets. Each numbered square on the layout is adjacent to two, three or four other numbers. There are horizontal (left-right( splits and vertical (up-down) splits. For example, “5” is part of “4-5”, “5-6”, “2-5”, and “5-8”. Around the edges of the layout, a number will be part of fewer splits.

  • Street Bets. Each number is a member of one of the twelve street bets. For example “9” is part of the “7-8-9” street.

  • Corner Bets. Each number is a member of one, two or four corner bets. A number in the center column (5, 8, 11, …, 32) is a member of four corners. For example, “8” is part of “5-6-8-9”, “4-5-7-8”, “7-8-11-12”, and “8-9-11-12”. At the edges, a number is part of fewer corners.

  • Line Bets. Six adjacent numbers comprise a line. A line is two adjacent street bets. Each number will be part of one or two lines. For example “9” is part of the “7-8-9-10-11-12” line as well as the “4-5-6-7-8-9” line.

  • Dozen Bets. Each number is a member of one of available dozen bets. The three ranges are from 1 to 12, 13 to 24 and 25 to 36, making it very easy to associate a numbers with one of the dozens.

  • Column Bets. Each number is a member of one of the three columns. Each of the columns has a number numeric relationship. The values are 3c+1, 3c+2, and 3c+3, where 0 \leq c < 12.

  • The Even-Money or “Outside” Bets. These include Red, Black, Even, Odd, High, Low. Each number on the layout will be associated with three of the six possible even money Outcome instances.

  • The Five Bet. The Bin instances for zero and double zero are special cases. Each of these Bin instances has a straight number bet Outcome, plus the “Five Bet” Outcome object. This is a bet on (00-0-1-2-3, which pays 6:1).

One other thing we’ll probably want are handy names for the various kinds of odds. We might want to define a collection of constants for this.

While can define an Outcome as Outcome("Number 1", 35) , this is a little opaque. A slightly nicer form is Outcome("Number 1", Game.StraightBet). Naming the odds makes it easier to make a consistent change to the odds to represent some localized change in house rules.

Bin Builder Algorithms

This section provides the algorithms for nine kinds of bets.

Note that we’re going to be accumulating sets (or lists) of individual Outcome objects. These are interim objects that will be used to create the final Bin objects which are assigned to the Wheel.

We’ll be happiest using the core Python set structure to accumulate these collections. The type hint will be Set[Outcome].

Generating Straight Bets

Straight bet Outcome instances are the easiest to generate.

For All Numbers. For each number, n, in the range 1 \leq n < 37:

Create Outcome. Create an Outcome object from the number, n, with straight bet odds of 35:1.

Assign to Bin. Append the Outcome object to Bin instance n.

Zero. Create an Outcome object from the “0” with straight bet odds of 35:1. Assign this to the Bin instance at index 0 in the Wheel.

Double Zero. Create an Outcome from the “00” with odds of 35:1. Assign this to Bin instance at index 37 in the Wheel.

Generating Split Bets

Split bet Outcome instances are more complex because of the various edge and corner cases.

The table geometry has two kinds of split bets:

  • left-right split. These pairs all have the form \{n, n+1\}.

  • up-down split. These pairs have the form \{n, n+3\} .

We can look at the number 5 as being part of 4 different pairs: \{4,4+1\}, \{5,5+1\}, \{2,2+3\}, \{5,5+3\}. The corner number 1 is part of 2 split bets: \{1,1+1\}, \{1,1+3\}.

We can generate all of the “left-right” split bets by iterating through the left two columns; the numbers 1, 4, 7, \dots, 34 and 2, 5, 8, \dots, 35.

For All Rows. For each row, r, in the range 0 \leq r < 12:

First Column Number. Set n \gets 3r+1. This will create values n \in \{1, 4, 7, \dots, 34\}.

Column 1-2 Split. Create a \{n, n+1\} split Outcome object with split bet odds of 17:1.

Assign to Bins. Associate this object with two Bin instances: n and n+1.

Second Column Number. Set n \gets 3r+2. This will create values n \in \{2, 5, 8, \dots, 35\}.

Column 2-3 Split. Create a \{n, n+1\} split Outcome object.

Assign to Bins. Associate this object to two Bin instances: n and n+1.

A similar algorithm must be used for the numbers 1 through 33, to generate the “up-down” split bets. For each number, n, we generate a \{n, n+3\} split bet. This Outcome object belongs to two Bin instances: n and n+3.

Generating Street Bets

Street bet Outcome instances follow a very regular pattern.

We can generate the street bets by iterating through the twelve rows of the layout.

For All Rows. For each row, r, in the range 0 \leq r < 12:

First Column Number. Set n \gets 3r+1. This assure n \in \{1, 4, 7, ..., 34\}.

Street. Create a \{n, n+1, n+2\} street Outcome with street bet odds of 11:1.

Assign to Bins. Associate this object to three Bin instances: n, n+1, n+2.

Generating Corner Bets

Corner bet Outcome instances are as complex as split bets because of the various cases: corners, edges and down-the-middle.

Each corner has four numbers, \{n, n+1, n+3, n+4\}. This is two numbers in the same row, and two numbers in the next higher row.

We can generate the corner bets by iterating through the numbers 1, 4, 7, \dots, 31 and 2, 5, 8, \dots, 32. For each number, n, we generate a corner bet. This Outcome object belongs to four Bin instances.

We generate corner bets by iterating through the various corners based on rows and columns. There is room for two corners within the three columns of the layout: one corner starts at column 1 and the other corner starts at column 2. There is room for 11 corners within the 12 rows of the layout.

For All Lines Between Rows. For each row, r, in the range 0 \leq r < 11:

First Column Number. Set n \gets 3r+1. This will assure n \in \{1, 4, 7, ..., 31\}.

Column 1-2 Corner. Create a \{n, n+1, n+3, n+4\} corner Outcome with corner bet odds of 8:1.

Assign to Bins. Associate this object to four Bin instances: n, n+1, n+3, n+4.

Second Column Number. Set n \gets 3r+2. This will assure n \in \{2, 5, 8, ..., 32\}.

Column 2-3 Corner. Create a \{n, n+1, n+3, n+4\} corner Outcome with odds of 8:1.

Assign to Bins. Associate this object to four Bin instances: n, n+1, n+3, n+4.

Generating Line Bets

Line bet Outcome instances are similar to street bets. However, these are based around the 11 lines between the 12 rows.

For lines s numbered 0 to 10, the numbers on the line bet can be computed as follows: {3s+1, 3s+2, 3s+3, 3s+4, 3s+5, 3s+6}. This Outcome object belongs to six individual Bin instances.

For All Lines Between Rows. For each row, r, in the range 0 \leq r < 11:

First Column Number. Set n \gets 3r+1. This will assure n \in \{ 1, 4, 7, ..., 31\}.

Line. Create a \{n, n+1, n+2, n+3, n+4, n+5\} line Outcome withs odds of 5:1.

Assign to Bins. Associate this object to six Bin instances: n, n+1, n+2, n+3, n+4, n+5.

Generating Dozen Bets

Dozen bet Outcome instances require enumerating all twelve numbers in each of three groups.

For All Dozens. For each dozen, d, in the range 0 \leq d < 3:

Create Dozen. Create an Outcome for dozen d+1 with odds of 2:1.

For All Numbers. For each number, m, in the range 0 \leq m < 12:

Assign to Bin. Associate this object to Bin 12d+m+1.

Generating Column Bets

Column bet Outcome instances require enumerating all twelve numbers in each of three groups. While the outline of the algorithm is the same as the dozen bets, the enumeration of the individual numbers in the inner loop is slightly different.

For All Columns. For each column, c, in the range 0 \leq c < 3:

Create Column. Create an Outcome for column c+1 with odds of 2:1.

For All Rows. For each row, r, in the range 0 \leq r < 12:

Assign to Bin. Associate this object to Bin 3r+c+1.

Generating Even-Money Bets

The even money bet Outcome instances are relatively easy to generate.

Create the Red outcome, with odds of 1:1.

Create the Black outcome, with odds of 1:1.

Create the Even outcome, with odds of 1:1.

Create the Odd outcome, with odds of 1:1.

Create the High outcome, with odds of 1:1.

Create the Low outcome, with odds of 1:1.

For All Numbers. For each number, n, in the range 1 \leq n < 37:

Low? If 1 \leq n < 19, associate the Low Outcome with Bin n.

High? Otherwise, 19 \leq n < 37, associate the High Outcome with Bin n.

Even? If n \mod 2 = 0, associate the Even Outcome with Bin n.

Odd? Otherwise, n \mod 2 \ne 0, associate the Odd Outcome with Bin n.

Red? If n \in \{1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 14, 16, 18, 19,
21, 23, 25, 27, 30, 32, 34, 36\}, associate the Red Outcome with Bin n. There’s no simplifying rule, it’s a list of seemingly arbitrary numbers.

Black? If it’s not Red, associate the Black Outcome with Bin n.

Note that zero and double-zero are not included in any of these.

Generating the Five Bet

The Five bet Outcome instance is relatively easy to generate. This has 6:1 odds. It belongs to five separate bins: 0, 37, 1, 2, and 3. It’s a special case that has to be build separately.

BinBuilder Design

We’ll show the BinBuilder as a class definition. It’s not perfectly clear that a class is necessary for this. We could think of this is a collection of closely-related functions, instead of a single class.

class BinBuilder

BinBuilder creates the Outcome instances for all of the 38 individual Bin on a Roulette wheel.


BinBuilder.__init__(self) → None

Initializes the BinBuilder.


BinBuilder.buildBins(self, wheel: Wheel) → None

Creates the Outcome instances and uses the addOutcome() method to place each Outcome in the appropriate Bin of wheel.

It’s then the Bin instances responsibility to update the data structure used to store the Outcome instances.


wheel (Wheel) – The Wheel with Bins that must be populated with Outcome instances.

There should be separate methods to generate the straight bets, split bets, street bets, corner bets, line bets, dozen bets and column bets, even money bets, and the special five bet.

Bin Builder Deliverables

There are three deliverables for this exercise. The new classes should have meaningful Python docstrings.

  • The BinBuilder class. This is part of the file.

  • A class which performs a unit test of the BinBuilder class. The unit test invoke each of the various methods that create Outcome instances. There are a lot of potential Outcome instances in various Bin collections. We don’t need to check them all, we’ll use the idea of boundaries to check selected cases.

    • Test straight bet Outcome instances in the Bin objects for positions 0, 00, 1, and 36 on the Wheel.

    • Test split bets at positions 1 and 36. There will be “1-2” and “1-4” Outcome objects in the Bin instance at position 1. Similarly, there will be “33-36” and “35-36” Outcome objects in the Bin instance at position 36.

    • Test street bets at positions 1 and 36.

    • Test corner bets around positions 1, 4, and 5. Since 1 is on the edge, it’s only part of one corner. 4, however, is part of two corners, and 5 will be part of 4 corner bets.

    • Test line bets to be sure that 1 is only in a single line bet, where 4 is part of two separate line bets.

    • Test dozens and columns by checking 1, 17, and 36 for membership in appropriate dozens and columns.

    • Use 1, 17, 18, and 36 to check low, high, red, black, even, and odd outside bets.

    • Finally. (Whew!) confirm that 0 and 00 participate in the five bet.

  • (Optional.) Extend the unit test of the Wheel class to create a more complex integration test. The test should create and initialize a Wheel. It can use the Wheel.getBin() method to check selected Bin instances for the correct Outcome instances.

Internationalization and Localization

An an advanced topic, we would like to avoid using a lot of string literals the names of the bets. Python offers extensive tools for localization (l10n) of programs. Since Python works with Unicode strings, it supports non-Latin characters, supporting internationalization (i18n), also.

This is an advanced topic. It’s tightly coupled with the names provided to the Outcome instances. This is a place to consider translating the labels for outcomes in the bins.

Looking Forward

Once we’ve populated the Wheel instance, we can move on to looking at how a player interacts with the game. In the case of Roulette, the player’s primary interaction is to place bets. We’ll start with a model for the Bet class.