Demonstration Code

Example 1

Some imports

from pathlib import Path
from csv import DictReader
from statistics import mean, stdev

from funcsql import *

Read the raw data file. This function simply returns the list of dictionaries from the csv.DictReader. The columns aren’t useful as shown.

DEFAULT_PATH = Path("tests") / "Anscombe_quartet_data.csv"

def get_series(path: Path = DEFAULT_PATH) -> list[dict[str, str]]:
    Get all four series.

    :param path: source path
    :return: a list of dictionaries with keys "series", "x", and "y".
    with open(path) as source_file:
        rdr = DictReader(source_file)
        return list(rdr)

The column names are x123, y1, y2, y3, x4, and y4, which require restructuring.

We want a table like the following:

hide methods
hide circle

class Anscombe {
    series: int
    x: float
    y: float

There are four series, each use a subset of columns:

  • {series: 1, x: x123, y: y1}

  • {series: 2, x: x123, y: y2}

  • {series: 3, x: x123, y: y3}

  • {series: 4, x: x4, y: y4}

One way to restructure this is a UNION of four queries.

SELECT 1, x123 as x, y1 as y
FROM raw
SELECT 2, x123 as x, y2 as y
FROM raw
SELECT 3, x123 as x, y3 as y
FROM raw
SELECT 4, x4 as x, y4 as y
FROM raw

We can do this as follows without the overhead of creating and loading one table that we’ll used to create a second table.

def restructure(sample_rows: list[dict[str, str]]) -> list[Row]:
    Transform the mish-mash of columns to a series number, and x, y values.

    :param samples: the raw results of the CSV ``DictReader``.
    :return: A list of ``Row`` instances.
    samples = Table("samples", sample_rows)

    q1 = Select(
        series=lambda cr: 1,
        x=lambda cr: float(cr.samples.x123),
        y=lambda cr: float(cr.samples.y1),
    q2 = Select(
        series=lambda cr: 2,
        x=lambda cr: float(cr.samples.x123),
        y=lambda cr: float(cr.samples.y2),
    q3 = Select(
        series=lambda cr: 3,
        x=lambda cr: float(cr.samples.x123),
        y=lambda cr: float(cr.samples.y3),
    q4 = Select(
        series=lambda cr: 4,
        x=lambda cr: float(cr.samples.x4),
        y=lambda cr: float(cr.samples.y4),

    rows = (
        list(fetch(q1)) + list(fetch(q2))
        + list(fetch(q3)) + list(fetch(q4))

The real goal is to compute some descriptive statistics after restructuring the data.

SELECT series, MEAN(x), MEAN(y)
FROM anscombe
GROUP BY series

The query is a bit longer, but (again) doesn’t involve the overhead of loading table. Or – in this example – loading one table with raw data and then inserting into another table to restructure the data.

We’ve highlighted the funcsql.Select that corresponds to the statistics query.

def main() -> None:
    data = restructure(get_series())
    anscombe = Table.from_rows("anscombe", data)

    print("Series I")
    query = (
        Select(x=lambda cr: cr.anscombe.x, y=lambda cr: cr.anscombe.y)
        .where(lambda cr: cr.anscombe.series == 1)
    for r in fetch(query):
        print(f"{r.x:6.2f}, {r.y:6.2f}")

    stats_query = (
            mean_x=Aggregate(mean, lambda cr: cr.anscombe.x),
            mean_y=Aggregate(mean, lambda cr: cr.anscombe.y)
        .group_by(series=lambda cr: cr.anscombe.series)
    for r in fetch(stats_query):
        print(f"{r.series} {r.mean_x:.2f} {r.mean_y:.2f}")

This does the same processing without the conceptual overheads of table schema, or other SQL complications like connections and commits.

Example 2