Yes, it's an omission and, yes, it's a mistake. I should have said something along the lines of "risk is an uninteresting complication" or "risk is just a euphemism for bad management."

Why is risk uninteresting?

First, the seeds (Chad Fowler's "The Big Rewrite ", and CodeCraft, "To Rewrite or not to rewrite, that is the question ") don't mention risk.

Second, and more important, "risk," as commonly used in IT planning, usually means "bad management". Most people will discuss risk in a broad, unfocused, intangible, "$#!+ Happens" kind of way. They say vague things like "How much risk is associated with this project?" as if risk is a quantity. Rarely will they talk about a specific thing that might not turn out as planned.

I think any discussion of risk has to be separated into bad management and actual unplannable events. The unplannable events are real risks like heart disease, cancer, stroke, or motor vehicle accidents. Almost everything else that can go wrong is little more than bad management.

There is no single, broad "risk" associated with a software development project. There are a number of specific risks, each one is unique, and each is a symptom of bad management. Software development risks cannot easily be aggregated, except in a theoretical expected value calculation. And even then, that's dead wrong for software.

There are many lists of specific risk factors. The Visual FoxPro Wiki, for example, has a Software Development Risk Factors page that's handy. Here is the heart of the problem: failing to address risks as discrete kinds of mistakes . Almost all of the things we see as software risks are just bad management, each a kind of failure to cope with ignorance. I believe that, like an architecture , software development involves strategies to manage ignorance.

[The worst conversations are the "we don't know what we don't know, anything could happen" conversations. Those are exasperating. You do, in fact, have tangible risk models and lists of risk factors, better termed "potential problems."]

Software Risks are Different

Software development isn't like other construction trades. We aren't building something, but learning something. Software development is all about knowledge capture. Even if we don't build the application software that was in the "Goals" section of a project charter, we still learned something of value.

From the old Max Headroom TV series , I learned, "There are no failed experiments, only more data." This appears to be a paraphrase of a quote from R. Buckminster Fuller, but I can't find a reference to Fuller's original quote.

Software development risk factors don't fit the standard mold. Most risk analysis is based on the probability of a loss: the house burns down, the bridge collapses, the culvert washes out, the footings are undermined, the boat sinks. Software doesn't involve the same kinds of loss. Indeed, it rarely involves any loss at all. Unless a server actually burns up, or all the people leave the organization -- taking all their notes with them -- you don't have a total loss.

In software development, a "failure" isn't like a classical "loss": you still learned something, and the thing you learned is of real value. You may think that you only learned that you can't deliver 10 person-years of software in 1/2 a person-year. But your requirements, designs, and partial solutions all have real, tangible value, and can be reworked into something. The team that remains grew in experience, management gained some knowledge, the organization learned something.

But the Labor was Wasted

A software project failure isn't even a total loss of labor hours. You can only lose the labor hours by a two step process: failing to deliver a solution to the problem and then firing the every single person who learned the lessons. When this happens, it indicates a criminal disregard for how an organization accumulates knowledge and skills.

Generally, a software project "failure" is little more than excessive labor hours for relatively low-value lessons learned. You may, for example, learn that your customers lie, or can't focus on a problem, or get distracted, or have no sense of perspective. You may learn that your developers aren't very good. You may learn that your tool vendors misrepresented their products. These can be learned more cheaply or more dearly. The most expensive way to learn these lessons is by investing millions in software development only to learn that everybody lies .

Often, software development projects are labeled "failure" for the wrong reasons. For example, we have some random business problem ("can't consolidate 85 spreadsheets"). We have over-blown user requirements ("must include an in-ground swimming pool with wide-screen underwater TV"). We fail to deliver on the requirements, the project is labeled a failure and people are sacked. However, the users changed their processes and tools and can now consolidate with fewer errors. The business problem is solved, or perhaps reduced in scope or impact. The organization is satisfied and elects to focus on something that's more valuable. How -- precisely -- is that a failure, other than a failure to deliver on undeliverable requirements?

What Not To Do

A software development risk isn't a risk of a loss. It doesn't have a win vs. loss potential the way we see it in a simple expected-value calculation. It's just an unexpected outcome. Or, more precisely, an outcome with a value that isn't commensurate with the cost.

Here's the biggest possible project planning mistake: adding contingency fees. For example, there's a risk of key staff not being available. This has a defined project premium of 5%. This is unjustifiable since each situation is unique. You should be asking which specific key staff member? Unavailable for what reason? How do we prevent that? You should not be tacking money onto the project.

Here's the second biggest project planning mistake: trying to do expected value calculations. For example, there's a risk of low productivity. We assign a cost ($100,000), we assign a probability (0.10) and we compute an expected value of $10,000 for low productivity. Funny, this looks like the 5% premium, with more assumptions folded in. Again, this is unjustifiable. Specifically, if you anticipate a cost of $100,000 for low productivity, what's the investment to prevent this? You should be doing ROI calculations on your prevention strategy.

Don't waste time on the odds of "$#!+ Happens". Take action to prevent "$#!+ From Happening."

Project Strategies

For now, we're stuck with "potential problems" being called "risk factors". It's common terminology and hard to dislodge. For each software development risk factor, you have two strategies: prevent the problem and recover from the problem. Indeed, all of the software development risk factors I've ever seen are simply lists of management mistakes, all of which are avoidable or preventable.

You shell out money to prevent problems. Having done that, you can set aside contingency money to recover if something doesn't go according to plan. Since this is software, there's always a kind of recovery available; something of value can be retained.

[What's distressing is the management distaste for making intelligent choices that preserve value. Instead we see sweeping reorganizations that assure that little of value is retained.]

If the technology doesn't work out, you can switch to a new technology. If your developers aren't up to the job, you can hire or rent new developers. If your users lie -- well -- you've got big problems, but there are techniques for managing even this.

Looking at list of Software Development Risk Factors , we see that each one is a simple, discoverable, preventable situation. Some situations, appear to be difficult to prevent. Specifically, if we run afoul of the eight things in "To Rewrite or not to rewrite, that is the question ", we've done something colossally stupid. We've guaranteed that the project -- as planned -- can't meet the expectations.

This leads us to two kinds of project problems: planning for failure, and mismanaging ignorance. Both of these are labeled "risk", but they're not random "$#!+ Happens". They're not like ramming a submerged shipping container and losing your boat. They're management dumbosity (a cross between dumbness and pomposity.)

Planning for Failure

Here's a great example from "To Rewrite..": "Do you honestly believe that if you rewrote it without adding any features the resulting code would be 33% smaller than the current code?" If you can't simplify during the rewrite, then you've assured that you will not achieve the desired simplification, and reduction in maintenance cost. Your plan -- not to simplify -- won't meet anyone's expectation of a better product after the rewrite.

This isn't risk. This is dumb management. Someone specifically planned to fail. They may even write the plan -- the plan that won't achieve the desired simplification -- down in glorious detail.

Failing to Manage Ignorance

Here's an example risk factor: "Large number of complex external interfaces". When you think about it, this is just ignorance. This is basic dumb project management: proceed from a position of ignorance and insist on a budget or schedule or both.

Often, my customers demand a price for something where I'm ignorant of scope or complexity. I have to make up a real number based on what I know and what I expect. My assumptions (the cost factors that are unsupported by facts) are sometimes called "risk" or "contingency". In reality, it's the cost of ignorance, and our expected labor to overcome the ignorance. We just can't call it "ignorance" in a proposal.

This isn't risk. Proceeding without the facts is just dumb management. There are better ways to manage this than simply proceeding or declaring the potential cost too high and canceling the project.

Bottom Line

The usual sense of "risk" doesn't exist for software development projects. Unless you take "risk" as a synonym for bad management.

Yes, bad things can happen that are not foreseeable. However, for a software development project they are the same as they are for throwing a party with the same number of people. They risks are microscopic, and involve things like "heart disease", "cancer", "stroke", "motor vehicle accident" that you'd find any leading cause of death or odds of dying table. (Note that the top three killers are diseases often managed by life-style changes.)

Projects don't "fail" in a broad and vague way. Managers either create a plan that can never meet expectations or they create a plan that doesn't manage ignorance. Then they execute that plan until someone with budget authority realizes that the plan isn't producing value commensurate with the cost.

Maybe I've spent too much time reading Software Craftsmanship , but I think that the incremental, Scrum approach using TDD is the only thing that makes any sense. Build in small pieces, each one of which creates value.