While the question of speed came up recently, it ties in to a long-standing position of mine. I ran some realistic benchmarks, and I'm much happier with my architecture now.


Years ago, at a Siebel conference, I heard a heretical comment. Specifically, they use the RDBMS as simple, flat storage: tables and indexes, nothing more. I was shocked and dismayed that they had just knocked the idea of stored procedures and triggers right on its ear.

About the same time, we had reached our limit in coping with an application that was in "trigger hell" -- it had so many triggers firing for so many reasons, we couldn't work with it. Further, it had stored procedures in the RDBMS, plus is had blocks of Tcl code in the database. Too much architecture, without really clear allocation of responsibility. Application developers and maintainers didn't really get intent behind the various features, and it was slowly spinning out of control.

Since then, my position has been that nothing -- nothing -- goes in the RDBMS but data. All processing (by all, I mean "all", as in "all") belongs in proper programming language class definitions which are part of a proper application software architecture that is outside the RDBMS. I have lots of arguments with people who want to blur the line between "data" and "processing" by claiming that some processing is so intimately tied to the data that it can legitimately be encoded in the RDBMS as part of the persistent storage. The argument is silly. Data is persistent and processing isn't -- they are fundamentally different.

Recent Questions.

One recent question was nearly incomprehensible, and appeared to be an attempt to sort out a jumble of C++ and PL/SQL.

As a side, note, the literal question was "What is the fastest way for C++ code to get data from Oracle ? By fastest I mean w/ the least software overhead." I have no idea what this means. Fastest means fastest, except to this questioner, where it means least "overhead", whatever "overhead" might be defined as. In addition to proposing that faster means "faster", I proposed several definitions for "overhead" but haven't heard back.

The other recent question was part of proposing some work to implement some really complex business rules. The initial request was to build them in PL/SQL. Complex rules don't often work out well in PL/SQL, since the language is fairly thin on sophisticated data structures. Yes, the most recent versions have some kind of collections and some notion of objects, but it isn't a first-class part of the language the way it is in Java. It's seems to be a creepy-looking add-on.

Performance Comparison.

The comparison in "Java vs. PL/SQL: Where Do I Put the SQL? " uses a very limited set of processing steps. It uses some simplistic queries that don't reflect real-world problems.

To be specific, real-world queries are rarely simple "SELECT COUNT(*)" queries. They fall into a number of categories.

  1. Simple COUNT(*) queries, with few or no bind variables. These are a rarity in real-world applications, and aren't a good choice for a benchmark.
  2. Big queries, based on complex table definitions in the FROM clause, but few or no bind variables. These are commonly part of rather complex data warehouse query processing, and don't often have complex selection criteria.
  3. Closely-related families of queries with multiple WHERE-clause alternatives. These are dismayingly common because the data model hasn't kept up with actual use cases. We have to use complex conditions to work around some limitations of the data.

These third class of queries are the interesting ones. These are the queries where you have to use CASE, DECODE and NVL constructs. These are the kinds of queries where you have a number of variants, and you have to resort to "Cursor Variables" in PL/SQL.

These, generally, are also queries for which SQL is not completely appropriate. If you have a problem that sits squarely in SQL's sweet-spot, PL/SQL is a likely best-choice for processing.

Sample Problem.

Let's look at a sample problem that portrays a more realistic problem. Let's look at a common kind of "near-miss" matching. This happens when comparing work hours with work requests, invoices with purchase orders, shipping manifests with advanced shipping notices, manufacturing orders with shipments, etc. In many cases, these involve multi-way matches as we compare our vendors, our internal processes, our logistics and our sales. In extreme cases where we are the vendor managing inventory at our customer's location, this can involve matching customer logistics and sales records with our records.

Typically, we have business rules that match two documents based on a series of rules. The first kinds of rules look for exact matches, the subsequent business rules relax the criteria in various ways to find a "near miss" match.

There are a number of relaxation approaches that are common:

  • Replacing an equality test (on numbers or dates) with a BETWEEN clause
  • Testing for equality of a nullable field (using IFNULL or NVL functions, or CASE expressions)
  • Testing for similarity of strings with a LIKE clause
  • Replacing an equality test with an EXISTS clause

Notably absent is the IN clause, which isn't often "relaxed" into a less strict comparison. When IN conditions are changed it usually means adding additional values to the IN list, which is essentially the same test.

We'll use the first two kinds of comparison relaxations on numeric and date fields. We can create two hypothetical matching rules:

  1. Exact match on three fields. This will be a query of the form WHERE num=? AND date=? AND NVL(optional,-1) = ?
  2. Range match on two of the three fields and exact match on the third. This will be a query of the form WHERE (num BETWEEN ? AND ?) AND (date BETWEEN ? AND ?) AND (NVL(optional,-1) = ?)

We'll wind up with two closely-related queries. The matching algorithm will attempts the exact match query first, then the near-miss query second.

Procedural Optimization.

This problem is amenable to a non-database optimization. This is a common optimization, and I've talked about it at PyCon and seen some folks following up with similar implementations.

Here's the secret: a HashMap (a Python dictionary, indexed by tuples) is blazingly fast, far faster than any RDBMS can ever be. Other than customer data for utilities or banks, you can almost always fit all the data in memory. 10,000 Java or Python objects is not too much to fit into memory on modern processors.

The common optimization is to load one of the two document collections into a HashMap, keyed by the "exact match" criteria. Then, you can query the other document collection, do a nearly instantaneous lookup in the HashMap. if you don't find what you're looking for, then you can fall back to the "relaxed" SQL query.

This gives you a number of implementation alternatives:

  • Pure SQL. There really are two queries: the exact lookup query, and the relaxed ("near miss") query.
  • One Dictionary. In this case, you load a dictionary (or HashMap) with one document collection, and do the exact lookup in the HashMap. The near-miss query is still used for the special cases.
  • More Dictionaries. In some cases, you can partition the document collection into a number of "closely-related" buckets. You can use a fast Hash to locate a bucket which contains a number of candidate documents. You can iterate through the collection of candidates looking for the best near-miss match.

Sample Code.

The sample code is here to show the algorithms -- in general. The specific PL/SQL code and Java code mirror this Python reference information precisely.

Here's the basic, Pure SQL algorithm, in Python. I'm using Python and SQLAlchemy to simplify the presentation. PL/SQL and Java are god-awful wordy and long for precisely the same piece of code.

def pureSQL():
    """Pure SQL matching."""
    # Get a working session
    session = create_session(bind_to=engine)
    invoice_qry= session.query(Invoice)
    manifest_qry= session.query(Manifest)

    # Match invoices
    count= 0
    match= 0
    nearMatch= 0
    multiMatch= 0
    nonMatch= 0
    for man in manifest_qry.select():
        invoices= invoice_qry.select_by(
            invtotal=man.mantotal, invdate=man.mandate,
            shiptocust=man.shiptocust )
        if len(invoices) == 1:
            match += 1
        elif len(invoices) > 1:
            multiMatch += 1 #multiple candidates!
            totW= 10
            dateW= datetime.timedelta(10)
            candidates= invoice_qry.select( and_(
                invoice_tbl.c.invdate.between(man.mandate-dateW,man.mandate+dateW) ) )
            if len(candidates) == 1:
                nearMatch += 1
            elif len(candidates) == 0:
                nonMatch += 1 # non-match
                multiMatch += 1 #multiple candidates!
        count += 1
    print "Manifests", count
    print "  matches", match
    print "  near matches", nearMatch
    print "  multiple near matches", multiMatch
    print "  non-matches", nonMatch

Here's the One Dictionary algorithm, in Python. The only change is on lines 25 and 26.

def oneDict():
    """Use a single dictionary for complete matches."""
    # Get a working session
    session = create_session(bind_to=engine)
    invoice_qry= session.query(Invoice)
    manifest_qry= session.query(Manifest)

    # Load the high-speed lookup dictionary
    invDict= {}
    for inv in invoice_qry.select():
        key= ( inv.invtotal, inv.invdate, inv.shiptocust )
        invDict[key]= inv
    print "Invoices", len(invDict)
    totW= 10
    dateW= datetime.timedelta(10)

    # Match invoices
    count= 0
    match= 0
    nearMatch= 0
    multiMatch= 0
    nonMatch= 0
    for man in manifest_qry.select():
        invkey= ( man.mantotal, man.mandate, man.shiptocust )
        if invDict.has_key( invkey ):
            match += 1
            candidates= invoice_qry.select( and_(
                invoice_tbl.c.invdate.between(man.mandate-dateW,man.mandate+dateW) ) )
            if len(candidates) == 1:
                nearMatch += 1
            elif len(candidates) == 0:
                nonMatch += 1 # non-match
                multiMatch += 1 #multiple candidates!
        count += 1
    print "Manifests", count
    print "  matches", match
    print "  near matches", nearMatch
    print "  multiple near matches", multiMatch
    print "  non-matches", nonMatch

Comparison Results.

Here's the important part. I ran the Python, PL/SQL and Java versions on my Dell Laptop using Oracle 10 XE. Since it's Oracle, the results are widely applicable. (I often do this kind of thing in SQLite, which leads to some disputes.) Also, since it's all on a single single-core box, it's the worst case. A more complex architecture will perform better.

I built about 4000 random invoices and 4000 random manifests that need to be matched. About 2000 matched exactly, the remaining 2000 had about 1000 near-miss matches and about 1000 non-matches. The numbers aren't exact because I use random number generators and there are 81 documents which were supposed to be near misses, but happened to be exact matches. When you miss by zero, it looks like a hit.

24 sec. 7.7 sec.

Java is much faster than PL/SQL.

How is this possible?

Easy. Java isn't competing for scarce resources. Java runs outside the RDBMS, where it has unlimited processor resources. PL/SQL, on the other hand, is just one of the things that the RDBMS is doing. Further, Java has JIT translation to hardware-speed processing, something PL/SQL lacks. Finally, Java has a slick optimizer available to further reduce overheads.

Further Performance Improvement.

As if Java isn't fast enough, we can squeeze a lot more performance out of this process by reducing the SQL operations. As mentioned above, we can replace some of the SQL with a HashMap. This has the following effects.

Algorithm Java Python
Pure SQL 7.8 sec. 31 sec.
One Dictionary 3.5 sec. 12.5 sec.
Two Dictionaries   9.7 sec.

Yes, Python plus SQLAlchemy is slow. That's not the point.

Eliminating the exact-match SQL, cuts the run time to 0.4 of the pure SQL run time. Replacing all of the matching SQL reduces the run time to 0.3 of the original. This reflects a tradeoff between a more complex setup (which takes some of the run-time) vs. a faster match algorithm.

We'd predict a final run time of 2.4 seconds in Java. However, I got bored of coding this in Java, since it's rather tedious.


You want things to run faster? An order of magnitude faster?

  1. Replace PL/SQL with Java.
  2. Replace SQL lookups with in-memory HashMap lookups.

With some hard work, you can change 24 seconds of processing to 2.4 seconds of processing.