The client said, "We have this program, largely in C, which we can no longer support. It doesn't really meet our business needs and it doesn't fit our technology skill set." As part of rewriting the requirements, the question of what it really did came up.

Actually, they had more to say about the author's tendency toward "clever for the sake of being clever", and "intentionally obscure." Leaving the invective aside, they had a pile of C and SQL. What does it really do? How big is the conversion effort?

What To Do?

Time to break out the Python tools to see what we really had. The good news is that C is relatively easy to parse. The PLY package, for example, contains a basic ANSI C lexical scanner and parser than can be adapted to the code base at hand.

The bad news is that the PLY package doesn't help much with the C pre-processor (CPP) syntax. We can, clearly, just run the CPP on the code to get "pure" C, but we lose a little bit of semantic richness when we do this. Our alternative is to implement a quick and dirty CPP-like processor to handle the #ifdef constructs. Since we have the Makefile, we know which options are used and which #ifdefs are relevant.

The other bad news is that embedded SQL in C has yet another pre-processor. The SQL precompiler runs first; it creates SQL-free C code that is handled by the CPP and finally the C compiler, itself. This means that we are really dealing with 3 different languages in a single source file: the embedded SQL language, the CPP language and the C language.

First, we'll look at a simple side-issue in lexical scanning, the processing of new type names. Then we can peer into the pre-processor problem and close the loop on lexical scanning. We'll look at parsing in another posting.

Lexical Scanning.

We need to extend PLY's lexical scanner to recognize typedef names. There are a number of alternatives here. One choice is to relax the grammar slightly, removing the distinction between type ID's and plain old ID's. Another choice is to have the parser update the lexical scanner's list of type ID's as typedefs are seen.

Instead of these two choices, which are appropriate for the more general problem, we can simply hard-code a list of known typedef names, and hack this list into shape as we parse the source. This is limiting in some respects, but it is really quick and appropriate for a one-time use tool. It also saves us from having to dwell on correctly parsing the .h files.

There is a short list of standard C typedefs (size_t, time_t, sem_t, ushort, FILE, va_list) which are in common use. Similarly, the SQL precompiler only introduces varchar and asciz.

Here's the revision to the t_ID function in

typedefs = [
    'va_list', 'time_t', 'sem_t', 'FILE', 'size_t', 'ushort', # Standard C type names
    'varchar', 'asciz', # SQL precompiler type names

def t_ID(t):
    if t.value in typedefs:
        t.type = "TYPEID"
        t.type = reserved_map.get(t.value,"ID")
    return t

Before we can talk about the rest of clex, we need to digress on the precompiler issues. We'll tackle the SQLPC issues first.

SQL Precompiler.

First, embedded SQL is a foreign syntax mashed into our C program. It has distinct lexical rules, which apply only to the SQL blocks, not to the rest of the C program. In essence, we have to break the source text into two kinds of regions: SQL regions, to which SQL syntax rules apply and host language regions (C, in this case).

Once we've identified a SQL statement, we don't care about most of the SQL syntax. Indeed, we only want to identify "declarative" SQL statements, which leave no residue in the resulting C. The remaining SQL statements are imperative, and will typically include a SQL statement that is central to the processing of the program, usually a DML statement of some kind.

To be specific, a declarative statement like EXEC SQL INCLUDE SQLCA; creates some well-known definitions, but has no real impact on the resulting C program. Similarly EXEC SQL WHENEVER NOTFOUND CONTINUE; adjusts the way C code is generated; it declares some semantics, but doesn't change what we are measuring about the resulting source text.

On the other hand, an imperative statement like EXEC SQL UPDATE sometable SET...; is significant. We need to capture this statement, and also replace the embedded SQL text with valid C source text.

Embedded SQL Patterns.

Here are some regular expressions for tracking down Embedded SQL in C. These aren't actually complete, but they work well enough to analyze a large pile of source.

Note that we define the patterns as sequences of ( token-name, pattern-text ) tuples. Borrowing a technique from PLY, we flatten this list of tuples into a single composite regular expression. The list of tuples has pleasant, easy-to-read syntax. The resulting RE isn't too difficult to read, but is long-winded and repetitive.

top_level_REs = (
    ( 'p_comment', r'/\*(.|\n)*?\*/' ),
    ( 'p_exec1', r'EXEC\s+SQL\s+EXECUTE\s+BEGIN\s(.|\n)*?\sEND\s*;\s+END\-EXEC;[ \t]*' ),
    ( 'p_exec2', r'EXEC\s[^;]*?;[ \t]*' ),
    ( 'p_host', r'.|\n' ),
compositeRE= '|'.join( [ '(?P<%s>%s)' % pair for pair in top_level_REs ] )
patterns= re.compile( compositeRE, re.M|re.I )

sql_REs = (
    ( 'p_sqlInclude',r'^\s*EXEC\sSQL\s+INCLUDE' ),
    ( 'p_oracleOption', r'^^\s*EXEC\sORACLE\s+OPTION' ),
    ( 'p_sqlBegin', r'^\s*EXEC\sSQL\s+BEGIN' ),
    ( 'p_sqlEnd', r'^\s*EXEC\sSQL\s+END' ),
    ( 'p_sqlDeclare', r'^\s*EXEC\sSQL\s+DECLARE' ),
    ( 'p_sqlWhenever', r'^\s*EXEC\sSQL\s+WHENEVER' ),
    ( 'p_sqlType', r'^\s*EXEC\sSQL\s+TYPE' ),
compositeRE= '|'.join( [ '(?P<%s>%s)' % pair for pair in sql_REs ] )
sqlPatterns= re.compile( compositeRE, re.M|re.I )

The patterns variable contains a compiled RE which will break the source into two kinds of regions: SQL regions, which we can examine more closely, and host-language regions which we pass on without making any changes.

To bound the SQL regions, we have to recognize two kinds of SQL statements. In the source we were given, all procedure calls are wrapped in formal BEGIN-END blocks, and have END-EXEC markers. All other statements are in simple EXEC SQL statements, with no END-EXEC marker.

The sqlPatterns variable contains a compiled RE which will make a good guess at the kind of SQL statement. In principle, we could include the complete SQL language here, and actually parse the SQL. Parsing the SQL is far too complex for a quick overview of the code. Instead, we treat the SQL as pure text and hope it doesn't confuse our regular expression patterns.

Simulating the SQL Precompiler.

Here's a function which simulate a few features of the SQL Precompiler. This will return two things: the host language text and a list of the embedded SQL statements.

def quoteC( aString ):
    return aString.replace( '"', r'\"' ).replace( '\n', '' )

def sqlpreproc( text ):
    """Simulate a few features of the SQL pre-processor."""

    output= StringIO.StringIO("")
    sqlStatements= []
    match1= patterns.match(text)
    lineno= 1
    while match1:
        groups= match1.groupdict()
        #print groups
        if groups['p_comment']:
            # Comment is all host text, and may contain SQL, which is ignored.
            output.write( token )
        elif groups['p_host']:
            hostText= 'p_host' )
            output.write( hostText )
        elif groups['p_exec1'] or groups['p_exec2']:
            # SQL statements interrupt host text
            sqlText= 'p_exec1' ) or 'p_exec2' )
            sqlTextStrip= sqlText.strip()
            sqlStatements.append( sqlTextStrip )
            if sqlPatterns.match( sqlTextStrip ):
                # comment only
                output.write( "/** %d: %r **/\n" % ( lineno, sqlTextStrip, ) )
                # place-holder function for syntactic completeness
                output.write( 'sql(%d, "%s");\n' % ( lineno, quoteC(sqlTextStrip) ) )
            raise Exception("whoops")
        lineno +='\n')
        match1=, match1.end())

    result= output.getvalue()
    return result, sqlStatements

We replace imperative SQL statements with a sql() function call, just to preserve the original SQL text for further processing. The declarative SQL statements are replaced with comments.

There are two potential gaps with this technique. Since we replace cursor declarations with a simple comment, not a sql() function call, the SQL source for the SELECT statement will tend to get lost. Further, when SQL statements are built dynamically and analyzed with EXEC SQL PREPARE or EXEC SQL DESCRIBE, we don't have any clear way of analyzing source to determine the statement which gets built.

And yes, we do raise the Whoops Exception ™ in case we've done something brain-dead like add a pattern without adding a clause to the if-statement to handle that pattern. This is an example of a design error that cannot be detected until run-time; an interesting subject in it's own right.

Simulating the C Preprocessor.

The C preprocessor has it's own unique language which has two elements: the preprocessor statements, which begin with #, and the host-language statements, which are everything else. Similar to the SQL preprocessor, we can break the source into two kinds of regions: #-statements and everything else.

Generally, we only care about the #ifdef and #ifndef statements, since these determine the subset of C source text which is actually compiled. This is not universally true, since an included file could contain -- well -- anything. However, in the case of the source presented, the author was very well-disciplined, and the #include files are purely declarative; we don't need expand them in their source context.

Here are some regular expressions for tracking down CPP statements. These aren't actually complete, but they work well enough to analyze a large pile of source. Specifically, we recognize just enough of the #define syntax to get past some rather complex macro definitions.

Note that we define the patterns as sequences of ( token-name, pattern-text ) tuples.

cpp_REs = (
    ( 'ifdef', r'\#ifdef[ \t]+(?P\w+)\n' ),
    ( 'ifndef', r'\#ifndef[ \t]+(?P\w+)\n' ),
    ( 'else', r'\#else\n'),
    ( 'endif', r'\#endif[ \t]*(?P\w*)\n' ),
    ( 'define', r'\#define\s+(?P\w+)[ \t]*(?P((?:\\\n)|.)+)?\n' ),
compositeRE= '|'.join( [ '(?P<%s>%s)' % pair for pair in cpp_REs ] )
cppPatterns= re.compile( compositeRE, re.M )

Condition Evaluation.

Each line of host-language code, then, is surrounded by zero or more #ifdef or #ifndef conditions. We can assume an outer-most #ifdef condition which is always true. As we encounter #ifdef and #ifndef statements, we push additional conditions onto a stack. As we encounter #endif blocks we pop conditions from the stack. An #else block pops the inner-most condition and pushes the inverse of that condition.

The essential rule is simple: if all of the conditions are true, then the host language code segment is present in the output; if any condition is false, the code segment is not included in the output. Here is our function for simulating the CPP.

def allTrue( context ):
    x= True
    for c in context:
        x = x and c
    return x

def cpp( text, defs=set() ):
    """Simulate a few features of the CPP.
    This will leave a pre-processor-like marker in the code
    to provide a hint about removed source.
    output= StringIO.StringIO("")
    definitions= []
    context= [ True ]
    match1= text )
    while match1:
        groups= match1.groupdict()
        hostText= text[:match1.start()]
        # Check the context stack to see if we emit this or suppress it
        # if all of stack is True, emit
        if allTrue(context):
            output.write( hostText )
            output.write( "# %d lines removed by cpp\n" % ( hostText.count('\n'), ) )
        if groups['ifdef']:
            # push context stack condition
            context.append( groups['ifdefname'] in defs )
        elif groups['ifndef']:
            # push context stack condition
            context.append( groups['ifndefname'] not in defs )
        elif groups['else']:
            cond= context.pop() # pop context stack condition
            # push reversed context stack condition
            context.append( not cond )
        elif groups['endif']:
            cond= context.pop() # pop context stack condition
        elif groups['define']:
            # just soak these up
            definitions.append( (groups['defname'],groups['defbody']) )
            #print groups
            raise Exception('Unknown preprocessor directive')
        text= text[match1.end():]
        match1= text )
    output.write( text )

    result= output.getvalue()
    return result, dict(definitions)

As with the SQL Precompiler, we return the resulting source, and some additional information gathered during processing. In this case, we return a dictionary of #define statements encountered.

Note that we emit little # n lines removed... messages in the C source. The PLY lexical scanner will remove these silently. They are helpful for debugging, however. Generally, the CPP preserves all newline characters, so the line numbers are preserved between input and output. We don't take great pains with this, since the SQL precompiler has already made a hash of our line numbers.

The CPP does have #line command, which many SQL precompilers use to keep the original source line numbers consistent through every step of processing. While important for real compilation, we're only gathering information about the source, and can omit this detail.

Preprocessing Pipeline.

Here's what the two-part SQL and CPP processing looks like.

def demonstration():
    text= file(r"legacySource\x\y.c",'r').read()
    sqlPPText, stmts = sqlpreproc(text)
    # print sqlPPText
    cppText, definitions = cpp( sqlPPText, set(general+flags) )
    print cppText

The list of flags comes from the Makefile. The list of "general" definitions comes from a general.h file which is included everywhere. Consequently, the output from this demonstration function is the complete source that is being compiled in production today.

Building the Lexer.

The PLY approach allows us to define a number of patterns and functions. These are then built into a single lexer object. To cope with CPP and SQLPC, we need to define a sqlpreproc module which contains the sqlpreproc and cpp functions outlined above. Once we have that module, we can call those functions to prepare input to the lexer.

The following to demonstrates how our lexer is used.

lexer = lex.lex()

if __name__ == "__main__":
    source= file(r"..\legacySource\x\y.c","r").read()
    sqlPP, statements = sqlpreproc.sqlpreproc(source)
    cpp, definitions = sqlpreproc.cpp(sqlPP,set(headerDefs+makeFlags))
    while 1:
        tok = lexer.token()
        if not tok: break      # No more input
        print tok

Preliminary Analysis.

From this, we can start to gather some preliminary data on our customer's program. We can locate about 10,000 lines of source. This has about 150 SQL statements scattered around. Really, the program is not terribly big. However, there is dynamic SQL being built, so some care must be taken to reverse engineer this correctly.

C programs are just a big collection of functions. We'll need to know about those function definitions, so we can get a cross-reference of function use. Further, well-written C programs are object-like and make extensive use of structure definitions that stand in for proper class definitions. We'll need to analyze these structures, and where they are used in the program.