See Did you ever switch from one programming language to another? A ridiculous question -- the answer is always "yes" unless you're a hobbyist.

See Programming Languages I've Learned In Order . See Programming Languages I've Learned (In Rough Order) Meme .

Here's my list.

High Scool - Early 70's

  • IBM 1620 Assembler
  • IBM 1401 Autocoder (Assembler, essentially)
  • Fortran
  • SNOBOL (really)
  • Basic
  • Univac 1108 Assembler

College - Late 70's

  • LISP
  • PDP-8 Assembler
  • PL/I
  • SAIL and ALGOL-W (Pascal-like languages)
  • APL

Work - Early 80's

  • DL/1 (an X-path like language to IMS database access)
  • JOVIAL (really)
  • Applesoft Basic
  • Pascal
  • Univac 1616 Assembler

Used Fortran, PL/I, and Basic, also

Late 80's

  • C
  • Forth
  • Ada
  • SQL (if that can be counted)

Early 90's

  • C++
  • Tcl
  • Perl
  • Unix Shell Languages

Late 90's

  • Java

Early 00's

  • Python
  • Plus markup languages like SGML, HTML XML, JSON, YAML are scattered throughout.