See Massachusetts Says Encrypt It All!

This gives a hint as to the future of personal information collection and dissemination.

This is potentially A Bad Thing.

I don't see a problem with using SSL to encrypt "over the wire" data transfers. I don't see a problem with adding layers of encryption to these transfers.

Everything else is going to require something like Apple's File Lock to assure that the file -- no matter where it goes -- is encrypted. This will be a problem.


A search for Windows File Encryption shows that there are a lot of choices. Hopefully, they will all find a way to adhere to some straightforward standard like AES. If we have to buy/download/install a pile of encryption applications, data sharing will become expensive and complicated. Even if Microsoft does their usual "standard + enhancements" offering, it will make things very expensive.

Imagine buying the "Crypto-Crummo" file system encryption package, deploying it enterprise-wide, finding a problem, and -- horrors -- being unable to unlock your files ever again. It's a bug, not a feature, but you still can't open your files.

How do you prevent that risk? Right. Keep an illegal unencrypted copy of everything.

Here's another scenario. Imagine buying the "Crypto-Locko" file system encryption package. You deploy it enterprise wide. You stop paying your license fees. It stop decrypting. You're corporate data is being held hostage by your encryption vendor.

Here's the third strike. You buy the "Crypto-Uniqueo" file system encryption package. It has a unique protocol, non-standard, proprietary. It gets hacked. Your in violation of the law.

Or, the company making "Crypto-Uniqueo" ceases support. Now how do you get into your files? Or, the company goes out of business? What now?

Unintended Consequences

Without an applicable encryption standard -- and some boundaries on what's really required -- I think these legal initiatives will do more harm than good. To prevent the various risks, companies will do dumb things. Things that are probably dumber than what they've done that lead to leaks of personal information.