Recently, I've been involved in some hair-splitting over the nature of Python.

I've described it as "interpreted", "scripting" and "dynamic", all of which seem to be true, but yet each seems to lead to a standard -- and pointless -- dispute.

Yes but No

Some folks object to "interpreted". They feel a need to repeat the fact that Python is compiled to byte code which is then interpreted. Somehow, compiling to byte code interferes with their notion of interpreter. Further exploration of the objection reveals their unwavering conviction that an interpreter must work directly with the original source. And it must be slow.

Eventually, they'll admit that's Python is interpreted, but not really. I don't know why it is so important to raise the objection.

So noted. Are we done? Can we move beyond this?

Scripting Means Bad

Some folks object to "scripted". They insist that scripting languages must also include performance problems, limited data representation or other baggage. Python is a scripting language because it responds properly to the shell #! processing rules. Period.

I don't know why it's important, but someone feels the need to object to calling Python a scripting language. Somehow the #! thing doesn't convey enough complexity; scripting just has to be bad. Pages like Wikipedia's Scripting Language don't seem to help clarify that scripting isn't inherently bad.

Again, objection noted. And overruled. Scripting doesn't have to be complex or bad. It's just a relationship with the shell.

Further Nuances

I'm baffled when some folks take this further and object to Scripted and Interpreted being separate terms. I guess they feel (very strongly) that it's redundant and the redundancy is somehow confusing. A shell script language pretty much has to be interpreted, otherwise the #! line wouldn't mean anything. I guess that this is why they have to emphasize their point that Scripted is a proper subset of Interpreted.

But then, of course, Python is technically compiled before being interpreted, so what then? What's the point of bringing up the detail yet again?


More rarely, folks will object to using Dynamic and Interpreted as separate dimensions of the language space.

Hard-core C++ and Java programmers object to Dynamic in the first place; sometimes claiming that a dynamic language isn't a "robust" language. Or that it isn't "safe enough" for production use. Or that it can't scale for "enterprise" use. Or that there are no "real" applications built with dynamic languages.

Once we get past the "dynamic" argument, they go on to complain that dynamic languages must be interpreted. The byte-code compiling -- and the possibility that the byte code could be translated to native binary -- doesn't enter into the discussion early enough.

Also, some folks don't like the fact that an IDE can't do code completion for a dynamic language. To me, it seems like just pure laziness to object to a language based on the lack of code completion. But some folks claim that IDE auto-completion makes VB a good language.

Hair Resplitting

How about we stop wasting so much bandwidth resplittting these hairs? It's scripted. It's interpreted. It's dynamic. How does it help to micro-optimize the words? Even if scripted really is a proper subset of interpreted, these prominent features solve different kinds of problems; it seems to help the potential language user to keep these concepts separate.

Can we slow down the repetition of (irrelevant) fact that Python is compiled (but not to executable binary) and interpreted? It's not confusing: byte-code compilation really is a well-established design pattern for interpreted languages. Has been for decades. Applesoft Basic on the Apple ][+ used byte-codes. Okay?

Duck Typing is not a "flaw" or "weakness". Binary compilation is not a "strength". It's trivial to corrupt a binary file and introduce bugs or viri; binary compilation is not inherently superior.

Can we move on and actually solve problems rather than split meta-hairs?

Today I've been teaching some Python issues at...


2010-01-20 15:00:13.914000-05:00

Today I've been teaching some Python issues at a girl at work. She's learning Python, so these days I give her "homework" to do, basically some small programs to practice and getting the code more Pythonic and less "C-istic".

Today's program takes to run 90 seconds at first. After some profiling and two optimizations on for loops, the code takes about a second to run. The optimization were nothing very difficult, just changing the algorithm a little and doing the things properly on Python... The main point is, what is the greatest factor on performance? It's not dynamic or static language, or using registers, or duck typing, or scripting.

It's algorithmics...

And, at least to me, I can concentrate more on algorithmics on Python than on other languages. If after algorithmic work, you'll still need performance, you can then think to change your approach...

I've been "suffering" a lot of the same arguments over and over... ;-)

Regarding your Apple comment toward the end, I thi...


2010-01-21 08:23:40.805000-05:00

Regarding your Apple comment toward the end, I think you mean Applesoft BASIC (instead of AppleScript), which was the floating-point replacement for the original Apple BASIC that only supported numeric integers (and also used a byte-code format for storing programs in memory.)

Java also compiles to bytecode, not directly to ho...


2010-01-20 19:54:29.002000-05:00

Java also compiles to bytecode, not directly to host code. In that sense, Python and Java are both compiled, as are a bunch other languages that include a VM.

As a newbie, I found this posting very helpful. Al...

Robert Lucente<>

2010-01-20 19:15:16.227000-05:00

As a newbie, I found this posting very helpful. All these terms get thrown around and I don't know whether they require exacting definitions or whether they are "technical marketing" terms. Please note the use of "technical" before "marketing".

Now I know that these are "technical marketing" terms and not to spend time trying to get definitions that are exacting.

It&#39;s clear that what you mean with &quot;inter...


2010-01-21 02:32:22.531000-05:00

It's clear that what you mean with "interpreted" and "scripting" is pretty much the same thing. So I object to that *you* separate them. :)

I'd say that it's a byte-code compiled dynamic general purpose programming language. Yes, it's a scripting language too. Very general purpose. :)

If compiling to byte code is interpreted, then compiling to machine code is also interpreted. Because you have to interpret the code sometimes. :)

And my editor does code completion... OK, not as well as a static language, obviously.

You may find it helpful to note that Wikipedia doe...

Richard Jones<>

2010-01-20 17:01:34.084000-05:00

You may find it helpful to note that Wikipedia does not classify Python as a "scripting language" but rather as a "general purpose language". This may help clarify any confusion you have trying to match "scripting language" against your view of Python.