We do a lot of bulk loads. A lot.

So many that we have some standard ETL-like modules for generic "Validate", "Load", "Load_Dimension", "Load_Fact" and those sorts of obvious patterns.

Mostly our business processes amount to a "dimensional conformance and fact load", followed by extracts, followed by a different "dimensional conformance and fact load". We have multiple fact tables, with some common dimensions. In short, we're building up collections of facts about entities in one of the dimensions. [And no, we're not building up data individual consumers. Really.]

Until, of course, someone has a brain-fart.

Overall Application Design

An overall load application is a simple loop. For each row in the source document, conform the various dimensions, and then load the fact. Clearly, we have a bunch of dimension conformance objects and a fact loading object. Each object gets a crack at the input row and enriches it with some little tidbit (like a foreign key).

This leads us to pretty generic "Builder" and "Dimension Builder" and "Fact Builder" class hierarchy. Very tidy.

Each new kind of feed (usually because no two customers are alike) is really just a small module with builders that are specific to that customer. And the builders devolve to two methods

  • Transform a row to a new-entity dict, suitable for a Django model. Really, just a simple dict( field=source['Column'], field=source['Column'], ... ) block of code.
  • Transform a row to a dimension conformance query, suitable for a Django filter. Again, a simple dict( some_key__iexact=source['Column'] ).

The nice thing is that the builders abstract out all the messy details. Except.

Hard-to-Conform Data

We're now getting data that's not -- narrowly -- based on things our customers tell us. We're getting data that might be useful to our customer. Essentially, we're processing they're data as well as offering additional data.

Cool, right?

But... We lack the obvious customer-supplied keys required to do dimensional conformance. Instead, we have to resort to a multi-step matching dance.

Limiting Factors

The multi-step matching dance pushed the "Builder" design one step beyond. It moved from tidy to obscure. There's a line that seems to be drawn around "too much" back-and-forth between framework code and our Builders.

Something as bone-simple as a bulk loader has two candidate design patterns.

  • Standard loader app with plug-in features for mappings. This is what I chose. The mappings have been (until now) simple. The app is standard. Plug a short list of classes into the standard framework. Done.
  • Standard load support libraries that make a simple load app look simple. In this case, each load app really is a top-level app, not simply some classes that plug into an existing, standardized app. Write the standard outer loop? Please.

What's wrong with plug-ins?

It's hard to say. But it seems that a plug-in passes some limit to OO understandability. It seems that if we refactor too much up to the superclass then our plug-ins become hard to understand because they lose any "conceptual unity".

The limiting factor seems to be a "conceptually complete" operation or step. Not all code is so costly that a simple repeat is an accident waiting to happen.

Hints from Map-Reduce

It seems like there are two conceptual units. The loop. The function applied within the loop. And we should write all of the loop or all of the mapped function.

If we're writing the mapped function, we might call other functions, but it feels like we should limit how much other functions call back to the customer-specific piece.

If we're writing the overall loop -- because some bit of logic is really convoluted -- we should simply write the loop without shame. It's a for statement. It's not obscure or confusing. And there's no reason to try and factor the for statement into the superclass just because we can.

For shame! Sorry, I just couldn't resist. :)

Jerry Seutter<noreply@blogger.com>

2010-05-10 14:58:39.093000-04:00

For shame! Sorry, I just couldn't resist. :)

Code Reuse -- A Myth? by Danny Kalev Au...

Robert Lucente<noreply@blogger.com>

2010-08-22 06:08:46.367000-04:00

Check out Code Reuse -- A Myth? by Danny Kalev Aug 13, 2010 Code Reuse -- A Myth? Part II by Danny Kalev Aug 13, 2010 http://www.informit.com/guides/content.aspx?g=cplusplus&seqNum=499 http://www.informit.com/guides/content.aspx?g=cplusplus&seqNum=500&ns=19521&WT.mc_id=2010-08-22_NL_InformITContent