First, let me say that TDD rocks.

Few things are as much fun as (1) writing a test script for a feature, and then (2) debugging the feature incrementally until it passes the test. It's fun because a great deal of hand-wringing and over-thinking is taken off the table.

To paraphrase Obi-Wan Kenobi:

Use The Test, Luke.

The essence of TDD is a pleasant two-step process: write tests, write code.

However, leaving things at this simplistic level isn't appropriate.

Code Quality

Most folks describe TDD as a 3-step process. I like to call this "red-green-gold" (The Lithuanian Flag version of TDD.)

  1. Tests don't pass (red).
  2. Tests pass (green).
  3. Refactor the code until things look good (gold).

The point here is that once you have tests that pass, you can trivially engage in refactoring and other engineering tasks to improve the overall quality of the code. You can optimize or make it more readable or more reusable without breaking it.

Even this isn't quite right.

Test Quality

The issue with a too-simplistic view TDD is that we walk a fine line.

  • Over-engineering the tests.
  • Under-engineering the tests.

We can -- trivially -- fall into the trap of wringing our hands over every potential nuance of our new piece of code. We can be stalled writing tests. Often we hear complaints from folks who fall into this trap. They spend too much time writing tests and indict all of TDD because they dove into details too early in the process.

We can -- equally easily -- fall into the trap of failing to write suitably robust tests for our software.

TDD is really a 3+1 step process.

  1. Write tests, which don't pass (Red).
  2. Write code until tests pass (Green).
    1. Clean up code to improve quality features. (b) Expand tests to add an appropriate level of robustness.

The operating word here is "appropriate".

Costs and Benefits

Some modules -- because of risk or complexity or visibility -- require extensive testing. Some modules don't require this.

Interestingly, portability -- even in Python -- requires some care in testing. It turns out that MySQL and SQLite are not completely identical in their behavior.

Omitting an order-by in a query can "work by accident" in one database and fail in another. So we need appropriate testing to ferret out these RDBMS-specific issues. Until we have the appropriate level of testing we have an application that works in SQLite but fails in MySQL.

The initial gut reaction can sometimes be "TDD failed us".

But this isn't true. TDD actually helped us by (1) identifying code which passed on one platform and failed on another, and (2) leading us to beef up all tests which depend on ordering. Pleasantly, there aren't many.

Good point about robustness of tests.

I came by <...

Juho Vepsäläinen<>

2010-06-25 11:29:52.728000-04:00

Good point about robustness of tests. I came by this presentation a while ago. Freeman discusses these issues and then some in it (it focuses on Java but the basic ideas still apply).

... a test is a very inefficient way to find defe...

Robert Lucente<>

2010-06-27 10:47:26.977000-04:00

... a test is a very inefficient way to find defects ... Check out the article An Interview with Watts Humphrey, Part 18: The Move to SEI by By Watts S. Humphrey and Grady Booch

Yeah, the Lithuanian flag is yellow-green-red.


2010-06-30 12:06:47.840000-04:00

Yeah, the Lithuanian flag is yellow-green-red.

Red green gold? Hmm, looks like burkins faso is th...

Patrick Cornelissen<>

2010-06-25 02:57:44.802000-04:00

Red green gold? Hmm, looks like burkins faso is the TDD country! Look at their flag: