Extracting legacy data can be really, really hard. However, it's of central importance because data lives forever. Application "logic" and "business rules" come and go.
Today's case study is a dusty old Dell Inspiron Laptop running Windows 98 with Chartview software.
Problem 1. Chartview. No extract or export capability, except to a GPS via a serial port. I guess I could solder up a PC serial connector to a serial-USB interface so my Mac could read the stream of NMEA 0183 messages that contain routes and waypoints. But that seems complex for a one-time transfer.
Problem 2. Windows 98. Won't mount any USB device I own. No solid-state disk, no rotating disk. Nothing. I have the original install CD with all the extra drivers. Didn't help.
Problem 3. Dell Laptop. DVD player, floppy disk drive, and a USB port that Windows 98 doesn't seem to know what to do with. No ethernet, only a modem connection.
How do we preserve the waypoints and routes on this ancient Dell so that we can replace it with a nice, new Standard Horizon CP 300i and MacBook Pro running GPSNavX?
Raw Data
To get the raw data, I pulled the disk drive, mounted it in an IDE-USB enclosure and pulled the relevant routes and waypoints files. Now we have something we can work with.
The file formats are undocumented, but the data's not complex, making it easy to explore. Also, we can look at the old Chartview GUI to see the data and compare it with the raw bytes on the file.
Modern software is more properly normalized, simplifying the conversion. The legacy Chartview route data included each waypoint -- unrelated to the master list of waypoints -- along with bearing and range information, as well as compass deviation and projected speed. Really. A modern GPX file as used by GPSNavX or iNavX only needs the waypoints. Nothing else. New software will correctly calculate range and bearing to next waypoint as well as lookup the magnetic deviation from standard tables. So we don't need to preserve all of the data.
Pass 1
The first pass is to write simple "hex dump" utility in Python to see what's even in the files.
Something like this seems to allow enough flexibility to get a good view of the record sizes and field contents in the file.
def hex_print( bytes, offset=0 ): for section in xrange(0,len(bytes)+31,32): block= bytes[section:section+32] print( ' ', ' '.join( '{0:3d}'.format(x+section) for x in xrange(32) ) ) print( "{0:4d}".format(offset+section), ' '.join( '{0:3d}'.format(ord(x)) for x in block ) ) print( ' ', ' '.join( " {0}".format(x) if 32 <= ord(x) < 128 else ' ' for x in block ) ) print() def hex_dump( file, size=32 ): offset= 0 with open(file,'rb') as data: print( ' ', ' '.join( '{0:3d}'.format(x) for x in xrange(size) ) ) block= data.read(size) while block: hex_print( block, offset ) block= data.read(size) offset += size
Once we have a sense of what's going on, we can use the Python struct module to get the real data.
Pass 2
In the case of Chartview marks, we have a complex, but manageable structure definition. Some of the field sizes are conjectures. It's possible that all those filler bytes are some kind of word or x386 paragraph alignment; it's also possible that I've misinterpreted some of the less relevant numeric fields. The two double-precision values, however, are rock solid.
mark_structure = "=b 4x 6s 45x 502s d d 10x h h h 10x 8s x 6s x 8s x 6s 31x f f 32x" Mark= namedtuple( 'Mark', "record, name, text, lat, lon, display_name, enable_mark, anchor_mark," "dt1, tm1, dt2, tm2, arrival_radius, max_xte" )
Given this structure and the associated named tuple, we can write a pleasant (and highly reusable) generator function.
def gen_items( file, structure, record_class ): size= struct.calcsize( structure ) with open(file,'rb') as data: block= data.read(size) while len(block) == size: raw= record_class( *struct.unpack(structure,block) ) yield raw block= data.read(size)
This makes for a simple application to extract the marks. An application can reformat them into GPX or CSV format.
Something like this is a good starting point.
def print_marks( file ): for mark in gen_items( file, mark_structure, Mark ): print( strip(mark.name), mark.lat, mark.lon )
We can easily write a version which includes the formatting required to get the latitudes and longitudes into a format acceptable by GPSNavX or X-Traverse.
Routes are more complex than marks because they have a header, followed by the details as a sequence of individual waypoints. Since Chartview doesn't normalize these things, each route can have duplicate waypoints, making it very difficult to get them loaded into an application that normalizes properly.
How many WP1's can you have? The answer should be "one". Each additional WP1 is a problem. But it's a small problem. For the WPx points, we simply disambiguate them a route number. There seemed to have been a limit of 15 routes, so we can just expand WPx to WPx-rr, where rr is the route number.
Bottom Line
Data is preserved. Legacy PC and GPS can be chucked (or sold on eBay to a collector).
It's important to note that data outlives application software. This is a universal truth -- data lasts forever, applications come and go. Highly optimized data structures (like the legacy Chartview files) are a bad policy. Highly usable data structures (like GPX files) are more valuable.
Python does a marvelous job of making a potentially horrifying data conversion into something like a few evenings trying to find the key pieces of data in the legacy files. Perhaps the hardest part was tracking down single and double-precision floating-point numbers. But once they were found -- matching known latitudes and longitudes -- it was clear sailing.
Microsoft will not provide USB 2.0 driver support ...
Robert Lucente<noreply@blogger.com>
2010-09-08 19:27:27.213000-04:00
Microsoft will not provide USB 2.0 driver support on Windows 9x or earlier Windows operating systems http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/archive/usb2support.mspx
Check out
Creating The Social Address Book Terry ... -----------------------------------------------------
Robert Lucente<noreply@blogger.com>
2010-11-06 12:28:19.222000-04:00
Check out Creating The Social Address Book Terry Jones, 11.03.10, 06:00 AM EDT http://www.forbes.com/2010/11/02/internet-fluidinfo-software-technology-social-media.html