I love hypothetical questions. Got a bunch recently. I guess it's the season for hypotheticals.

These all seem to come from the "Averted Glance" school of management. The best part about the "I don't want to know the details" management is that we need to substitute metrics for understanding. One could also call this the "Numerosity" school of management. It's one step above numerology.

There is no substitute for hands-on work. Quantity leads directly to Quality. Bottom Line: touch the technology early and often.


I described the Sphinx production pipeline as "easier" than DocBook.

Someone asked for a definition of "easier". I had to research the definition of "easier" and found the Standard Information Management Process and Logical Effort index (SIMPLE). This index has a number of objective scoring factors for platform, language, toolset, performance, steps, problems encountered, rework and workaround, as well as the price to tea in China.

I find the SIMPLE index to be very useful for answering the random questions that arise when someone does not want to actually besmirch their fingers by touching the technology.

Considering that Sphinx and the DocBook processing components are both largely free, it seemed easier to me to actually rig them up and run them a few times to see how they work. But that relies on the undefined term "easier". To cut the Gordian Knot while keeping the eyes averted, one resorts to numerosity.

Cleaner and More Uniform

I described XML as cleaner and more uniform than LaTeX. (Even though I've switched to LaTeX because it produces better results.)

Someone asked for a definition of Cleaner and More Uniform. I tried using the Flesch-Kincaid Readability Index, but it was limited to the content and didn't work well for the markup. I tried using this calculator, but it barfed. So I invented by own index based on the Halstead complexity metrics.

I find the Halstead complexity to be very useful for answering random questions that arise when someone does not want to actually burden themselves with looking at the technology. I suppose actual examples of XML vs. LaTex vs. RST would burn holes in the brain, running the risk of killing one of the few working brain cells.

Inheritance vs. Delegation

My favorite, however, is the question on "criteria for when to use / not use inheritance". Asking for criteria is the leading indicator of the Numerosity School of Design. How do I know this?

No Example.

Hypothetical questions never have practical class definitions. They either have no classes at all, or an overly simplified design based on Foo, Bar and Baz. Rather than actually write some code, we'll talk about what might go into writing some code.

The most important part of learning OO design is to actually do a lot of OO design. Code Kata works. Quantity translates directly to Quality.

Don't talk about writing code. Write code. Write lots of code. Write as much code as possible.

I'm revising my Building Skills in OO Design book to make it a better answer to the Inheritance vs. Delegation question. Do the exercises. At the end of the book, you'll know the answers.


Sadly, the bulk of IT management does not believe in skill-building. Training is limited to one or two weeks out of 52 (just under 2% of your working life) and that's as often cancelled as granted. Any time spent trying something to see if it will work is aggressively punished ("Quit gold plating that solution and put some garbage into production right now! Learn on your own time. King Cnut Demands It.")