Objects are everywhere.

Weirdly, some people can't see them. I guess they live in a rarified, HP Lovecraftian world of pure action inhabited by amorphous things that can't be properly called "beings" but rather "doings" because they're pure activity with no existence.

Read "Hypnos". "They were sensations, yet within them lay unbelievable elements of time and space—things which at bottom possess no distinct and definite existence."

Got this comment the other day.

... doing procedural code correctly when you don't want to be bothered w/ OO is a separate and big enough topic that warrants its own book or monograph.

I guess that means that objects, and the reality that they model, are a "bother"—a pitfall to be avoided—a cost with no benefit. This is not the first time I've heard this, and—like Lovecraft—it leads me to wonder how such a rich and weird phantasy world gets constructed.

I had a project manager exclaim "You don't need more than seven or eight objects to write any application." I didn't press the person on that point. I assumed that they were talking about classes (not objects) and, further, had conflated class with "elaborate module-like library packed with amazing features". Or maybe they conflated class with package. Or something. It's hard for me to dig into misapprehensions and false assumptions without being rude.

There are a surprising number of misapprehensions. I'm occasionally tempted to turn NTLK loose on all questions tagged "Python" on Stack Overflow. With some patient reading, I think I could develop a taxonomy of OO confusion. However, let's just focus on this comment.

The Bother Factor

Why is OO a "bother"?

  1. I've been told that OO programming is different. Different from what? From procedural programming without objects, I guess.
  2. I'm been told that some problems are a better fit for OO, and some problems aren't a good fit for OO. This is hard to parse because it makes the more profound claim that some problems weirdly don't involve any "objects" just pure actions.
  3. The Object-Relational Impedance Mismatch problem somehow indicts object-oriented programming as unsuitable when there's a relational database involved.

Let's look at some of these in a little depth to see the underlying fallacies.

Procedural Is More Fundamental

This is subtle and pernicious. An OO language contains within it a procedural language. Because of this, we can use Java, C++ or Python to write Fortran-like (or VB-like) crapola code. It's possible to write everything in a single, massive, static class with piles of random global variables, long lists of disorganized methods, and "adaptation via block comment" buffoonery.

Some folks object to characterizing procedural programming as random, disorganized or buffoonery. They tell me that a purely procedural can be neat and well organized with tidy, focused modules that have narrowly-defined responsibilities, no global variables and clever techniques like pointer-to-function to support adaptation.

Wait. The idea of tidy, focused modules with narrowly-defined responsibilities is exactly what a class is.

This is important. All good procedural programming is isomorphic to object-oriented programming minus the class definitions.

Procedural isn't "fundamental". It's just a "fragmentary". Procedural programming is a subset of object-oriented programming. Not a foundation. We can, for example, do functional-style object-oriented programming by using immutable objects.

Some Problems Aren't A Good Fit

Claiming that there are problems which don't fit the object-oriented paradigm is false. Or such a claim hearkens to a more elaborate ontology in which existence somehow doesn't matter.

This question is typical: "What should be OO and what shouldn't?"

When a program "runs" or "executes" there is state change. In a lazy functional world, state change is characterized by the creation and destruction of immutable objects: the new "4" that's created by "2+2".

In order for there to be state, there must be an object that has a state of being. Objects are inherent in doing any computing of any kind.

Some folks like to lift up stored procedures or shell scripts as "important" examples of non-OO programming. Mostly, these just show that a non-OO language can persist for a long time because clever programmers can work around a lot of limitations. (Turing Completeness is a necessary pre-condition; not a desirable feature set.)

[And yes, I've written multiple-thousand line shell scripts so customers can avoid paying a license fee for a proper compiler. Just because it can be done doesn't mean it should be done.]

This is important. All Programming Involves Objects.

There are really just two "paradigm" decisions. Does the problem involve new class definitions or can it be done using built-in classes? Does the problem involve mutable objects or immutable objects?

Software that uses only built-in classes is termed "procedural". Software that uses only immutable objects is termed "functional". Software that uses mutable objects is mistakenly termed "object-oriented".

Object-Relational Mismatch

This isn't really very interesting, no matter how many times people like to flog it. Use an ORM. Move on.

Further, it's important to recognize that normalization, foreign keys, cascading deletes and other malarky are hacks imposed on us by several relational database limitations. These are not essential parts of any problem.

I don't know how many times I've had to answer the "how do I do foreign keys in Java/C++/Python?" question. The answer is always the same: foreign keys are a hack-around because there are no proper object references in a relational database.

What's Left?

In spite of the obvious logic that OO is central, there is always a residual "It's a bother" sense from folks who's first language was not an OO language.

As far as I can tell, the "bother" stems from simple ignorance of what's really going on. Many programmers can't articulate any design principles. Yet, they tend to follow some principles rather closely. Ask them what they're doing. Read their code. Almost everyone who codes has some set of fundamental principles. (The few exceptions are people who seem to write code more-or-less randomly and still manage to arrive at something that appeared to "work"; these people do exist and are very scary.)

Many programmers don't follow all of the SOLID Principles.

Many programmers follow the SOLID principles using different nomenclature. The SOLID initials and acronyms are just one one goofy terminology. There are more principles than these, and the principles can have other names.

What's important is that (except for rare exceptions) all programmers follow some of the SOLID principles. Some follow all of them. Some follow numerous additional principles beyond these. Some give their principles other names.

The folks who claim OO programming is a "bother" just don't happen to recognize that they're already following some of the SOLID principles and actually doing OO programming with built-in classes.

Doing Procedural Programming Correctly

Bottom Line: "doing procedural code correctly" is simply OO programming using only built-in classes.

It's not a "big" topic. It's entirely an exercise in learning how to apply someone else's nomenclature to one's existing principles.