The multiprocessing module includes a generic Process class, which can be used to wrap a simple function.

The function must be designed to work with Queues or Pipelines or other synchronization techniques.

There's an advantage, however, to defining a class which gracefully handles generator functions. If we have Generator-Aware multi-processing, we can (1) write our algorithms as generators and then (2) trivially connect Processes with Queues to improve scalability.

We're looking at creating processing "pipelines" using Queues. That way we can easily handle multiple-producer and multiple-consumer (fan-in, fan-out) processing that enhances concurrency.

See Multiprocessing Goodness -- Part 1 -- Use Cases for more information.

We have three use cases: Producer, Consumer and Consumer-Producer.


A Producer gets data from somewhere and populates a queue with it. This is the source that feeds data into the pipeline.

class ProducerProcess( Process ):
    """Produces items into a Queue.

    The "target" must be a generator function which yields
    pickable items.
    def __init__( self, group=None, target=None, name=None, args=None, kwargs=None, output_queue=None, consumers=0 ):
        super( ProducerProcess, self ).__init__( name=name ) target
        self.args= args if args is not None else []
        self.kwargs= kwargs if kwargs is not None else {}
        self.output_queue= output_queue
        self.consumers= consumers
    def run( self ):
        for item in target(*self.args, **self.kwargs):
            self.output_queue.put( item )
        for x in range(self.consumers):
            self.output_queue.put( None )

This class will wrap a "target" function which must be a generator. Every value yielded is put into the "output_queue". When the source data runs out, enough sentinel tokens are put into the queue to satisfy all consumers.


A Consumer gets data from a queue and does some final processing. Perhaps it loads a database, or writes a file. It is the sink that consumes data on the pipeline.

class ConsumerProcess( Process ):
    """Consumes items from a Queue.

    The "target" must be a function which expects an iterable as it's
    only argument.  Therefore, the args value is not used here.
    def __init__( self, group=None, target=None, name=None, kwargs=None, input_queue=None, producers=0 ):
        super( ConsumerProcess, self ).__init__( name=name ) target
        self.kwargs= kwargs if kwargs is not None else {}
        self.input_queue= input_queue
        self.producers= producers
    def items( self ):
        while self.producers != 0:
            for item in iter( self.input_queue.get, None ):
                yield item
            self.producers -= 1
    def run( self ):
        target( self.items(), **self.kwargs )

This class will wrap a "target" function which must be ready to work with any iterable. Every value from the queue will be provided to the target function for processing. When enough sentinel tokens have been consumed from producers, it terminates processing.


The middle of a processing pipeline is consumer-producer processes which consume from one queue and the produce to another queue.

class ConsumerProducerProcess( Process ):
    """Consumes items from a Queue and produces items onto a Queue.

    The "target" must be a generator function which yields
    pickable items and which expects an iterable as it's
    only argument.  Therefore, the args value is not used here.
    def __init__( self, group=None, target=None, name=None, kwargs=None, input_queue=None, producers=0, output_queue=None, consumers=0 ):
        super( ConsumerProducerProcess, self ).__init__( name=name ) target
        self.kwargs= kwargs if kwargs is not None else {}
        self.input_queue= input_queue
        self.producers= producers
        self.output_queue= output_queue
        self.consumers= consumers
    def items( self ):
        while self.producers != 0:
            for item in iter( self.input_queue.get, None ):
                yield item
            self.producers -= 1
    def run( self ):
        for item in target(self.items(), **self.kwargs):
            self.output_queue.put( item )
        for x in range(self.consumers):
            self.output_queue.put( None )

This class will wrap a "target" function which must be a generator function that consumes an iterable.

Every value from the queue is provided to the target generator. Every value yielded by the generator is sent to the output queue. The input side counts sentinels to know when to stop. The output side produces enough sentinels to alert downstream processes.

Target Functions

A producer function must be a generator function of this form

def prod( *args ):
    for item in some_function(*args):
       yield item

A consumer function looks like this:

def cons( source ):
    for item in source:

Finally, a consumer-producer function looks like this.

def cons_prod( source ):
    for item in source:
       next_value= transform(item)
       yield next_value

These functions can be tested and debugged like this.

for final in consumer( cons_prod( producer( *args ) ) ):
    print( final )

That way we're confident that our algorithm is correct before attempting to scale it with multiprocessing.

I try your the above code but it does run. Would y...


2012-02-08 04:13:55.109000-05:00

I try your the above code but it does run. Would you be able to put together a complete example? Thanks!

Your code isn&#39;t exception safe, sys.exit safe,...


2012-02-08 20:36:05.805000-05:00

Your code isn't exception safe, sys.exit safe, or C extension abort/assert safe. Using None as a sentinel is a bad idea for hopefully obvious reasons. It's simply bad code, period.

@Adam: It&#39;s more helpful to post revised and c...


2012-02-14 08:34:08.212000-05:00

@Adam: It's more helpful to post revised and corrected code in your own blog rather than hints or suggestions that something might be wrong. "Simply bad code" doesn't present better code, does it?