Step 1. Look at the original HamCalc. Even if you aren't interested in Ham radio, it's an epic, evolving achievement in a specialized kind of engineering support. It's a repository of mountains of mathematical models, some published by the ARRL, others scattered around the internet.

Step 2. Look closely at HamCalc. It's all written in GW basic. Really. The more-or-less final update is from 2011 -- it's no longer an active project -- but it's a clever idea that suffers from a horrible constraint imposted by the implementation language.

A long time ago, I was captivated by the idea of rewriting HamCalc as Java Applets. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but that's a lot of work: 449 programs, 85,000 lines of code.

Recently, I wanted to make some additional use of HamCalc's amazing collection of formulas.

However. The distribution kit is rather hard to read. The .BAS files are in the tokenized "binary" format.

I found a Python project to interpret the byte codes into a more useful format. See However, it wasn't terribly well written, and didn't prove completely useful.

GW Basic Bytes Codes

Look at for some basic rules on the file format.

See for a reasonably clear definition of the language itself. Quirks are, of course, studiously ignored, so there's a lot of ambiguity on edge cases.

For simple bytes-to-text translation, this is pretty simple. The next step -- interpreting GW Basic -- is a bit more complex.


The irrational thing is that I'm captivated by the idea of preserving this legacy gift from the authors in another, more useful language. Indeed, the idea of a community of "HamCalc Ports to Other Languages" appeals to me. This base of knowledge is best preserved by being made open so that it can be rewritten into other commonly-used languages.

There's a subset version here: and here This is just a few of the calculations, carefully rebuilt to include nice versions of the ASCII-art graphics that are central to the original presentation.

The hard part of preserving HamCalc is the absolute lack of any test cases of any kind.

I think the project should work like this.

  1. Publish the complete plain text source decoded from the tokenized binary format. It will likely be somewhere on or perhaps a Dropbox.
  2. Publish the index of programs and features as a cross-reference to the various programs. This should include the various links and references and documentation snippets that populate the code and output. This forms the backbone of the documentation as well as the unit testing.
  3. Do a patient (and relatively lame) translation to Python3.2 to break HamCalc into two tiers. The calculation library and a simple UI veneer using stdio features of the print() and input() statements. The idea is to do a minimalist rewrite of the core feature set so that a GUI can be laminated onto a working calculation library.
  4. Work out test cases for the initial suite of 449 legacy programs oriented toward the calculation layer, avoiding the UI behavior. The idea isn't 100% code coverage. The idea is to pick the relevant logic paths based on the more obvious use cases.

A sophisticated GUI is clearly something that was part of the original vision. But the limitations of GW Basic and tiny computers of that era assured that the UI and calculation were inextricably intertwingled.

If we can separate the two, we can provide a useful library that others can build on.

Maybe I should organize as the jumping-off point for this effort?

Why not put the project on Github or BitBucket so ...

Chris Nelson<>

2013-04-12 07:16:32.048000-04:00

Why not put the project on Github or BitBucket so the project has source control and exposure? You could also make a modern Python version that utilized some of the great third party libraries for graphing and calculations. Chris WA5TT

That wasn´t necessary. You can save a file in ASCI...


2013-04-12 05:48:56.085000-04:00

That wasn´t necessary. You can save a file in ASCII format in GWBASIC.

Interesting project. I&#39;d be willing to help if...

Jason Crowe<>

2013-04-11 16:08:54.095000-04:00

Interesting project. I'd be willing to help if needed.

While my GWBASIC knowledge is a little bit rusted,...


2013-04-12 04:28:04.215000-04:00

While my GWBASIC knowledge is a little bit rusted, i offer my help in porting stuff to Python. I am not quite sure if i got the point of the test cases right: You want to compare the calculation results of the legacy GWBASIC apps with the ported Python apps as test cases? How can we stay in contact regarding the project? Greetings, Stefan DL1ELY

This is a great idea. I&#39;m ready to get involv...


2013-04-14 00:09:23.367000-04:00

This is a great idea. I'm ready to get involved. I like the Github idea, too. So, has anyone started a github, yet? Or shold I do it Peter N3DXY

Cool thanks ... I was out of town for a while but ...


2013-05-22 23:49:23.350000-04:00

Cool thanks ... I was out of town for a while but I'm back and still thinking this is a good idea. Is anyone else working on this?


I put together a DOS VM and dug up my old ...


2013-04-17 00:10:59.621000-04:00

Steve, I put together a DOS VM and dug up my old copies of GWBASIC. Getting the code to ASCII isn't really a big problem. Although GWBASIC saves in that tokenized format by default. From inside the interpreter after you load the BASIC file, you can just save them as ASCII using the command: SAVE "filename.bas",a Then it's saved as text. So I've done a bunch already.

Found it!

gwbascii.exe with source code!


Chris Nelson<>

2013-04-17 09:00:38.678000-04:00

Found it! gwbascii.exe with source code!


There&#39;s also conversion program I foun...

Chris Nelson<>

2013-04-17 06:12:32.315000-04:00

Peter, There's also conversion program I found a while back that runs under Windows, I'll have to scrounge and see where it came from.

For folks who are interested.


2013-06-01 07:45:16.488000-04:00

For folks who are interested.