By the early aughts (2001-2005) Visual Basic had gone from state of the art to a legacy application language. Code written in VB was being replaced with something more modern (generally Java.)

Having worked with COBOL and Fortran legacy programs, it's easy to describe this legacy VB code as an abomination. Several customers. Several applications. Not a simple size of one. Abomination.

The VB programming I've been involved in preserving has been uniformly shabby. It seems reflect an IT department that threw warm bodies at a problem until it appeared solved and did nothing more. No code reviews. No cleanup. Just random acts of maintenance.

I'm sure there's are many good VB programmers. But I haven't seen their work product yet.

And now, a customer is paying consultants like me to clean up their shabby VB and replace it with Java. Or a web site. Or both.

A Code Base

One particular example of abominable VB was a hodgepodge of copy-and-paste programming, GOTO's and other poorly-used features. The application printed insurance-like summaries of benefits. In order to do this, it extracted a great deal of data from a database. It relied on a collection of stored procedures and an intimate connection with a massive "calculation" module that derived the actual benefits, which the VB application summarized and reported.

The new application architecture was designed to separate the database from the calculations. The printing of letters to summarize benefits would be yet another separate part of a web site.

Instead of being done on one specific model of dot-matrix printer, the letter would be generated as a PDF that could be displayed or downloaded or printed. Pretty conventional stuff by modern standards. A huge revision considering the legacy programming. The intimate connections between the database, the calculation module and the letter-writing module would have to be narrowed considerably. A formal list of specific pieces of information would have to replace the no-holds-barred access in the VB modules and database.


Essentially, the VB code that produced the letters encoded some business knowledge.

Much of knowledge was encoded in the calculation module, also. This needed to be refactored so that the business knowledge was focused on the calculation module.

The letter writing had to be stripped down to something that worked like this.

  1. Query some initial stuff from the database.
  2. Determine which letter template to use.
  3. Query the rest of the stuff from the database based on the specific situation and template letter.
  4. Fill in the blanks in the template. Generate the PDF.

The legacy VB code, of course, had to be studied carefully to locate all of the business process and all of the data sources. And all of the quirks had to be explained. In this case, there are unfixed bugs that had to be preserved in order to say the new output matched the old output. In a few cases, we had to report that the old application was clearly wrong and actually fix the bugs. Interestingly, there was no arguing about this. The bugs we found were all pretty well-known bugs.

An "Interface" module was defined. All of the processing from the VB letter-writing programs was pushed into the interface. The letter-writing was refactored down to template fill-ins.

The interface became the subject of some architectural debate. It was the essential encoded knowledge from the original VB programs. Is it part of letter-writing? Or is it really part of the core calculation module?

Eventually, it was pushed into the calculation module and the "interface" could be removed, leaving a very clean interface between letter-writing and calculation.

I suspect (but I don't know) that the Java calculation module was quite the mishmash of stuff extracted from numerous VB programs. Hopefully, those programmers had proper unit test cases and could refactor the calculation module to get it into some sensible, maintainable form.