An excellent exposition of secure salted password hashing.

This was really quite nice. It didn't have a Python version, but the clarity of the exposition makes the Python easy to write.

A few months back, I had this mystery conversation: {filename}/blog/2013/06/2013_06_27-password_encryption_short_answer_dont.rst

While this is not going to produce identical results to the code shown in the blog post, it seems to fit the requirements.

from hashlib import sha256
import os
class Authentication:
    iterations= 1000
    def __init__( self, username, password ):
        """Works with bytes. Not Unicode strings."""
        self.username= username
        self.salt= os.urandom(24)
        self.hash= self._iter_hash( self.iterations, self.salt, username, password )
    def _iter_hash( iterations, salt, username, password ):
        seed= salt+b":"+username+b":"+password
        for i in range(iterations):
            seed= sha256( seed ).digest()
        return seed
    def __eq__( self, other ):
        return self.username == other.username and self.hash == other.hash
    def __hash__( self, other ):
        return hash(self.hash)
    def __repr__( self ):
        salt_x= "".join( "{0:x}".format(b) for b in self.salt )
        hash_x= "".join( "{0:x}".format(b) for b in self.hash )
        return "{username} {iterations:d}:{salt}:{hash}".format(
            username=self.username, iterations=self.iterations,
            salt=salt_x, hash=hash_x)
    def match( self, password ):
        test= self._iter_hash( self.iterations, self.salt, self.username, password )
        return self.hash == test # Constant Time is Best

It may be helpful to use __slots__ with this to reduce the storage and make the object less mutable.

Perhaps I didn't google well enough to find a clear explanation that also included Python code samples.