The list: For the last 3 years, I've been doing a weekly webinar on Python -- at work. I've done about a 100 of them, and they've had a pretty good response. Each one was live and I didn't try to record them. There's enough going on without fooling around with Zoom meeting recordings and saving them somewhere. The first few were pretty haphazard affairs. Someone who's a regular consumer of podcasts told me mine were actually good. Not "you're a friend, so I'll say it's not horrible," but "really good." And "better than most." And "engaging, considering the boringness of your topic." At first, I found this surprising, but I was benchmarking myself against NPR journalists -- people who are the best in the world. Compared against stuff readily available online, however, it appears I may be OK. Sometime in the next few months or so, I may start trying my hand at recording some things and posting them. I'll have to get my tech stack together, produce a few, and then figure out how others are distributing them. Much to learn.