I've been fascinated by Literate Programming forever.

I have two utterly divergent takes on this.

See https://github.com/slott56/PyLit-3 for one.

See https://github.com/slott56/py-web-tool for another.

And yet, I've still done a really bad design job. Before we get to the design, a little bit of back story.

Back Story

Why two separate literate programming projects? Because it's not clear what's best. It's a field without too many boundaries and a lot of questions about the value produced.

PyLit I found, forked, and upgraded to Python 3. I didn't design it. It's far more clever than something I'd design.

Py-Web-Tool is something I wrote based on using a whole bunch of tools that follow along behind the original WEB tools. Nothing to do with web servers or web.py.

The Problem Domain

The design problem is, in retrospect, pretty obvious. I set it out here as a cautionary tale.

I'm looking at the markup languages for doing literate programming. The idea is to have named blocks of code in your document, presented in an order that makes sense to your reader. A tool will "weave" a document from your source. It will also "tangle" source code by rearranging the code snippets from presentation order into compiler-friendly order.

This means you can present your core algorithm first, even though it's buried in the middle of some module in the middle of your package.

The presentation order is *not* tied to the order needed by your language's toolchain.

For languages like C this is huge freedom. For Python, it's not such a gigantic win.

The source material is a "web" of code and information about the code. A web file may look like this:

Important insight.

@d core feature you need to know about first @{
    def somecode() -> None:

And see how this fits into a larger context?

@d something more expansive @{
def this() -> None:

def that() -> None:

@<core feature you need to know about first@>

See how that works?

This is easy to write and (relatively) easy to read. The @<core feature you need to know about first@> becomes a hyperlink in the published documentation. So you can flip between the sections. It's physically expanded inline to tangle the code, but you don't often need to look at the tangled code.

The Design Question

The essential Literate Programming tool is a compiler with two outputs:

  • The "woven" document with markup and such
  • The "tangled" code files which are code, largely untouched, but reordered.

We've got four related problems.

  1. Parsing the input
  2. An AST we can process
  3. Emitting tangled output from the AST
  4. Emitting woven output form the AST

Or, we can look at it as three classic problems: deserialization, AST representation, and serialization. Additionally, we have two distinct serialization alternatives.

What did I do?

I tackled serialization first. Came up with a cool bunch of classes and methods to serialize the two kinds of documents.

Then I wrote the deserialization (or parsing) of the source WEB file. This is pretty easy, since the markup is designed to be as trivial as possible.

The representation is little more than glue between the two.

What a mistake.

A Wrong Answer

Focusing on serialization was an epic mistake.

I want to try using Jinja2 for the markup templates instead of string.Template.


My AST was such a bad hack job it was essentially impossible to use it. It was a quagmire of inconsistent ad-hoc methods to solve a specific serialization issue.

As I start down the Jinja road, I found a need to be able to build an AST without the overhead of parsing.

Which caused me to realize that the AST was -- while structurally sensible -- far from the simple ideal.

What's the ideal?

The Right Answer

This ideal AST is something that lets me build test fixtures like this:

example = Web(
       NamedCodeChunk(name="core feature you need to know about first", lines=["def someconme() -> None: ...", "pass"])),
       TextChunk("\nAnd see how this fits into a larger context?\n"),
       NamedCodeChunk(name="something more expansive", lines=[etc. etc.])

Here's my test for usability: I can build the AST "manually" without a parser.

The parser can build one, also, but I can build it as a sensible, readable, first-class Python object.

This has pointed me to a better design for the overall constructs of the WEB source document. Bonus. It's helping me define Jinja templates that can render this as a sensible woven document.

Tangling does not need Jinja. It's simpler. And -- by convention -- the tangled code does not have anything injected into it. The woven code is in a markup language (Markdown, RST, HTML, LaTeX, ASCII DOC, whatever) and some markup is required to create hyperlinks and code sections. Jinja is super helpful here.


The essence of the problem is rarely serialization or deserialization.
It's the internal representation.

When learning how to use a word processor, it turn...


2022-07-16 13:24:35.832000-04:00

When learning how to use a word processor, it turns out the second word processor you learn takes longer than the first. As you explore the second one, the core ideas get contemplated and refined. The third one on is just "where's the quick reference". We do the same with rewriting code, as you are discovering. One point of literate programming is to explain the insights we gain.