I'm undecided if this goes into the next book. Maybe this is a teaser... And yes, this is a Python to the Rescue story.

I live on a boat. See Red Ranger Blog for details. What's essential is this little complication.

The South Gulf Cove Boat Lock.

The lock keeps saltwater from Charlotte Harbor out of the canal system in South Gulf Cove. The creek beyond the lock is subject to silting. We'd like to be sure we don't run aground.

Filter Rules

There are two critical criteria for passing through the lock:

  • High tide.
  • In the afternoon.

The lock and the associated creeks and canals tend to silt up over time. Water moves slowly through the water system. High tide helps get us over the sandbars.

It's a bit over a three-hour trip from Safe Cove Boat Storage and Marina to the lock. If we start at 06:00, we're not getting out before 10:00. And. Who wants to get up at 05:00 to prep for departure at first light?

(Okay. I've done that. See Schooner Creek — Not our best idea. It's not ideal, but we can make it work.)

How do we know when high tide is? NOAA provides that information.

Raw Data

The tides have a well-understood model. This is a triumph of big-data analysis.

It leads to files like this:


Okay. That's a right mess of data.

There's a big multi-line header. It's followed by columns of details. The details have slightly irregular tab characters, making parsing annoying.


  1. Load it into Numbers and fool with it more-or-less manually looking the afternoon high-tides we can make use of.
  2. Load it into a Jupyter Lab Notebook.

It's a one-time thing, right?

Not exactly.

Every year, we're going to redo this little computation.

I hear you. Once a year isn't very often. The principle is this: the manual steps are hard to record and reproduce. It's much, much more reliable to build a notebook for repeatable results.

I'll repeat that

Build a Notebook For Repeatable Results.

Here's the essential features of that notebook. It's a three-step process

  1. Acquire
  2. Clean
  3. Analyze

We'll begin at the beginning: acquiring the raw data.

Step 1. Acquire

Okay. The data was already downloaded. Done. Check. We need to extract a meaningful structure from it.

First, strip that god-awful header.

def header(source: TextIO) -> dict[str, str]:
    content = {}
    for row in source:
        if (clean := row.rstrip()) == '':
        label, _, value = clean.partition(":")
        content[label] = value
    return content

This function extracts the header lines to make a little dictionary with the metadata. The value of metadata['StationName'] is particularly useful.

This changes the state of the source object. It advances it to the first line after the header. This line has the column titles.

(For some, this state change is a kind of functional programming no-no. A proper functional approach might involve defining some kind of monad that can be used to represent the file split, preserving the order.)

The column titles are in wrong positions with regard to the data. This offset makes them essentially useless except as a visual cue.

Here's what we observe.


[['Date ', '', 'Day', 'Time', '', 'Pred(Ft)', 'Pred(cm)', 'High/Low'],
 ['2023/01/01', 'Sun', '06:35 AM', '-0.13', '', '-4', '', '', 'L']]

We want columns 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, and 8.

Here's the first pass at a kind of named-tuple or dataclass to structure the source text.

from dataclasses import dataclass, field

class Tide:
    date: str
    day: str
    time: str
    pred_ft: str
    pred_cm: str
    high_low: str

    def from_csvrow(cls, row):
        return cls(

I'm a fan of including builders within the class definition. With a tiny prevarication.

The from_csvrow() function is dependent on something outside this class. Therefore we can argue this breaks the SOLID design principles -- this class has than one reason to change: an internal representation change and an external parsing change.

(The Open-Closed principle still applies. Subclasses have have different parsers.)

If there are multiple sources, or the source is some hack built as a temporary stop-gap as part of Enterprise software development,] then separate parsers are helpful.

(Enterprise in-house programmers are sometimes told to build junk.)

This is from a government agency. Change will arise at a stately pace. Including a parser/builder method in the class is fair because I never expect to see this source format change.

Step 2. Clean and Transform

There's only a little bit of this data we need:

  • The predicted height in feet "Pred(Ft)".
  • The timestamp built from "Date" and "Time".
  • The High/Low flag telling us the tide's state. We like to make trick transits before high-tide so the rising tide can help float us free of trouble.

The day, for example, is redundant and computed from the date. The predicted height in cm is a multiplication.

We have two general approaches for this.

  • For complex, fluid situations with multiple sources and formats, it helps to separate clean data from raw data. This means creating a secondary class, built from the raw ("all strings") source class. This class can have a more useful structure.
  • For this kind of stable data, we can enrich the dataclass with init=False fields.

It looks like this.

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from enum import Enum
import datetime

class HighLow(str, Enum):
    High = "H"
    Low = "L"

class Tide:
    date: str
    day: str
    time: str
    pred_ft: str
    pred_cm: str
    high_low: str
    timestamp: datetime.datetime = field(init=False)
    height: float = field(init=False)
    state: HighLow = field(init=False)

    def from_csvrow(cls, row):
        return cls(

    def __post_init__(self):
        date = datetime.datetime.strptime(self.date, '%Y/%m/%d').date()
        time = datetime.datetime.strptime(self.time, '%I:%M %p').time()
        self.timestamp = datetime.datetime.combine(date, time)
        self.height = float(self.pred_ft)
        self.state = HighLow(self.high_low)

The three field(init=False) attributes are not provided from the source. These are derived. The __post_init__() method computes the useful derived values.

These values can also be @property methods. Indeed, they started out as properties. There are only about 1200 rows of data, so the performance advantage of one-time computation is miniscule.

For completeness, here's the overall parser for this data.

def tides(source_csv):
    for line in source_csv:
        if len(line) != 9:
        yield Tide.from_csvrow(line)

Given the list of CSV rows (or a generator for the CSV rows) this will iterate over the rows, building Tide instances.

Step 3. When Do We Go?

Now, we can start analysis. The fundamental question is this "When to we leave?"

The answer is "When the lock is passable."

def passable(t):
    return all([
        t.state == HighLow.High,     # High tide
        11 <= t.timestamp.hour < 18  # Late morning and afternoon

We need to to know the high-tide time so we can back off three hours. We need to arrive at the lock in daylight, and we don't want to get up at 05:00 (pre-dawn).

The final cell in this notebook?

for t in tides(tide_csv):
    if passable(t) and t.timestamp.month in {3, 4, 5}:
        print(f"{t.timestamp} {t.height:6.2f} {t.state.name}")

This tells us what we need to know about making the lock in daylight with a good probability of enough water out in the harbor.

We still have to fix Hurricane Ian damage. We're not 100% the engine will start. The solar panels are a wreck.


We don't know where we might go. A lot the South Florida Gulf Coast is still a right-awful mess.

Maybe all we'll be able to do is drop the anchor at Punta Gorda for a month.