Introduction to Python Programming

Steven F. Lott

About Me

Worked in Information Technology for 40 years

Wrote several books for Packt Publications (

Python Object-Oriented Programming - Fourth Edition

Twitter: @s_lott

About This Course

Hands. On.

You need to have a big-enough computer to run the video and also run a Python tool suite.

I can't answer detailed questions about your system interactively.

But. You can post them to the chat and fellow students may help.

I can answer other questions about Python.



Part 1 -- Getting Started: Python setup, Jupyter Lab part 1

Part 2 -- Built-in data structures: list, set, dictionary, tuple part 2

Part 3 -- The Five Kinds of Python Functions part 3

Part 4 -- Tooling and Good Practices part 4

The Notebooks require a running local JupyterLab instance on localhost.

jupyter lab