A Reason for Avoiding Programming

From someone in the process of becoming a data scientist. They had a question on regular expressions, which made almost no sense. It appears that the core concepts of ETL -- Extracting source data, Transforming it into a useful form and the Loading into some persistent storage for long-term analysis -- had …

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Why Python? (Sad Follow-up)

In "Why Python?" I linked to a deep and sophisticated analysis of programming languages. Anyway, I thought it was a deep and sophisticated analysis.

I got a reply that shows how wrong I was. Here's the quote:

The point is that the Python ecosystem has a lot to offer. We …

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Scipy.optimization.anneal Problems

Well, not really "problems" per se. More of a strange kind of whining than a solvable problem.
Here's the bottom line. Two real quotes. Unedited.
Me: "> There's a way to avoid the religious nature of the argument. "
Them: "Please suggest away."
Really. Confronted with choices between anneal and basin hopping …
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