Are any of these lkinks still live?
Why Python? Stay tuned. Why Zope? More to come.
HTML Parse Tree and related material - needs a proper Python install script.
PyWeb - needs some updates and a proper install script.
Additional projects:
Random Number Test Algorithms, plus an implementation of some higher-order math functions for developing chi-squared test values. There are many sources for this information, but it was fun to do the research and develop the algorithm. I'm not a mathematician, but I could play one on daytime soap operas.
COBOL Data Definition Element parsing and data processing.
Transitive Closure demonstration.
And I'm working on a web workload simulator.
Plus, for those of us with big disk drives and small media - a utility to make a bunch of Zip files, each no bigger than a specific media (say 250Mb for old Zip disks, or 600Mb for CD burning). Preliminary tests show that it is really horribly slow, but simple.