The COBOL-to-SomeBetterLang Translator

Here's a popular idea.

... a COBOL-to-X translator, where X is a more-modern programming language ...

This is a noble aspiration.

In principle -- down deep -- all programming can be reduced to an idealized Turing Machine.

This means that we *should* be able to locate all the state changes in a given spaghetti-bowl …

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Why Isn't COBOL Dead? Or Why Didn't It Evolve?

Here's part of the question:
Why didn't COBOL evolve more successfully?
FORTRAN, OTOH, has survived precisely because it--and more importantly, related tools, esp compilers--has evolved to solve/overcome many (certainly not all!) of the sorts of pain-points you describe, while retaining the significant performance edge that (IMHO, ICBW) prevents challengers …
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COBOL File Processing in Python (really)

Years ago (6? 7?) I did some data profiling in Python.

This required reading COBOL files with Python code.

Superficially, this is not really very hard.

  1. Python slice syntax will pick fields on of the record. For example: data[12:14].

#. Python codecs will convert from EBCDIC to Unicode without …

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