Here's a possible match-up between the Seven Deadly Sins and Seven Species of Complexity.

  • lust for someone we cannot have - "When I Grow Up"
  • gluttony or over-indulgence - "How Hard Can It Be?"
  • avarice (covetousness, greed) for things we do not need - "Quality vs. Quantity of Ideas"
  • sloth (laziness, idleness) wasting time - "If I Had A Hammer"
  • wrath (anger) - "Conflict is the Story"
  • envy (jealousy) resentment of others for their possessions - "Form vs. Structure"
  • pride (vanity) - "Fear of Showing Weakness"

Lust and Envy don't match up well - there isn't a strong parallel here. Neither list is a canonical decomposition of mistakes and evils. Further, there is a strong emotional content to the seven sins which isn't really present in software development projects.

Perhaps the 7 virtues (humility, meekness, charity, chastity, moderation, zeal and generosity) provide guidance on overcoming the culture of complexity?