Side Quest

Few things are as distracting as those god-awful side quests.

In this case, I had to search out all of the examples in my new book drafts.


Once upon a time, it was a manual check of code in the book to be sure it made sense.

Ugh. Not …

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Behave Tests and Fixtures


Behave fixtures totally rock for testing complex applications.

I had been doing them wrong. Doing them right is simpler.


I'm a fan of the Gherkin language for specifying the behavior of software.

Scenario: Works for Me

Given a configuration
When a request is made
Then the response can …
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Permutations, Combinations and Frustrations

The issue of permutations and combinations is sometimes funny.

Not funny weird. But, funny "haha."

I received an email with 100's of words and 10 attachments. (10. Really.) The subject was how best to enumerate 6! permutations of something or other. With a goal of comparing some optimization algorithm with …

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