"How do we prevent storage fragmentation and the associated slow-down ?"

Why prevent ?

This is hard to respond to. The ounce-of-prevent-pound-of-cure didn't resonate with the reviewer. What would resonate? An in-depth discussion of the "prevention is an investment with an indefinite period of return and correction is an ongoing cost" doesn't seem to be appropriate because it side-tracks the main issue. It's embarrassing to have to include the "prevention is smart, ongoing correction is stupid" phrasing.

It appears that the value of prevention vs. the cost of remediation/work-around is not perfectly clear.

"On the one hand, we can design any old table, and compound this design with lots of additional processing to defragment storage periodically."

Is this phrase necessary?

This is a slightly different question: Is it appropriate to characterize correction of a problem as "lots of additional processing". I can't see any other way to characterize it.

Both questions point to the same objection: prevention isn't of any value -- a known work-around is "better". Okay, so what is the value proposition between correcting a problem for the entire service life of the software and preventing that problem?

1. Need Satisfaction? Both prevention and correction provide the same basic feature set in the application software.

2. Resource Use? Prevention uses fewer resources, does not require down-time for table maintenance and performs better.

3. Maintainability? Maybe the normalized application is somehow seen as too complex. In the case of a trivial example with one table, normalization doubles the number of tables. But when we have 100 tables, normalization adds 1, an increase in complexity of only 1%.

4. Adaptability? Maybe a correctly normalized application is harder to adapt to new uses in the enterprise. However, this is what RDBMS views are for, so this doesn't seem sensible.

5. TCO? Since prevention adds no ongoing maintenance and support, where correction adds processing (and the risk of breakage, the resources to do this processing, poor performance, additional storage and no-value down-time) it's hard to say what TCO benefit there could be.

In balance, it looks like correcting the problem is valued strictly because it has a historical precedent to the reviewer.