Experimental results depend on details of the database server and the data model used. Actual application software may have other confounding problems that make these results less dramatic or more dramatic when applied to a existing application design.

I compared three table designs described in a previous posting Normalization Experiment Protocol:

  • The multiple entity sub-species MESS with many NULL columns and updates.
  • A partially normalized table with "core" entities and "extension" entities.
  • A fully normalized table that extracts all of the extra entities to create rows from related clusters of columns.

I used three update scenarios for each design. The first job did only two updates -- one to update each sub-entity's attributes. I compared this with scenarios doing five updates and ten updates. The higher number of updates would show the effects of any storage reclamation strategy the RDDBMS used.

The MESS storage grew by a factor from 1.58 to 2.67, as expected. Each update replaced NULL's or short strings with longer strings, taking up more storage, leading to rows being placed elsewhere in the file structure.

The MESS query time, however, did not grow as rapidly as the storage did. There is only a 12% penalty from fragmentation. This is interesting, and most likely reflects the very small size of the sample data (100 rows). Since the database only occupies a few physical blocks, it can be read quite rapidly in spite of fragmentation. A larger database would have a larger performance penalty.

The partially normalized storage grew by a factor from 1.62 to 2.12. Separating the columns which change from the columns which are static reduces fragmentation. Query performance, as expected from doing joins and using unique indexes, was 49% to 56% longer after a series of updates to this structure

The fully normalized storage grew by a factor from 1.73 to 2.23. The fully normalized version had one row in each table before fragmentation, and a number of rows after fragmentation. Query performance took between 46% and 104% longer after the updates due to the change in cardinality from 1:1 to 1:n.

Comparison between structures reveals that the partially normalized has a performance penalty of just 14%. Without fragmentation, the partially normalized structure may actually return results faster than the denormalized MESS. The fully normalized structure, with a 1:n join has a performance penalty of 68% to 131%.

Bottom Line

The MESS has a storage penalty as well as processing complexity and a risk of failure when defragmenting. For these reasons, it is unacceptable for transactional processing. However, query performance is 23% better than a fully normalized design, so it is suitable for the Write Once Read Many world of data warehousing. Making changes to this table can be devastating to transactional applications.

The fully normalized design has a performance penalty, but is a big enhancement and maintainability win. While it uses more storage, application changes involve merely adding rows, not adding columns. This immunizes the application programs against change. There is some fragmentation from updates, but since the rate of growth is smaller, the frequency of defragmentations is reduced which reduces the risk of failure during defragmentation.

A semi-normalized design does not endure the same level of fragmentation as a denormalized MESS design. Since it uses a 1:1 join instead of a 1:m join, the performance is generally quite good. Further, change can often be isolated to the extension table, offering some protection from devastating change. The rate of fragmentation is the lowest and the performance penalty from a 1:1 join is also quite low.

The management overview is this:

  • Normalization is slow, but low maintenance and easy to enhance.
  • Denormalization is fast but suffers fragmentation; it is high maintenance and hard to enhance.

This semi-normalized version, however, requires the most insight to create. It requires understanding the attributes and their semantics. Since a MESS design is little more than a collection of attributes, the investment in understanding is minimal. A fully normalized design requires a complete understanding of the entities are defined, but less knowledge of the update use cases.

Investments made in understanding the application data and processing can pay dividends by reducing administrative busy-work and reducing the risk of problems that are caused by that administrative overhead. Further, understanding the application can lead to optimization of the data and the associated processing.