testresources http://www.robertcollins.net/unittest/testresources/ purpose appears to be to manage the resources used by a test suite.
Adding this resource management context extends the Test Suite to optimize tests around the resources. This can reshuffle the TestCases to minimize SetUp's. This can be useful in contexts where the Fixture includes Singletons or expensive resources.
While interesting, this package bends one of the common definitions of Unit Testing. If there is a complex resource dependency, the Fixture being tested isn't really isolated. This pushes beyond isolated unit testing with Mock objects into integration testing with real objects and real interfaces.
One can make the case that "unit" is intentionally vague; the Beck definitions refer to a Fixture as the design pattern. This could be a class, module or package, depending on your willingness to abstract. I agree that "unit" does not necessarily mean class. However, I do think that "unit" means isolated from other components.
testresources seems specifically designed for integration test, not unit test. I think it is miscategorized, and belongs to an unidentified species of products: integration testing frameworks.