More Reasons to Stop Bash-ing

There are many good reasons to use shell scripts. Mostly, a script can be useful when it's an alias that launches an application. Beyond that, I have doubts.


Incumbency is a popular argument for bash.

It's not a good argument, however.

Use invoke and you'll be much happier.

Background …

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Testing with PySpark

This isn't about details of pySpark. This is about the philosophy of testing when working with a large, complex framework, like pySpark, pandas, numpy, or whatever.


Use data subsets.

Write unit tests for the functions that process the data.

Don't test pyspark itself. Test the code you write.

Some …

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Code Review

I can't actually share all the code. So this feels incomplete. But I can share what I said about the code. Then you can look at your code and decide if you've got similar problems to fix.

My responses were these. I'll expand on them below.

  1. This appears to be …
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Mocking and Unit Testing and Test-Driven Development

Mocking is essential to unit testing.


It's also annoyingly difficult to get right.

If we aren't 100% perfectly clear on what we're mocking, we will merely canonize any dumb assumptions into mock objects that don't really work. They work in the sense that they don't crash, but they don't …

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Manual Testing -- Bad Idea

The question of testing came up recently. The description of the process sounded like manually "testing" some complex web application. When trying to work out manual "testing", I find it necessary to use scare quotes. I'm not sure there's a place for "manual testing" of any software.

I know that …

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