The article by Joe Wilcox in eWeek is actually really good -- except for the silly subtitle. See "No Enterprise Thaw for Vista ". It provides solid evidence that Vista is covered in FAIL. Not rumor or bias, but solid research on sales, adoption, conversion and the like.

The only flaw in the article is the subtitle on "negative perception". The phrase "negative perception" is usually used to deprecate opinions that are not well-founded on facts. I don't think the Vista adoption can be shrugged off as merely a "perception" problem. Wilcox provides the facts. Vista is failing.

I think that Microsoft no longer knows what they offer. I think this is because they're too big to remain in touch with anyone. After all, they don't sell their OS to individual consumers. They sell their OS to OEM's like Dell and Lenovo.

MS offers a desktop suite that's really nice. Sadly, you have to buy this crap operating system to run it. Interestingly, people will put up with a crap operating system to get cool software. But it appears that MS hasn't noticed this, yet.

People don't buy operating systems. GNU/Linux is proof of that. People buy applications; they tolerate operating systems.