Office is Bloated, Let's Add More

"There has been a lot of skepticism about the usefulness--and necessity--of the Ribbon, and I have to admit that I was among the doubters. Why change something that works? Because, according to Microsoft, the current interface has become bloated with too many menus."

Ugh. It's bloated, so we'll add features …

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My Microsoft Blind-Spot

Hobbit says:

"Everything in the windows world does not directly work with the "rapidly-evolving" windows api's (for example, c# devs rarely concern themselves with api calls.) If there is such a lack of clarity in these API's causing a "barrier to innovation," why is windows still the easiest and most …

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C#, Microsoft and Hegemony

First, I've had some opinions on this "one language" ideal After PERL what?. We have a variety of languages for a good reason: the languages express different kinds of things. Shell command languages really have little to do with markup languages, database manipulation languages or "general-purpose" programming languages.

One of …

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