Interesting comments to Splitting Meta-Hairs.

Terms like Scripting, Interpreted and Dynamic are not "marketing terms". New, Improved, All Natural, Visual, Groovy, Lucid, etc., are marketing terms. I regret giving the impression that one should "not to spend time trying to get definitions that are exacting". One absolutely must get definitions which are exacting. Clearly, I failed. Exact definitions matter.

Hiding behind the edge and corner cases, however, isn't helpful. Just because some terms could be redundant, or could be ambiguous (when stripped of useful meaning) isn't really a helpful thing. Harping on the "ambiguity" or "contradiction" or "redundancy" isn't helpful. Yes, Python has edge cases. Outside the purity of mathematics, no categorization is ever perfect.

Scripting. The Python community steers away from this because it's limiting. However, it's also true. What's important is that some folks overlook this and over-engineer solutions. Python modules require three things (1) an appropriate #! line, (2) a mode that includes appropriate "x" mode flags and (3) a location on the PATH to be indistinguishable from binary executables.

I find it necessary to repeat "scripting" to prevent over-engineering. Clearly, scripting isn't a completely distinct dimension of language description, but it's still an important clarification to many of the people I work with.

Python's on this scripting language list.

[We had a RHEL system with SELinux settings that prevented Python scripts from running. A sysadmin said -- seriously -- that I just needed to use `sudo su -` to get past this. The admin, it appeared, couldn't see why Python scripts should behave exactly like all other scripts. Hence the need to emphasize that Python is a scripting language. Otherwise people forget.]

Interpreted. Python is a byte-code interpreter. Saying things like "compiling to machine code is also interpreted" eliminates all meaning from the words, so it can't be true or useful. We need to distinguish between compiled to machine code and interpreted; machine code binary executes directly. And Python doesn't compile to machine code. Python is interpreted.

[The fact that some hardware had microprogramming is irrelevant; there are programmable ASIC chips in my Macintosh, that doesn't matter to my Python interpreter. There's a clear line between the binary machine code and the Python or Java interpreter. Yes, there are other levels of abstraction. No, they don't matter when discussing the nature of Python.]

You can use cython or py2exe or py2app to create binaries from Python. But that's not the interpreted Python language. This is the distinction I'm trying to emphasize.

I find it necessary to repeat "interpreted" so people are not confused by the presence of visible bytecode cache (.pyc) files.

Dynamic. Python is dynamic. Dynamic is clearly distinct from the other dimensions. There's less confusion over this word, but it still fails to sink in.

I find that this needs to be repeated frequently so people stop looking for static type declarations. The number of Stack Overflow questions that include "python" and "declaration" is always disappointing.

"Python is interpreted." Then Java is a...


2010-01-21 11:12:51.026000-05:00

"Python is interpreted."

Then Java is an interpreted language as well, and I'll find that you have removed the meaning of *that* word. Interpreted != Virtual machine != machine code.

And what about the DEC machines, which had processors you programmed in micro-code? Was that interpreted too? :-)

Python in itself probably could be an interpreted language, but CPython is a byte-compiled/VM language, like Java. With a JIT-byte-compiler, unlike Java, which means it can be used as a scripting language, also unlike Java.

Re: the scripting argument. Again you seem to be m...

Richard Jones<>

2010-01-21 17:54:33.824000-05:00

Re: the scripting argument. Again you seem to be missing the point. It's not that Python can't used for scripting it's that can be used for much more. Calling it a "scripting" language leads to pigeon-holing - and yes I've personally had someone be amazed that I earn a six-figure annual salary using Python because "it's just a scripting language, isn't it?" Also Python modules don't require either "#!" lines or the "x" bit. Python "scripts" on Unix-alike operating systems might. Python programs certainly don't - double-clicking a ".py" file on Windows and OS X will execute those programs.

@regebro As per my comment, languages like Java an...

Michael Foord<>

2010-01-21 11:14:47.689000-05:00


As per my comment, languages like Java and C# are usually described as compiled because they have JIT compilers. The bytecode is *not* interpreted, but native code is generated and executed. Python has an interpreter loop that interprets its bytecode.

py2exe and py2app do not compile to binaries - the...

Michael Foord<>

2010-01-21 11:13:15.751000-05:00

py2exe and py2app do not compile to binaries - they merely bundle the Python interpreter with the code (usually as compiled bytecode) with the application. This doesn't change your point, but the way you write *implies* that these tools compile to binary.

As you say Python is usually described as interpreted because the bytecode is interpreted, whereas languages like C# and Java are usually described as compiled because they have JIT compilers that compile bytecode to native code. Once Unladen Swallow is integrated with Python 3 Python will also have a JIT compiler...

The definition of compiled vs interpreted language...


2010-01-21 14:36:10.090000-05:00

The definition of compiled vs interpreted language it's getting somehow blurry... I'd say that the difference is the fact that the bytecode of an interpreted language it's a direct translation of the language, in a more convenient load format, but it doesn't change any of the fundamentals.

The variables gets their names declared on the bytecode. Any algorithm is literally used the same way, any parameters are referenced by their names or positions, etc...

On a compiled language, it's compiled on a different language. Yes, it does the same, but the variables are transformed on memory addresses, there are checks ensuring these transformations can be done correctly (compilation errors)...

The Java bytecode it's really machine code in the "Java architecture", in the 90s even there were a few "Java" machines that run natively Java code. It works like assembler, has registers, address jumps, etc... That's NOT the case of Python bytecode, which is just changing the more natural language into a step by step more easily loaded by the interpreter. You can't make a "Python architecture" machine, you'll always will need a program running that takes that bytecode and map it to machine code, sometimes one way, sometimes other. All you can do is join the bytecode with the interpreter to give the illusion of a true compiled program.

Anyway, JIT and other techniques are making these distinctions difficult, and I think it's better to think in terms of static and dynamic, which is usually what change the way of thinking and using the language...

But Java wasn&#39;t described as interpreted even ...


2010-01-21 11:22:50.775000-05:00

But Java wasn't described as interpreted even before it had a JIT compiler by default. With that wording it would have been a compiled interpreted language in the 90's, which nicely illustrates how wrong it is to try to push all languages into an interpreted/compiled dichotomy. Python is not interpreted, because it gets compiled to bytecode. An interpreted language reads the source code line by line. It's a byte-compiled VM language. So it Java, even though it's typically run with JIT-compilers.

@regebro "An interpreted language reads the s...

Michael Foord<>

2010-01-21 11:31:53.201000-05:00


"An interpreted language reads the source code line by line." - that is not how the terms are *generally* used today, although feel free to make up your own definitions and use them. ;-) (Marketing history of Java not-withstanding.)