I can't say enough good things about TDD.

But I'll try.

Due to an epic failure to read the documentation (this, specifically) I couldn't get our RESTful web services to work in Apache.

The entire application system has pretty good test coverage. I use the Python unittest to do integration testing. A test module spins up a Django test server; each TestCase uses the RESTful API library access the web servers through a variety of use cases.

However. This integration isn't done through Apache and mod_wsgi. It's done using Django's stand-alone testserver capability.

As I noted recently, Apache doesn't like to give up the HTTP Authorization header. So, the real deployment on our real servers didn't really work.

The Blame Game

At this point there are lots of things we can blame. Let's start blaming the process.

  1. TDD didn't help. By now it should be obvious that TDD is a complete waste of time because it didn't uncover this obvious integration issue. There's no justification for TDD.

#. The Unit Testing framework didn't help. It's a completely blown u nit. Unit testing is oversold as a technology.

  1. Reliance on "testing" is stupid. There's no point in even attempting to "test" software, since it still broke when we tried to deploy it. Testing simply doesn't uncover enough problems.

Clearly, we need a Bold New Process to solve and prevent problems like this.


Search Stack Overflow for "Justification of TDD" or "ROI of Unit Testing" and those kinds of loaded questions and you'll find folks that are angry that software development is hard and TDD or Unit Testing or a slick IDE or a Dynamic Language or REST or SOAP or something didn't make software easy.

There is no Pixie Dust. You've been told. Stop searching for it. Software is hard. Unit Testing helps, but doesn't make it less hard.

Unit Testing to the Rescue

Our code coverage is -- at best -- middlin'. I don't have counts, nor do I actually care what the lines of code number is. Code coverage can devolve to numerosity. The method function coverage and use case coverage is more interesting. A "logic path coverage" might be helpful. But I'm sure our coverage is far from complete.

So there we were.

  1. Hundreds of unit tests pass.
  2. A suite of a half-dozen "integration" scripts (over a dozen TestCases) pass.
  3. Real Apache deployment fails because I couldn't figure out how to get mod_wsgi to pass the HTTP Authorization header. Even though it's clearly and simply documented. [I was busy focusing on Apache; mod_wsgi solves the problem handily.]

What I did was copy a page from AWS and put the digested authentication information in a query string. In one sense, this is a huge change to the API's -- it's visible. In another sense this is a minor tweak to the application.

The RESTful web services all rely on an authenticator object. The change amounted to a new subclass of this authenticator. Plus some refactoring to locate the digest in the query string. This is a tightly focused change in authentication and the client library. About two days of work to subclass and refactor the auth.rest module.

Success Factors

Because of TDD and a suite of unit tests, many things went really, really well.

  1. I could extend the test script for the auth.rest module to include the new authentication-via-query-string mechanism. Having tests that failed made is really easy to refactor and subclass until the tests passed. Then I could refactor some more to simplify the resulting modules.
  2. I could rerun the unittest suite, including the various "integration" tests (tests that had everything by Apache) to be sure everything still worked. Believe it or not, there were actual problems uncovered by this. Specifically, some tests didn't properly use the web services API library. The library had changed, but was mostly backwards compatible, so the tests had continued to work. The latest round of changes broke backwards compatibility, and some tests now failed.
  3. Despair did not set in. There were issues: sales folks were in total panic because the whole "house of cards" architecture had collapsed. A working test suite makes a compelling case that the application -- generally -- is still sound. We're just stumbling on an Apache deployment issue. In one sense, it's a "show stopper", but in another sense it's just a Visible But Minor (VBM™) hurdle.

Not meaning to rub it in, more just providing furt...


2010-04-27 07:34:30.612000-04:00

Not meaning to rub it in, more just providing further references for people who have similar problem with Authorization header and stumble across your posts, but the issue is also mentioned in 'http://code.google.com/p/modwsgi/wiki/FrequentlyAskedQuestions#Access_Control_Mechanisms' and 'http://code.google.com/p/modwsgi/wiki/AccessControlMechanisms'. :-)