The question of "customization" and "extension" is a common one. For example, "non-technical users to be able to extend with simple scripts".

Read this question on Stack Overflow: "Programming / scripting language aimed at non-technical people".

This is -- at best -- little more than an attractive nuisance. At worst, of course, it turns into a maintenance nightmare and the reason for killing the project. Let's look at the ways this can end badly.

  1. Your "end users" can't or don't customize it with small scripts. Bottom line: you wrote a scripting interface which only you can use. Not all bad, but hardly worth the effort. Here's one version of rule: "Make it possible for programmers to write in English and you will find that programmers cannot write in English."
  2. Your "end users" turn into the worst kind of hackers and break things left, right and center. Bottom line: you spend more time debugging the messes created by scripting.
  3. The real world use cases turn out to be more complex than you bargained for. You spend endless time extending and modifying the scripting support to try and balance limited power (to prevent problems) against enough sophistication (to handle unforeseen use cases.)

"Well," you argue, "those are extreme cases. There has to be a middle road where the user's behave properly." No, not really. This middle road doesn't exist. Why? Programming is hard. A phrase like "simple scripts" is contradictory.

War Story I -- The SAS Hacks

At one organization, the accountants had created a monster. Their chart of accounts in the General Ledger (GL) was not consistent across all of the organizations. Consequently, financial analysis programs required careful rearrangement of certain ledger totals to make them reflect the business reality, not the legacy GL mistakes.

So they wrote some "simple" business rules in SAS do GL extracts. The extracts which were processed by these rules were useful for financial reporting because the legacy GL work-arounds were properly allocated.

Our job was to write a proper financial reporting tool that correctly extracted and reported on ledger data. It was going to be a proper data warehouse. The facts were amounts, the various dimensions were time, account, organization, bank product line, etc.

However, because of the SAS hacks, we could not get a single straight answer to any question. Everything had to be explained by a "here's some code" answer. Their business rules numbered over 9,000 individual simple statements.

Question: How is 9,000 of anything "simple"? Answer: it isn't. The volume makes it complex.

Further -- of course -- the business rules were actually more complex than claimed. The superficial claim was that the rules implemented line-of-business (separate from organization) rules. Some statistics showed that the rules likely contained two independent dimensions of each amount.

The "simple" rules were used to create huge complexity. It's human nature. The world is complex; we want to write software which reflects the world as we encounter it.

War Story II -- The MS Access Hack

At another organization, we had helped the end users buy really nice reporting tools from Cognos (before they became part of IBM) and Business Objects (before they became part of SAP). The tools were -- at the time -- the state of the art in flexible end-user reporting. Cool drag-and-drop interfaces, flexible scripting add-on capabilities. Really sweet.

Did the users actually use this power?


They wrote dumb, large, detail-oriented reports. They extracted the bulk data into MS-Access Databases. Then they hacked around in MS-Access to produce the reports they wanted.

Why? (1) They understood Access; learning to use Cognos or BO tools wasn't going to happen. (2) They wanted real power; the limited scripting capabilities weren't solving their problems.

The reason we became involved was because their Chief Access Hack (CAH™) got another job and no one could figure out how the Access stuff worked.

After two weeks of reverse engineering, I found a bunch of business rules that should have been in the data warehouse. We had a nice meeting with their executive; we wanted to talk about the CAH and what they were going to do to prevent this kind of MS-Access nightmare in the future.

The executive reminded us that business rules are subtle and complex. Data warehouse software development is slow and clumsy. The users will always be several steps ahead of the warehouse processing. The MS-Access hacking is how they coped with the limitations of the warehouse.

Bottom Lines

Software is complex. We can't create a language suitable for "non-technical users". Either the language is too technical for our users -- and it isn't used -- or the users become technical and demand more features.

People learn. They're only non-technical users on day 1. If they start using the scripting language, they immediately start on the path to become technical users.

The real world is complex. There are no "simple scripts" except in a few textbook cases. When we first set out to build our simple scripting environment, we start with a few sensible use cases. Then unforeseen use cases crop up and we either tell people they can't use our system [Really, would you turn them down?] or we have to add complexity.

Architectural Implications

Because of this complexity issue, avoid some urges to refactor. Not all refactoring is good refactoring. There is A Limit to Reuse. Specifically, any attempt to create plug-in scripting into a larger application rapidly becomes hard to manage. It's better to provide necessary libraries to build applications around a script than to plug a script into a standardized application.

There is a third way. At one client, the "pow...

Robert Lucente<>

2010-08-09 20:22:17.007000-04:00

There is a third way. At one client, the "power users" did their thing until the report became "stable". "Stable" was a negotiated definition on a per report basis between the "power user" and management. Once it was agreed that the report was "stable", it coded up into the formal infrastructure. Yes, there were still politics. The "power user" did not want to give up his baby. Management had to say, go have "another baby".

I am the marketing guy. I agree you're wasting...


2010-08-12 02:23:47.637000-04:00

I am the marketing guy. I agree you're wasting time writing for us end users. I liken your creative skills to that of an interpreter for a diplomat. You translate the creative intent of others. Obviously you couldn't translate for 2 people speaking at the same time. Obviously the diplomat has no business asking you to teach him the language you've mastered, as you are busy translating. Which of the diplomat wish to learn a few light phrases to keep the conversation going shouldn't you be the able to supply them? Of course problems will occur if you attempt to teach him how to conduct his efforts, or become overly concerned with the truth or accuracy of what he says.

I worked to program an online survey system that s...


2010-08-18 11:05:51.971000-04:00

I worked to program an online survey system that supports "interludes" of (type-checked, limited) Python code that can be run between pages during the survey interview process. The questionnaires are scripted in a custom language that generates a web-version of the questionnaire so the users are already programming to an extent. The Python interludes give them some extra power and creative ability though and have allowed them to do some things that the questionnaire scripting language doesn't yet support in a first class way (or may never support, for one-off type things).

The non-technical should maybe be allowed simple b...


2010-08-19 12:55:30.031000-04:00

The non-technical should maybe be allowed simple binary flag manipulation. Anything beyond that: loops, conditionals, subroutines, ... requires some technical ability. Maybe a changes to a well commented .ini file is all that could be asked of the non-technical user. - Paddy.