See this Limitations of Agile Software Development and this The Agile "Religion" -- What?.

What's important is that the limitations of Agile are not limitations. They're (mostly) intentional roadblocks to Agile.

Looking for "limitations" in the Agile approach misses the point of Agile in several important ways.

The most important problem with this list of "limitations" is that five of the six issues are simply anti-Agile positions that a company can take.

In addition to being anti-Agile, a company can be anti-Test Driven Development. They can be Anti-Continuous Integration. They can be Anti-NoSQL. There are lots of steps a company can take to subvert any given development practice. Taking a step against a practice does not reveal a limitation.

"1. A team of stars... it takes more than the average Joe to achieve agility". This is not a specific step against agility. I chalk this up to a project manager who really likes autocratic rule. It's also possible that this is from a project manager that's deeply misanthropic. Either way, the underlying assumption is that developers are somehow too dumb or disorganized to be trusted.

Agile only requires working toward a common goal. I can't see how a project manager is an essential feature of working toward a common goal. A manager may make things more clear or more efficient, but that's all. Indeed, the "clarity" issue is emphasized in most Agile methods: a "Scrum Master" is part of the team specifically to foster clarity of purpose.

Further, some Agile methods require a Product Owner to clarify the team's direction.

"A team of stars" is emphatically not required. The experience of folks working in Agile environments confirms this. Real, working Agile teams really really are average.

"2. Fit with organizational culture". This has nothing to do with Agile methods. This is just a sweeping (and true) generalization about organizations. An organization that refuses autonomy and refuses flexibility can't use Agile methods. An organization that refuses to create a "Big Design Up Front" can't use a traditional waterfall method and must use Agile methods.

Organizational fit is not a limitation of Agile. It's just a fact about people.

"3. Small team...Assuming that large projects tend to require large teams, this restriction naturally extends to project size."

The assumption simply contradicts Agile principles. It's not a "limitation" at all. Large projects (with large numbers of people) have a number of smaller teams. I've seen projects with over a dozen parallel Agile teams. This means that in addition to a dozen daily scrums, there's also a scrum-of-scrums by the scrum masters.

Throwing out the small team isn't a limitation of Agile. It's a failure to understand Agile. A project with many small teams works quite well. It's not "religion". It's experience.

A single large team has been shown (for the last few decades) to be expensive and risky.

"4. Collocated team...We can easily think of a number of situations where this limitation prevents using agile:" These are not limitations of Agile, but outright refusals to follow Agile principles. Specifically:

  • "Office space organized by departments" is not a limitation of Agile. That's a symptom of an organization that refuses to be Agile. See #2 above; this indicates a bad fit with the culture. An organization that doesn't have space organized by department might have trouble executing a traditional waterfall method.
  • "Distributed environment" is not a limitation of Agile. Phones work. Skype works.
  • "Subcontracting... We have to acknowledge that there is no substitute for face-to-face". Actually, subcontracting is irrelevant. Further, subcontracting is not a synonym for a failure to be collocated. When subcontractors are located remotely, phones still work. Skype works better and is cheaper.

"5. Where’s my methodology?" This is hard to sort out, since it's full of errors. Essentially, this appears to be a claim that a well-defined, documented processes is somehow essential to software development. Experience over the last few decades is quite clear that the written processes and the work actually performed diverge a great deal. Most of the time, what people do is not documented, and the documented process has no bearing on what people actually do. A documented process -- in most cases -- appears irrelevant to the work actually done.

Agile is not chaos. It's a change in the rules to de-emphasize unthinking adherence to a plan and replace this with focus on working software. Well-organized software analysis, design, code and test still exist even without elaborately documented (and irrelevant) process definitions.

"6. Team ownership vs. individual accountability... how can we implement it since an organization’s performance-reward system assesses individual performance and rewards individuals, not teams...?" Again, the assumption ("performance-reward system assesses individual performance") is simply a rejection of Agile principles. It's not a limitation of Agile, it's an intentional step away from an Agile approach.

If an organization insists on individual performance metrics, see #2. The culture is simply antithetical to Agile. Agile still works; the organization, however, is taking active steps to subvert it.

Agile isn't a religion. It doesn't suffer from hidden or ignored "limitations".

"But did we question the assumption that Agile was indeed superior to traditional methodologies?"

The answer is "yes". A thousand times yes. The whole reason for Agile approaches is specifically and entirely because of folks questioning traditional methodologies. Traditional command-and-control methodologies have a long history of not working out well for software development. The Agile Manifesto is a result of examining the failures of traditional methods.

A traditional "waterfall" methodology works when there are few unknowns. Construction projects, for example, rarely have the kinds of unknowns that software development has. Construction usually involves well-known techniques applied to well-documented plans to produce a well-understood result. Software development rarely involves so many well-known details. Software development is 80% design and 20% construction. And the design part involves 80% learning something new and 20% applying experience.

Agile is not Snake Oil. It's not something to be taken on faith.

The Agile community exists for exactly one reason. Agile methods work.

Agile isn't a money-making product or service offering. Agile -- itself -- is free. Some folks try to leverage Agile techniques to sell supporting products or services, but Agile isn't an IBM or Oracle product. There are no "backers". There's no trail of money to see who profits from Agility.

Folks have been questioning "traditional" methodologies for years. Why? Because "traditional" waterfall methodologies are a crap-shoot. Sometimes they work and sometimes they don't work. The essential features of long term success are summarized in the Agile Manifesto. Well-run projects all seem to have certain common features; the features of well-run projects form the basis for the Agile methods.

(mostly) intentional roadblock. Personally I p...

Robert Lucente<>

2011-12-03 11:50:29.575000-05:00

>(mostly) intentional roadblock Personally I prefer words like "administering the are you serious test"? Recently, a client was jumping up and down that they wanted x. I requested that they do x to further their goal. It took them over 6 days to do x. When I pointed this out they were furious were furious but they go the point.

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