I was told a horror story about a bad database schema migration. Let's call the author of the horror story HPL.
HPL related a tale of woeful conversion problems from a mismanaged schema migration.
While I could feel HPL's pain, the reasons given for their pain were wrong. They didn't …
more ...Required Reading: https://www.pandastrike.com/posts/20150304-agile My takeaway quote? "Scrum lags behind the modern toolchain enough that there can be a Potemkin village vibe to the whole thing." I was clued into this from another takeaway quote someone seconded on Twitter: "Waterfall used too much written communication, but …
more ...It's impossible to step into the same river twice; other waters are flowing toward the sea. It's impossible to do "head-to-head" project comparisons. You can't have the same people doing the same thing with only one constraint changed. You can try to resort to having similar people doing the exact …
more ...Maybe it's the circle-R in the PMP® signature that put me off.
What's important is that the PMP-certified project manager is absolutely married to fixed-price software development. The idea of "Agile" was unthinkable. They were very clear that we had enough information to create a fixed price.
It's hard to …
more ...Saw this recently.
Why do most gov websites look like they were created by someone's 10 year old nephew yet cost millions to make? — Steve Dekorte (@stevedekorte) December 29, 2011
I think this aptly summarizes the results of a waterfall methodology.
See this Limitations of Agile Software Development and this The Agile "Religion" -- What?.
What's important is that the limitations of Agile are not limitations. They're (mostly) intentional roadblocks to Agile.
Looking for "limitations" in the Agile approach misses the point of Agile in several important ways.
The most important problem …
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"it seems that software development has caught the agile religion. Personally, I have an issue w/ being unimodal."
First. "agile religion". As in the deprecating statement: Agile is nothing more than a religion? As in Agile is nothing more than a vague religious practice with no tangible value …
more ...I've seen some discussion on Stack Overflow that is best characterized by the question: "What is Strictly Agile?", or "What's the Official Agile Approach?".
Someone shared this with me recently: "Process kills developer passion".
I have also heard some great complaints about organizations that claim "Agile" and actually do nothing …
more ...ComputerWorld, November 22, 2010, has this: "Open Source Grows Up". The news of the weird is "It's clear that open-source software has moved beyond the zealotry phase." I wasn't aware this phase existed. I hope to see the project plan with "zealotry" in it.
The real news is "More than …
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